Inside the office of Kyodai.

At this moment, the picture watched by several high-ranking officials of Beijing University is no longer Lin Beiye.

It’s Zhao Tianwen who is in second place!

In the picture, Zhao Tianwen faced the hundreds of werewolves refreshed on the second floor of the Tianji Tower, and his expression was calm!

He kept raising the magic staff in his hand, condensing various attribute elements.

Smash into the werewolf that approached him!

“Huh, this Zhao Tianwen’s profession… Is it an elemental mage?”

Seeing the magic staff in Zhao Tianwen’s hand and the skills released, a high-ranking member of the Beijing University looked a little surprised.

It’s not that the profession of elemental mage is so special.

The main Zhao Tianwen brother, that is, Zhao Tianxing of Qingda.

It is a melee type professional.

Therefore, he preconceived that Zhao Tianwen should also be a melee type professional.

Unexpectedly, this Zhao Tianwen was actually a mage-type professional.

However, this kind of thing is also normal, so several people are not particularly surprised.

Calm soon returned.

“This little guy is doing well and looks very calm. ”

“Fighting and retreating, pulling monsters, this style of play is very correct for him. ”

“His skill loss is also very accurate, which can be regarded as maximizing the damage of the group’s skill. ”


After all, it is the second place in the freshman trial, and this Zhao Tianwen still has many advantages.

“One Zero Zero”, especially his way of brushing monsters, can be described as a textbook-level way of brushing monsters.

“I feel like he’s hurting a little low. ”

A high-ranking official of Beijing University frowned, looked at Zhao Tianwen in the picture, and couldn’t help but comment.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately resonated with several other high-ranking officials of Beijing University!

“I feel too. ”

“The damage is really a bit low. ”

“Although the play style is very correct, because of the low damage, the efficiency of brushing monsters is not very high. ”

“He can’t achieve the level of killing a piece in seconds when his skill is smashed down. ”

“As an elemental mage, the power of his skills is not as powerful as the fireball technique summoned by a summoner in Lin Beiye. ”


If you look at Zhao Tianwen alone.

His performance, among the freshmen, is enough to be called excellent!

After all, his style of play is very correct, basically textbook style play.

But after watching Lin Beiye, look at Zhao Tianwen.

Immediately felt that Zhao Tianwen’s strength was too “weak”.

As an elemental mage, the power of the “Fireball Technique” thrown by Zhao Tianwen was completely inferior to the power of the “Fireball Technique” thrown by Lin Beiye!

Don’t say a skill to kill a werewolf in seconds.

Zhao Tianwen, who received a 20% reduction in skill damage, basically had to throw two or three skills in a row to ensure that he killed the werewolf on the second layer.

At the same time, although his style of play is very correct, it is not very ornamental.

After watching it for a long time, it makes people feel that there is some ink.

Therefore, it didn’t take long for several high-level officials of Beijing University to feel a little bored.

“Let’s look at it differently. ”


Soon, the monitoring screen rotated again.

This time, the picture rotated to Ayakoto.

It’s different from Zhao Tianwen.

The negative effect of skill damage reduction on the second layer of the Tianji Tower is not too much of an impact on Ayakoto.

And the weakness effect is not the first time for Ayakoto.

Whether it’s a big exam, or a beast tide.

Ayakoto Oto has been in a stronger debilitating effect for a long time.

Therefore, for the current 30% debilitating effect, Ayakoto does not feel particularly uncomfortable.

And in the face of the constantly refreshing werewolf, Ayakoto Oto can easily take the life of a werewolf with her sword in her hand.

It seems that it is easy to maneuver!

It’s just that due to the problem of class type, Ayakoto Yin can’t kill werewolves in large quantities at once.

Therefore, the speed of points acquisition is not fast.

Looking at the sound of Ayakoto in the picture, several high-ranking officials of Beijing University couldn’t help but nod.

“This Niko’s strength is not bad, and the single damage is very high. ”

“As a melee type of class, it’s really nice to have this kind of performance in the monster group. ”

“Looking at the speed of her swinging sword, it should be a profession like Sword Shadow. ”

“If this nizi cultivates well, he will have a chance to surpass Zhao Tianxing of Qingda. ”

Comparing Ayakoto Yin and Zhao Tianxing is because Zhao Tianxing is also a professional who uses swords, and the professions of the two are somewhat similar.

At the same time, at the gate of Beijing University.

At this moment, many freshmen have withdrawn from the Tianji Tower.

“Alas, the second layer is too difficult. ”

“But isn’t it, I’m only 14, then the werewolves in the second layer are all level 15, there are still so many of them, how to fight?”

“Yes, and the monsters inside can’t be brushed at all, the number is constantly doubled and refreshed, and I don’t dare to continue brushing after a few rounds.” ”

“There are also negative effects, as soon as I entered, I felt very unused to it, and I couldn’t play my original strength. ”

“Don’t mention it, I’m a mage, after entering the second layer, I was directly cut by 20% of the skill damage, then I still hit a der, and I quit directly.” ”

“I heard that there are three floors, and I don’t think anyone will make it to the end. ”

“Don’t say that it lasts until the end, it is a problem for a few people to hold out to the third level. ”

With the passage of time, more and more new students have withdrawn from the Tianji Tower.

