[Successfully killed a level 19 berserk boar, experience +380! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 19 berserk boar, experience +380! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 19 berserk boar, experience +380! ] 】


A large number of hints rushed to Lin Beiye like a tide.

It’s like being in the secret realm.

Lin Beiye quickly grouped his summons.

By several skeleton warriors with several skeleton shooters.

Soon, all summoned objects were divided into nearly a hundred teams.

Go in different directions and go deeper into this mountain together.

Sweep up a large number of ferocious beasts and monsters in the vicinity.

And Lin Beiye himself, as if taking a leisurely stroll, carried the largest number of summons, towards the top of this mountain peak, and quickly advanced.

As the city gate guards said, around here, there are fierce beasts and monsters of level 20.

The deeper you go, the higher the level.

Within a moment, Lin Beiye encountered a level 20 ferocious beast.

【Juli Brown Bear】




[Spirit: 404


[Skills: Intermediate Resistance, Brutal Strike]

[Intermediate resistance: 40% immune effect on negative states. 】

[Brutal Strike: Charge for one second, deal 350% damage.] 】

“This property… This grade…”

After seeing the attributes of this big fellow, Lin Beiye was slightly surprised.

It is no wonder that “507” everyone does not go deep into the falling mountains to brush monsters.

It is usually done at the outermost peak of the Falling Mountain Range.

This attribute and grade are indeed a bit high.


The moment he saw Lin Beiye, the giant brown bear let out a heaven-shaking roar.

Then, it quickly rushed up, ready to deliver a [brutal blow] to Lin Beiye.

However, it has not yet been put into action.

In the next instant, it saw the skeleton warrior and skeleton shooter behind Lin Beiye.

Without the slightest hesitation…

This giant brown bear, turn around and run!!


[Successfully killed a level 20 giant brown bear, experience +600! ] 】

Several arrows pierced its body.

Juli brown bear, quickly fell to the ground.

Several skeleton warriors quickly stepped forward and scythes in their hands.

Like death, it reaped its life.

At the same time, Lin Beiye’s small skeleton team distributed in other places also encountered giant brown bears.

[Successfully killed a level 20 giant brown bear, experience +600! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 20 giant brown bear, experience +600! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 20 giant…]

“It is worthy of being a level 20 monster, and the experience is much higher at once.”

Looking at the experience prompt, Lin Beiye nodded in satisfaction.

Presumably, in the case of the same grade, the level 20 ferocious beast has much higher attributes than the level 19 ferocious beast.

This giant brown bear is much more powerful than the violent mountain boar that Lin Beiye encountered just now!

The experience gained is a lot more, and it is also deserved.

“Level, there should be little difference between a professional and a ferocious beast monster.”

“If, for a ferocious beast, level 20 is a hurdle…”

“That for human professionals, level 20 should also be a hurdle.”

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Lin Beiye’s face.

He’s level 19 now.

As long as he moves up one more level, he can reach level 20.

I don’t know what a huge leap his four-dimensional attributes can take after level 20.

In addition to the attributes…

Lin Bei Night Skeleton Warrior and Skeleton Shooter.

Even under his full summoning, he had not raised the [Grade] of the summoned item for quite some time.

Seems… There is a solid layer of shackles!

But now, Lin Beiye had a premonition.

By the time he reaches level 20, not only his own attributes in all aspects, but also the tide will rise.

His summons, like him, will have all their attributes rising.

And the attributes of the summon, if you want to rise the tide, the most important thing is… Grade!

After all, under the same grade, the increase in attributes is, in general, relatively limited.

“Higher grade… Diamond-grade? ”

“Speaking of which, if that’s the case, is it a one-man righteousness… Summoning to heaven? ”

Shaking his head, Lin Beiye retracted his thoughts and continued to set off towards the top of the mountain.

[Successfully killed a level 20 giant brown bear, experience +600! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 20 giant brown bear, experience +600! ] 】

【Get brown bear fur! 】 】


Under the double crush of absolute number and strength.

The speed at which Lin Beiye was advancing could not be described as unfast!

Therefore, it didn’t take long for Lin Beiye to start encountering a level 21 ferocious beast!

[Successfully killed a level 21 bloodthirsty silver wolf, experience +630! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 21 bloodthirsty silver wolf, experience +630! ] 】

[Successfully killed the level 21 one…]

Experience, like a tidal wave.

To be honest, this was already a bit unexpected for Lin Beiye at the beginning.

Originally, I thought that the number of ferocious beasts and monsters in this falling mountain range was not much.

Therefore, at the beginning, Lin Beiye only held the mentality of trying his luck and came to the Falling Mountain Range to find an opportunity to upgrade.

Unexpectedly, the number of fierce beasts and monsters gathered here is quite large!

Although they did not fall into a state of madness, they would run away when they saw the skeleton army behind Lin Beiye.

However, with the presence of a skeleton shooter, it is not a trouble to kill.

After all, no matter how fast they run, can they be as fast as the arrows shot by skeleton shooters?

Time, at the snap of a finger.

Soon, it was completely dark.

However, even when it was dark, Lin Beiye did not stop moving forward.

