At this time, on the top floor of the trial tower, the pictures of these five people disappeared instantly.

"Hey, we can't watch anymore. What kind of breaking of the rules is this?"

"That's right, this fifth round of exams is obviously the most exciting part of the entire college entrance examination."

"Then he just refused to let us see it."

"Our level only allows us to see changes in candidates' points."

"I wonder if Mr. Jin can see that scene?"

Suddenly an examiner asked Jin Juefeng tentatively.

Then all the examiners looked at Jin Juefeng at the same time, with expectant faces.

To be honest, they really wanted to watch it.

Especially I want to see how that brat Long Dingtian behaves.

Let’s see if this kid will be bored enough to take out that special sesame seed cake and start chewing it in the fifth round of exams.

Then Jin Juefeng glanced at them and said calmly, "I can't see it."

"No, this, even you can't see this."

"Then, what level of talent does it take to see this?"

All the examiners were shocked when they heard Jin Juefeng's reply.

Jin Juefeng continued, "The number of people in China who can view the fifth-round examination screen cannot exceed two hands."

All the examiners suddenly felt a chill on their backs. If they could not count more than two hands, they could only be counted on their fingers.

It was so terrifying. They couldn't even imagine what kind of big shot he was.

Then Jin Juefeng spoke again, "Please remember that this is not something you should inquire about. I am only mentioning it to you because I am in a good mood today."

"Of course, don't worry, we won't pry around."

"We should keep what you said today to ourselves."

"No one outside of the room will know."

The examiners are all very smart. When they heard Jin Juefeng say this, they naturally understood the seriousness of this matter.

Even if they borrow a hundred courages, they won't dare to inquire about this matter again.

There are only a handful of people in China who have this right. Just hearing about it is enough to make you drink a pot.

When I came to the virtual battlefield, I found that this place is a huge space. The terrain is a plain, and you can't see the end at a glance.

The entire earth was dark black, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

There are countless rocks on the plain, both tall and short, fat and thin.

The tall one is several meters high, the short one is not visible at all, the fat one is also several meters long, and the thin one cannot be felt under the soles of your feet.

Such an environment just gives professionals some roundabout opportunities.

"The smell of blood here is so strong that even the previous nightmare difficulty dungeon in Hangcheng Hills cannot compare to the concentration here."

"It's really hard to imagine what kind of war there was."

"Looking at the dark black color of this land, it is probably stained by blood."

"However, the smell of blood blends into the earth, making the smell stronger and unable to dissipate."

"It seems that this requires us to feel and experience the battlefield in advance!"

Suddenly, bursts of footsteps sounded.

A group of monsters has appeared.

At a glance, it was still dozens of meters away.

The monsters had already set their sights on Long Dingtian and rushed towards him with roars.

There are only 10 monsters in this group, not many, they are all exactly the same.

Long Dingtian directly threw out a detection technique.

However, the information returned is pitiful.

[Alpha Werewolf Warrior]

[Level: Level 15]

There are only these two pieces of information.

This is the first time that detection technology has detected so little information.

There is only the name and level of the monster, but no other attributes or skills at all.

This monster still looks like a werewolf. It stands about three meters tall and has a tail that is two meters long. If it lies down, its body length will reach five meters.

This huge size is already the same as the boss monster of the Silver Wolf Guard Captain in the previous nightmare difficulty dungeon in Hangcheng Hill.

I guess the attributes won't be bad either.

The roars of the monsters resounded through the virtual battlefield space, immediately attracting the attention of other werewolf warriors.

In just an instant, several teams of werewolf warriors appeared in Long Dingtian's field of vision.

Normal people would immediately give priority to killing the nearest group of werewolf warriors when encountering this situation.

Then kill a few in an instant burst, and then use roundabout tactics to slowly kill the monsters in accordance with the nearby terrain.

After all, once surrounded by monsters, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, Long Dingtian is not an ordinary person, and there is no need to use such tactics. To put it bluntly, just do it and be done with it.

Long Dingtian used a shadow acceleration, rushed over and gave one of the werewolf warriors a knife.

Instant kill, still instant kill.

Really boring.

Are these monsters so fragile that they can't withstand a single blow?

Next, Long Dingtian used an old method: pulling monsters.

After the werewolf warrior fell, Long Dingtian's points also changed instantly.

From 4100 points to 4150 points.

At this time, although the examiners on the top floor of the trial tower cannot see the screen, they can see the changes in points.

"Huh? An increase of 50 points means that Long Dingtian took action."

"He killed the first monster."

"This kid is so fast."

Then the score is not as simple as adding 50 points, but a direct increase of 450 points.

Directly from 4150 points to 4600 points.

This leaping increase shocked the examiners.

They all looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, not understanding what happened.

Why did so many points suddenly increase?

Could it be possible that he killed 9 monsters in an instant?

A bloody wind was thrown out, followed by a simple basic attack, and the remaining 9 monsters of this team were harvested.

This entire team of 10 monsters directly added 500 points to Long Dingtian.

Then Long Dingtian stopped moving, saying that he was pulling monsters, but he didn't pull monsters, but monsters took the initiative to come to the door.

He stood silently and waited for the remaining teams of werewolf warriors to come.

After all, these monsters are so willing to die, why should he bother to do anything?

Within two minutes.

One after another, teams of werewolf warriors kept coming to die.

Long Dingtian went straight up and took them all away with a bloody wind and a double-edged storm.

Instant kill.

This group of monsters had no time to react and just fell down unwillingly.

In this way, all the first batch of 100 monsters were wiped out.

Long Dingtian's points also directly increased by 5,000 points, reaching 9,100 points.

In these two minutes, the top floor of the trial tower was bustling with activity.

"Another 500 points were added instantly. What did Long Dingtian do?"

"How on earth did he do it? Every increase is 500 points."

"Don't these 500 points mean that there are 10 monsters in one team? In this way, he will directly kill the entire team every time?"

"Who knows, we can't see the picture."

"It's really terrible. You see, he added two more 500 points in an instant."


"What? Long Dingtian's points have reached 9100 points."

"Then it means that the first batch of 100 monsters has been killed by him."

"As for how he was eliminated, I don't know. I only know that he was so terrifying."

The examiners looked at each other, and then looked at other people's scores. They really couldn't figure it out.

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