Suddenly there was a voice.

"Children, I am Su Mingyuan."

As soon as these words came out, all the candidates in the virtual battlefield were shocked.

"What? It's Su Shen! It's actually Su Shen!"

"I didn't expect that I could actually hear Su Shen's voice!"

Su Mingyuan is one of the most powerful Apex Level people in China, and is called God Su by the world's Human Venerable.

That's because there was once a time when the demons in hell suddenly attacked humans.

At that time, Su Mingyuan showed off his prowess in that battle and defeated several Apex Level experts from hell.

After the war, he was called Su Shen by Human Venerable.

So his voice suddenly appeared in the virtual battlefield space, which immediately aroused intense reactions from everyone.

Su Shen's voice echoed not only in the virtual battlefield, but also in all examination rooms.

Jin Juefeng's expression changed instantly when he heard this.

"Why did Su Shen suddenly appear? Could it be that something happened?"

Then Su Mingyuan's voice sounded again, "The demons from hell have just invaded the virtual battlefield."

"We are already trying our best to fix the rules of the virtual battlefield. It will take about another hour."

"The demons from hell, their target is you."

"So for the next hour, please do your best to protect yourself."

"We don't know what methods the demons from hell will use to deal with you, but I believe that as long as we unite together, they will be unable to do anything to you."

"Let these hell demons see how powerful our Chinese Prodigy is!"

"We Chinese people are not afraid of powerful enemies, nor are we afraid of life and death!"

Su Mingyuan's words immediately ignited the enthusiasm of this group of candidates.

"Don't be afraid of powerful enemies, don't be afraid of life and death!"

"Don't be afraid of powerful enemies, don't be afraid of life and death!"

"Don't be afraid of powerful enemies, don't be afraid of life and death!"

The candidates present are all live young people, all of them full of enthusiasm.

At this time, their emotions were aroused by Su Mingyuan, and they were shouting loudly.

Song Qianqian also wanted to shout a few words, but when she saw Long Dingtian who was silent, she just raised her hand and did not shout.

Although Long Dingtian did not speak, he was both a Chinese and a young man.

There was excitement in his eyes.

I will never scream because it doesn't fit my style.

But as long as he faces the demons in hell, he will definitely kill them.

Next, the candidates began to gather together.

They know from an early age that hell is an extremely scary place.

It's full of dangers, but there are also countless opportunities and treasures.

I heard that there are countless monsters and demons in hell, as well as countless copies and treasures.

"I heard my dad mention that hell is very scary, and it is filled with elite monsters starting from Level 70."

Victoria Song said softly.

Long Dingtian only learned about hell from books, but there was no detailed description in the book.

So he knows nothing about hell.

Long Dingtian said lightly, "I believe in Su Shen."

Now that Su Shen has said it, as long as they unite, they can fight against the invading power of hell.

The focus of this sentence is the invading force, which shows that what they are fighting against is only the invading force.

I don't think the force of this invasion will be too strong.

After all, if the true power of hell really comes in, even the weakest Level 70 elite monster can easily kill all the candidates in an instant.

Victoria Song nodded in approval.

Jin Juefeng, the senior executive of the Zhening Provincial Trial Tower, looked solemn, "There are demons from hell actually invading the college entrance examination."

He was much calmer than the other examiners, who were all a little panicked.

"Such a thing could happen."

"How could this happen? These devils from hell are clearly here for the college entrance examination."

"Yeah, but they're targeting the Prodigy who are in the fifth round of exams."

"They are trying to cut off the roots of our Chinese nation."

"If this invasion is not handled well, they will probably come every year for the college entrance examination in the future."

After all, the candidates who can enter the virtual battlefield are the future of China.

This wave of operations by Hell can be described as extremely insidious and cunning.

"Shut up."

Jin Juefeng glanced at everyone present, and then spoke again, "Notify everyone, please don't panic, trust Su Shen."

"You too, believe in Su Shen."

The examiners all looked respectful, "Believe in Su Shen."

Su Shen's status in China is extremely high, and his words are very prestigious.

Soon, everyone chose to believe in Su Shen and became quiet.

At this time, the smell of blood in the virtual battlefield is getting stronger and stronger.

Suddenly the whole sky turned blood red.

A waning moon appeared in the sky.

"It's the waning moon of hell!"

"The power of hell is coming!"

The blood-red waning moon illuminated the earth, and the smell of blood in the air increased again.

After Su Shen finished speaking, all the candidates were ready to fight.

All of them are output professions.

The candidates have already formed their formation.

The knights and combatants stood at the front, followed by the mages and archers, and the assassins were flexible and free on the flanks.

"Jiejiejie, it's very good."

"I really like the way you look like you are serious about fighting, the way you are working hard."

"You keep trying, but you're going to die soon."

"One hour is enough to kill you."

"It's a pity that I can't take your flesh and blood back."

"After all, your human flesh and blood is the most delicious, Jie Jie Jie."

This cold voice paired with the waning moon from hell was immediately terrifying.

A trace of disgust flashed in Long Dingtian's eyes.

This kind of sneaky hell demon is the most disgusting thing.

If you don’t have any ability, you just like to pretend.

Song Qianqian was frightened by this and subconsciously moved closer to Long Dingtian.

It seems that the closer you are to Long Dingtian, the safer you are.

Not only Victoria Song, many people were frightened.

"I'm coming!"

Suddenly someone shouted.

Everyone saw a huge figure in the moonlight.

Detection techniques were thrown out one after another.

[Alpha Werewolf Elite (Hell Demon)]

[Level: Level 19]

"Hey, seeing this monster, I remembered that the highest level of this virtual battlefield is Level 19."

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot. The highest level is Level 19. You can't get any higher."

"I was shocked just now. It turns out there is only Level 19."

"You're still afraid of a hammer, we have..."

This person only said half of what he said before he choked it back.

Because behind that huge figure, equally huge figures appeared one after another. Looking from a distance, you couldn't see the end at all.

There should be hundreds of them.

All of them are Level 19 monsters, and all of them are blessed by the demonic power of hell.

Each monster is three to four meters high, with a tail two to three meters long, and its breath is very terrifying.

One by one, they rushed towards the candidates.

The entire land was being trampled by these monsters and was shaking violently.

Under the moonlight, the monster looked extremely ferocious, with barbs all over its body.

Blessed by the demonic power of hell, the appearance of the elite Alpha werewolves has completely changed and become extremely terrifying.

In an instant, great pressure came overwhelmingly.

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