Universal Job Change: Am I The Only One With A Unique Job?

Chapter 67 Understand Clearly And Enter The Copy

Tang Rou got points so she explained it in great detail.

Immediately, Long Dingtian felt that the points were well spent.

Through Tang Rou's explanation, Long Dingtian roughly understood the rules in this dungeon hall.

To enter the dungeon in the lobby, in addition to meeting the requirements for entering the dungeon, you also need to pay points to enter.

After all, in Huajing Academy, everything depends on points.

Therefore, points are also required to enter the copy.

The higher the level of the copy, the more points it needs to consume.

In addition, you can spend more points to eliminate the cooldown time of the copy.

So it doesn't matter even if there is no cooling scroll, as long as you have enough points, you can enter the dungeon repeatedly.

Long Dingtian was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

In this way, the speed of his upgrade can be increased rapidly.

Then Tang Rou brought Long Dingtian to the middle of the dungeon hall.

There are also many magic books floating in the air here.

Tang Rou explained, "This is the mission center and recruitment center of the dungeon hall."

"In the mission center, you can post missions and complete missions."

"There are a lot of tasks in it, basically collecting materials, equipment, special props, etc. in the dungeon."

"As for the recruitment center, it is naturally used for team formation. You can initiate a team or join a team."

These two functions can be said to be very practical.

Practical is practical, but the prerequisite for use is to pay points.

Whether it is a mission center or a recruitment center, points need to be consumed.

Posting tasks requires points, and the points earned from submitting tasks will also be charged a handling fee by the instance lobby.

Initiating a team to recruit teammates also requires points, but joining a team does not.

To put it bluntly, in this Huajing University, points are everything, and they are something that cannot be lived without.

Tang Rou spent about half an hour explaining everything in the entire dungeon hall to Long Dingtianzi in detail.

"Classmate, I have said everything that needs to be said. See if there is anything you still don't understand."

As soon as Tang Rou finished speaking, Long Dingtian's communicator received a message.

Long Dingtian took a look and saw that he had received contribution points from this Elf Island trial, a total of 50 contribution points.

Compared to the 1,000 contribution points required to join the Divine Creation Academy, it is still far behind.

Long Dingtian asked, "How can I obtain contribution points?"

"Are you asking about the institution's contribution points?"


Tang Rou continued, "There are very few ways to obtain contribution points for the school. There are only the following two ways."

"The first is to pass the trial organized by the school."

"The second is to complete the tasks issued by the school."

“Contribution points are earned for both.”

"By the way, there are some tasks in the task center issued by the school. After completing them, you will get certain contribution points."

"But because this kind of task is very rare and can earn contribution points, it will be completed very quickly after it is released."

"After all, everyone wants to get contribution points and join the academy, so contribution points are an essential requirement."

Long Dingtian looked at the mission center and found that there were indeed several missions issued by the school.

However, the contribution points that can be obtained by completing tasks are pitifully few.

Basically, they only have a few points, less than five points, and the highest one only has ten points.

“It seems it’s very difficult to get contribution points.”

After such a comparison, Long Dingtian suddenly found that he could get 50 contribution points for completing the trial, which was a lot.

It is estimated that Liu Yingtao and the others will get 80% less contribution points than him.

Just as he thought of this, Long Dingtian's communicator rang.

After the call was connected, Chu Xing's excited voice came from the other side.

"Ding, how many contribution points did you get this time?"

"I got 20 points this time. It's really too many!"

"Sister Cherry got 30 points. She was so happy."

Long Dingtian said calmly, "My score is 50."

"My dear mother! Sister Cherry is indeed right. You are indeed the one who scores the most points."

"Dear me, you were able to get 50 points in one go. This time you have surpassed several of my trials."

"If there are any trial missions in the future, I will definitely hold your thigh tightly. I won't let you go until you get the points."


Chu Xing said a lot excitedly and then hung up the communicator.

Tang Rou was already stunned as she listened.

Someone was actually able to get 50 contribution points in one trial.

This is absolutely terrible.

Because contribution points are very difficult to obtain.

Not only Tang Rou, but also several people on the side were stunned when they heard this.

What the hell kind of trial mission is this? You can actually get 50 contribution points.

They suddenly felt as if the trials they had done were fake.

Because you can only get 5 to 10 contribution points for normally completed trial tasks, unless you perform extremely well, you can get 20 contribution points.

And this trial where you can get 50 contribution points in one go is really unheard of.

Unless it is those high-level trial tasks after the second turn.

"This is fake. How can someone get such high contribution points?"

"That's right, and I haven't mentioned any high-level trial missions recently."

"I think his level is definitely not high. All he participated in was the Low Level trial. It is absolutely impossible for the Low Level trial to have such high contribution points, so it must be a lie."

"It's true, it must be bragging."

"Even if I'm bragging, I won't do much drafting. Who would believe it if it's so fake?"

Long Dingtian naturally ignored these people and said to Tang Rou, "Thank you."

These 100 points are indeed worth spending.

Tang Rou shook her head quickly, "You're welcome, you paid for this with points."

"Excuse me, are you going to clear the dungeon now?"

Long Dingtian nodded and left.

He came to a copy.

Nightmare Hill, Level 17 copy.

The level requirements are between Level 15 and Level 19.

In this dungeon hall, there are only 2 dungeons below Level 20.

This Nightmare Hill is one of them, and it is also the lowest level copy.

Entering the instance requires 10 points.

The cooldown copy entry time requires 40 points.

The historical record for this copy is 55 minutes, and this record was set two and a half years ago.

The team that set the record was a five-man team.

The configurations are one knight, one shaman, and three mages.

Everyone is Level 19, with full-body Azure Bronze Level equipment.

Extreme level requirements, the highest-configuration equipment, plus a three-output lineup.

This pushed the speed of their team's strategy copy to its limit.

So this record has been maintained for two and a half years, and no one can still break it.

The second-place finisher was 1 hour and 25 minutes, a full 30 minutes slower than the first place finisher.

Then Long Dingtian directly paid 10 points, because the highest difficulty of the Low Level dungeon was nightmare difficulty, and then he chose nightmare difficulty and entered the dungeon.

People in the dungeon hall exploded when they saw that Long Dingtian had actually entered the lowest level dungeon.

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