[Successfully killed a level 21 bloodthirsty silver wolf, experience +630! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 22 fierce mad bull, experience +660! ] 】


Under such a smooth attack.

Lin Beiye managed to reach the halfway point of this peak.


In the darkness, Lin Beiye heard a strange sound.

Lin Beiye suddenly stopped.

In the next second, a glowing stone appeared in Lin Beiye’s hand.

【Fluorescent stone】

“This is… Gossamer? ”

As the light lit up, Lin Beiye looked forward.

Suddenly, it was found that not far ahead, a large number of white filamentous thin lines were suspended in mid-air. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If the average person does not look carefully, he will not see it at all.

But Lin Beiye is not an ordinary person.

With the increase of Lin Beiye’s strength level, the perception ability of his five senses has also been greatly enhanced.

Even if there is no light, as long as he gets a little closer, Lin Beiye can easily see these spider silks.

It’s just that when there is light, you can see more clearly and further.

Such words…. Lin Beiye looked around and fell into deep thought.

Not surprisingly, there should be spider-type monsters around here, right?

Moreover, look at the dense, white silk-like spider silk webs in front of a large area.

Lin Beiye estimated that this was not a “feat” that 1 or 2 spider-like ferocious beasts could accomplish.

Therefore, it is obvious that the spider silk web that can cover such a large range is at least hundreds of spider monsters built together.

In other words, the place where Lin Beiye is now is likely to be the territory of an entire group of spider monsters!

After all, if it was only a small number of spider-type monsters, there was no need to cover such a large area.

What’s more, if you really want to talk about it, Lin Beiye really didn’t see any fierce beasts for a distance.

Come to think of it, this area is the territory of these spiders in front of you.

Speaking of which, he met the entire Goblin Tribe on the outer peaks, also halfway up the mountain.

Most likely, this is a feature of the Fallen Mountains.

Each connected mountain will start halfway up the mountain and encounter a group of monsters.


While thinking, Lin Beiye heard a slight spit sound again……….

This time, Lin Beiye looked for prestige.

Soon, Lin Beiye’s gaze locked in midair.

He managed to see, high in the spider silk web, the guy who made the sound.

It’s one, it’s spitting silk… Spider.

Suddenly, Lin Beiye couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

There is no other reason.

Lin Beiye was still the first time he saw such a big “spider”.

Size, bigger than the average dog!

Its dense spider legs also have black “fluff”.

It looks particularly disgusting.

A probing, throw it on it.

【Highly toxic silk spider】






[Skills: sticky poison silk, lethal venom]

[Viscous poisonous silk: The spider silk spit out by highly toxic silk spiders is both sticky and toxic, causing paralysis and poisoning effects. 】

[Lethal venom: The highly venomous silk spider injects venom into the enemy’s body, causing 350% damage and exerting a medium-level poisoning effect. 】

“These spider silks… Poisonous? ”

Lin Beiye was slightly surprised.

Originally, I thought that this highly poisonous silk spider would just inject venom into the enemy.

Unexpectedly, they can also inject venom into their spider silk.

That is to say, when you touch their spider silk, you will not only fall into a state of paralysis, but also poison!

Thinking of this, Lin Beiye stepped forward and took the initiative to put his left hand on the white spider silk web.

The next moment.

[Negative effects: paralyzed state, poisoning state! ] 】

[Causal reversal: +40% for temporary strength, agility attribute, +20% for temporary health recovery]

[Multiplier growth: +80% for temporary strength, agility attribute, +40% for temporary health recovery]

“This thing… Works well. ”

At the same time, at the moment when Lin Beiye put his hand up.

In all directions of this spider silk web, a large number of …

Highly poisonous silk spiders!

They all crawled towards Lin Beiye!


Seeing this scene, Lin Beiye couldn’t help but frown slightly.

He did sense that there were many poisonous silk spiders in the vicinity.

But I didn’t expect that there were so many.

Densely packed, all hidden in the shadows.

“Could it be that he deliberately ran out and made a sound to attract my attention?”

Did they take themselves for prey?

Lin Beiye shook his head.

That’s fine.

After all, such words.

It is convenient for Lin Beiye to directly put these highly poisonous silk spiders…

“All in one”!

5.3 Soon, with Lin Beiye’s mind moving

A huge fireball appeared!



The terrifying flames swept out in all directions of this spider silk web!!

The highly poisonous silk spider closest to Lin Beiye instantly let out a piercing cry and quickly retreated!

However, the flames swept out in this spider silk web!

Even if they retreat quickly, as long as they are still in this spider silk web…

They can’t escape!

[Successfully killed a level 23 poisonous silk spider, experience +690! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 23 poisonous silk spider, experience +690! ] 】

[Get poisonous spider silk! ] 】

[Get poisonous spider silk! ] 】


Many highly poisonous silk spiders that reacted quickly had jumped from this burning spider silk web.

Try to dodge this terrifying fire attack.



But, dodging the first day of junior high school, you can’t hide from fifteen!

As they drop.

Lin Beiye’s summoners quickly stepped forward and wiped out these highly poisonous silk spiders!

[Successfully killed a level 23 poisonous silk spider, experience +690! ] 】

[Get poisonous spider silk! ] 】


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