Qingcheng, at the city gate.

Lin Beiye looked at the Aya family master not far away, slightly surprised.

It was very obvious that this Aya family master came to find Lin Beiye.

Otherwise, Lin Beiye would not have noticed the existence of the ~ Aya family master so easily.

However, Lin Beiye was a little puzzled.

He and the head of the Aya family did not know each other.

The two were just in the Qingcheng beast tide, and they fought – face-to-face.

There is no communication.

However, speaking of which, when the beast tide appeared, Lin Beiye saw the Aya family master leading people to stand up and protect Qingcheng, and he was a little impressed by it in his heart.

Therefore, after entering the city, Lin Beiye took the initiative to walk towards the Aya family master and spoke.

“The head of the Aya family is looking for me, but what’s the matter?”

Hearing Lin Beiye’s words, the Aya family master nodded slightly.

On that majestic face, a satisfied smile appeared.

Looking at the smile of the Aya family master, Lin Beiye was a little… Be all abroad.

Without waiting for him to think about it, the head of the Aya family withdrew his smile and said in a polite voice.

“There are indeed some things that I would like to ask you for help. ”

I heard that the head of the Aya family really had something to find himself and needed to help himself.

Lin Beiye was a little surprised.

With the strength of the Aya family master, how can a level 21 professional help him?

Without waiting for Lin Beiye to ask, the head of the Aya family continued to speak.

“Those ferocious beasts of more than 20 levels in the Falling Mountain Range in the past two days should have been brushed by you, right?”

Lin Beiye nodded.

This kind of thing, there is no need to hide.

After all, Lin Beiye’s current strength was no secret in the entire Qingcheng.

In particular, in the previous beast tide, in front of the high-level professionals in Qingcheng, Lin Beiye had already shown his strength.

The record of intercepting the beast tide alone cannot be fake.

What’s more, as long as you check carefully, you will find that not long after Lin Beiye left the city, those ferocious beasts that fell into the mountains were brushed clean.

Seeing Lin Beiye nodding, the Aya family master sighed a little in his heart.

Although he had some preparation in his heart, seeing Lin Beiye take the initiative to admit it, he still felt a little… Incredible.

After all, counting the full fight, this Lin Beiye has only been transferred for many days.

To get to this point can be said to be quite terrifying.

But… That’s fine.

In this way, he is more “at ease”.

Taking back his thoughts, the Aya family master did not turn around and said directly to Lin Beiye.

“I came to you today, mainly to ask you, after going to Beijing University, to help take care of the piano sound. ”

As the father of Aya Qinyin, he naturally knew that Lin Beiye and Aya Qinyin were both freshmen at Beijing University.

And they also knew that today was the day they teleported to Jingda.

And since the last beast tide incident, the owner of the Aya family has been very worried about Aya Qinyin’s personal safety.

Although, the sound of Ayakoto looks strong in the eyes of ordinary people.

It is not only a rare profession, but also a pseudo-champion of the Qingcheng Examination.

It is promising.

But the head of the Aya family knows very well that in the end, Ayakoto is just a professional who has just changed careers.

Even if the potential is good, it is still relatively powerless to encounter some real trouble.

For example, the [Fair Church] in this beast tide.

If Ayakoto is unlucky and runs into the professional who ambushed her…

The consequences are unimaginable!

“… Take care of Ayakoto?”

At the same time, hearing the words of the Aya family master, Lin Beiye was a little unresponsive.

As Ayakoto’s father, the words of the head of the Aya family… Is it reasonable?

Generally it’s not the father who keeps Huang Mao away… Isn’t it to keep boys away from their daughters?

How did it come to the head of the Aya family and himself, and it became to let himself help take care of Ayakoto?

However, when Lin Beiye saw the majestic face of the Aya family master, he showed a slightly nervous look, and his heart suddenly became clear.

Sure enough, no matter what level of powerhouse, they have their own weaknesses.

Ayakoto sound is the weakness of this Aya family master.

