Universal Emperor: I Have Overlord Simulator

Chapter 88 Miracle? No, It Was Wang's Handwriting!

In fact, Ye Mo also thought about it later,

The safest thing in the early stage is the trend force development flow!

develop their own power,

Pull more franchised planets into the Star Alliance,

let them continue to expand outward,

find resources,

to achieve a virtuous circle.

Then use the harvested resources to feed yourself back,

This is the safest way!


With expansion, there is also self-strengthening!

Ye Mo actually found out,

To become a higher civilization,

The strength of its own subjects is a very important part.

Why can the mechanical clan, demon spirit clan, star hunters, and star devourers become the four major forces and enslave other planets.

Isn't it because the individual strength of one's own race is strong enough!

Take out any one casually, and it will be one against one hundred.

put it this way,

Even in simulation,

In addition to Ye Mo,

Ye Mo's subordinate at that time,

No one can single out the existence of individual races of the four major forces.

Even if it is Yue Linglong,

Put her up against a star eater,

It is estimated that the next 190 games will be lost!

If racial disadvantage cannot be compensated,

cannot improve the quality of the overall race,

The path of Blue Star to dominate the universe is difficult to go far!

Having realized this,

Ye Mo decided in the simulator,

Find a way to make up for it!

Previously, there was a "supernatural secret realm" that improved the abilities of Blue Star's subjects as a whole,

Let them have abilities! Their strength has been greatly improved!

But now it seems that

This improvement is far from enough,

In nearby galaxies can also be seen,

Encountered a more advanced civilization,

It doesn't work...

"King, the food has been distributed according to your order! The people cheered and called you holy!"

"The miracle in the morning has also spread throughout the entire Blue Star! This must be God's gift, giving us a mountain of grain!"

"With this batch of food, no one in Blue Star will starve for at least two months!"

While Ye Mo was resting, the Food Minister came in to report.


Sure enough, he got out of the (cidh) matter of the grain mountain,

summed up in miracles.

Of course, this is what Ye Mo meant,

It was he who let his subordinates spread the word!


two months?!

This time is a bit wrong!

Ye Mo frowned.

The matter of distributing food in the morning was assigned by Ye Mo to the Minister of Food.

What Ye Mo didn't expect was,

Ye Mo thought that this batch of food would be enough for half a year's consumption,

half year later,

Ye Mo has built a fleet and has the ability to know new resource planets,

No need to worry about not having enough food!

But the Food Minister told him that he could only last for two months,

Could it be that this product is embezzled!

According to the behavior of these ministers in the past,

Not impossible!

Feeling the pressure from Ye Mo,

The Food Minister knelt down on the ground and hurriedly explained to Ye Mo.

"King, what I said is true!"

"A miracle happened today, and the grain mountain moved here is enough to consume half a year under normal circumstances!"

"But I don't know why, the soil quality of Blue Star has changed inexplicably in the past few months. Many fields have experienced reduced yields, or even no crops! Under such circumstances, this batch of grain is not enough, and the full budget is... ...for two!"

Ye Mo got it.

It is estimated that it was the eve of the outbreak of the Soul-devouring Beast,

changes to the environment.

The half year calculated by Ye Mo before,

It is added to the normal land grain harvest.

However, if grain production is greatly reduced,

Isn't this batch of food not enough?

"How about Yue Linglong?"

Ye Mo asked one more question.

The Minister of Food replied, "Miss Yue's situation is similar. The food they get can greatly alleviate the famine, but it meets the standard that Wang expected to last for half a year.


"I dare you to have a suggestion!"

"We can optimize the distribution, save some food, and divide the daily ration into three days! We can barely overcome the current difficulties!"

The food minister said very implicitly,

To put it bluntly, it is to cut down on food and clothing.

Indeed, in the view of the Minister of Food,

Blue Star has few resources,

One-third of the population lives on the poverty line of hunger,

Cutting down on food and clothing is the most effective way!


Ye Mo directly rejected this method.

"From today onwards, our Blue Star doesn't have the concept of saving food and clothing, isn't it just a matter of rations! It doesn't exist from now on!"

The food minister was dumbfounded.

What kind of wind is this, Wang?

Food shortages have been a problem for a long time,

It's not something that can be solved by just saying a few words!

Wang Jiu lived in the deep palace,

I don't know it's extremely cold outside.

Just when the Minister of Food wanted to refute,

I saw Ye Mo snap two fingers.

Then...two grain mountains taller than in the morning appeared outside the palace!

The Minister of Food saw these two mountains of food,

My eyeballs almost popped out!

I'm rough!

what's the situation!

Now the Minister of Food has finally figured it out,

grain mountain this morning,

Not a sign from heaven,


It was made by Ye Mo!

How did Wang do it?!

The batch of food in front of me,

But it's more than Blue Star's annual output!


Ye Mo clapped his hands.

He Ye's scraping ability is not blown out,

Get some food from the challenger, easily.

The mountain of grain that Ye Mo took out was only a small part of the grain that Ye Mo harvested.

Most of them are still quietly lying in the space of the Overlord World.

"Is this enough?"

Ye Mo turned to ask the Minister of Food, and by the way, said one more thing,

"Food, as much as you want! If you don't have enough, just tell me directly!"

Food Minister, "???"


Are you so stupid?!.

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