Soon, more than half of the total freshmen dropped out!

After all, the strength of most freshmen is similar.

Their limit is almost at the second level.

At the same time, as more and more new students quit, some freshmen can’t help but question it.

“I think that this freshman trial is just for the sake of difficulty, and it does not play any role in selection. ”

“I feel too. ”

“This freshman trial is simply unreasonable, and I feel that I have not played my strength at all. ”

“This newborn trial is used to strike at people, presumably to stimulate us. ”


Ahead, Director Qin, who had been silent, couldn’t help but frown when he heard these discussions.

As the person in charge of the Freshman Trial, the current controller of the Tianji Tower.

He naturally knew the current situation inside the Tianji Tower.

Also know, the existence of Lin Beiye.

Although the overall quality of this year’s new students is not very high.

However, the most outstanding freshmen are much more powerful than in previous years!

Especially Lin Beiye!

Lin Beiye’s speed of obtaining points, even if he saw it, he couldn’t help but jump his eyelids!

He had the feeling of being “fleeced”. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

And at the moment, seeing so many eliminated freshmen, they do not want to forge ahead, but instead make malicious speculations about the trial.

Director Qin was disappointed.

However, as the director of education at Peking University, educating new students is also one of his jobs.

Therefore, he glanced at the many freshmen who had withdrawn and said lightly.

“The weak question the environment, the strong adapt to it. ”

“Therefore, the weak are always weak, and the strong are always strong. ”

The voice, although flat, is clear.

The meaning is also clear.

At present, this group of malicious speculators are weak!

Not only do they not reflect on how they can strengthen themselves, but they also doubt the purpose of holding a new birth trial!

Such a person can never become a strong person!

Hearing Director Qin’s words, many unruly freshmen had a somewhat ugly face.

Actually, it’s normal.

They are all champions everywhere.

are all “top” professionals who stand out from the big exams of thousands or even tens of thousands of people…

Now, in the freshman trial, not only did they not get the first place, but they were also eliminated early!

This huge gap inevitably makes them a little difficult to accept!

It makes sense to excuse yourself.

Looking at this group of freshmen with ugly faces, Director Qin decided to show them the cruel reality.

He waved his hand.

Next to the Tianji Tower in mid-air, a leaderboard appeared!

【Freshman Trial Points Ranking】

【First place, Lin Beiye,290940】

[Second place, Zhao Tianwen, 52710]

[3rd place, Ayakoto, 39120]

[4th place, Xu Siyan, 26740]

[5th place, Xu Siwan, 26740]


This sudden appearance of the leaderboard immediately attracted the attention of many people!

“What is this?”

Is this the leaderboard for our freshmen this year?”

“It should be, this fourth and fifth place I know, and I have a hometown with a pair of twin sisters!”

“The leaderboard seems to be real-time, and the points numbers on it are still changing. ”

“Look at the first place, his points jump so fast!”

“A million … 100,000? This guy has twenty-nine points… No, it’s already 300,000?”

“First place… Lin Beiye? Who is Lin Beiye?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t heard of it. ”

“Look, the second place is Zhao Tianwen, I heard that he is Zhao Tianxing’s younger brother…”

“He’s actually only second? Only 50,000 points?”


Looking at the point leaderboard that suddenly appeared in front of him, many freshmen who were eliminated were stunned.

This number of points, can people achieve?

“This is a genius… Compared to them, I’m a der. ”

“Yes, I used to think that even if I came to Beijing University, I was the first, but now it seems that I am a waste.” ”

“The purpose of holding the Freshman Trial is to find this true genius, right?”

“Well, it should be…”


Those freshmen who were originally unconvinced, after seeing this ranking, obediently closed their mouths.

They’re not stupid either.

The number of points on this leaderboard means that the top few freshmen have no pressure at all to deal with the monsters on the second layer of the Tianji Tower! 0.6, especially the first place!

300,000 points!

If you kill all the first-tier goblins, you need to kill 30,000 goblins!

If all the werewolves killed are second-tier werewolves, you need to kill three thousand werewolves!

You know, this is not a trial without a time limit!

Full of calculations, the trial has started until now, and it has not been two hours!

In more than an hour, let alone kill 3,000 monsters of more than ten levels.

Even if they are asked to kill 7 or 8 monsters, they may not be able to kill them all!

A freshman who was eliminated, looking at the leaderboard in mid-air, couldn’t help but speak.

“It stands to reason that in the case of strong enough, the further back you go, the faster you can earn points. ”

He’s right.

This can be seen from the difference between the first layer and the second layer.

Killing a Goblin on the first tier earns only 10 points, and killing a werewolf on the second tier earns you 100 points.

Kill the third layer… They have all been eliminated, and it is not clear what the third layer is like.

But, by the same token, the third tier of points is certainly very rich.

The freshman’s gaze moved upwards and rested on the name at the top of the leaderboard.

“You guys said that after this Lin Beiye enters the third layer, the points can reach…”

“To what point?”.

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