Come to think of it, the incident of the Fair Church last time made the head of the Aya family fearful.

At the same time, looking at the head of the Aya family, Lin Beiye suddenly thought of Lin Qingyou.

Can’t help but sigh.

He still didn’t know where Lin Qingyou was now and what kind of task he was performing.

I can’t help but feel a little worried.

However, thinking that Lin Qingyu’s strength was much stronger than that Zhao Tianxing’s strength…

Lin Beiye was relieved.

At present, he should not be “qualified” to worry about Lin Qingyou’s safety.

I can only wait until his strength is stronger, and then make plans.

Taking back his thoughts, Lin Beiye looked at the Aya family master in front of him and nodded.

It was considered to have agreed to the request of the Aya family master.

In fact, even if the Aya family master did not say this, Aya Qinyin was in trouble, and Lin Beiye would not turn a blind eye.

After all, he and Ayakoto can also be regarded as “fellow countrymen” who came out of one place.

Moreover, in the Qingcheng beast tide, the two are still “comrades-in-arms” who have brushed experience together.

The relationship is not bad.

Seeing Lin Beiye nodding in agreement, the nervous look on the face of the Aya family master suddenly dissipated a lot.

He patted Lin Beiye’s shoulder and took out two bottles of potions from the storage space.

Lin Beiye’s profession is not a secret.

If you inquire a little, you will know.

“These two potions should help your profession. ”

The Aya family master handed the two bottles of potion in his hand to Lin Beiye.

Lin Beiye took the potion and checked the information. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

【Special Grade Purification Agent】

[Introduction: 100% remove all negative states that are currently affected by yourself. 】

【Special Amplification Elixir】

[Introduction: All attributes are increased by 100% for one day. 】

This special amplification potion is quite useful.

But the special grade purification potion… Lin Beiye sighed.

Counting the one given to him by the examiner before, he now has three bottles of [Special Grade Purification Elixir].

I don’t know if I will have the opportunity to use it in the future.

Speaking of which, this Aya family is really rich.

This is a special grade potion, and it is actually said to be sent.

On the side, seeing that Lin Beiye had accepted the elixir, the Aya family master bowed his head slightly.

“You should also have some preparations to do, so I won’t bother you any further.” ”

“I hope you can take good care of the piano sound. ”

After speaking, the figure of the Aya family master disappeared in place.

This speed made Lin Beiye a little unable to see clearly.

“Take care of Ayakoto Yin…”

How do you feel, this sentence, there are words in the words.

Shaking his head, Lin Beiye retracted his thoughts and walked towards his home.

He rushed back to Qingcheng from the Falling Mountain Range, indeed wanting to get something.

Meanwhile, Aya Patriarch’s side.

At this moment, beside the Aya family master, there stood a professional who was not low-ranked.

Judging by his respectful appearance towards the head of the Aya family, this professional should be a member of the Aya family.

“Patriarch, does the young lady really need Lin Beiye to take care of her?”

Hearing this, the head of the Aya family squinted at the Aya family beside him.

Do you think Lin Beiye is not as good as the piano?”

The Aya family quickly shook their heads.

“Nope… Now it is indeed Lin Beiye who is more powerful than Miss. ”

This is the fact in front of him, whether it is the big test or the beast tide, the strength shown by Lin Beiye is by no means comparable to that of his peers.

“But Lin Beiye’s profession is equivalent to summoner…”

The meaning of this Aya family is obvious.

Lin Beiye’s occupation is too “alternative”.

Even if the performance is strong now, it is not easy to say in the future.

The Aya Patriarch said lightly: “What about the equivalent summoner, Daxia is not a strong person who has not appeared in a wasted profession. ”

“What’s more, his profession may not be a waste profession…”

Speaking of this, the eyes of the Aya family master condensed slightly.

In the past few days, he has consulted a lot of information.

According to the information he consulted, this equivalent summoner’s special degree was already somewhat out of the ordinary “rare class” category!

It’s okay to call it the only profession!

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