Tianji Tower, in the space where Lin Beiye is located.

As thousands of werewolves around suddenly disappeared.

Lin Beiye knew that he was about to be teleported to the third floor of the Tianji Tower.

“I’m going to suffer again…”

The idea has just arisen.

Under Lin Beiye’s feet, there was a dazzling light!

His consciousness was once again blurred.

At the same time, the figure also disappeared into this space!

Outside the Tianji Tower, at the entrance of Beijing University.

At the moment, more than 95% of this year’s freshmen have been eliminated.

However, instead of dispersing, they gathered together.

They all looked at the [Points Leaderboard] in mid-air.


“Huh, why did Lin Beiye’s points suddenly not move?”

You know, on the leaderboard, Lin Beiye’s points beat the fastest.

This suddenly stopped moving, attracting a lot of attention.

“It’s not just Lin Beiye, but the points of the others are not moving. ”

Soon, someone noticed that the entire leaderboard was completely still, and the points of others did not change.

“It should be that the trial has just been 2 hours, and the other freshmen inside are teleporting, so the points remain unchanged. ”

They all have the experience of teleporting from the first layer to the second layer, knowing that during the teleportation, the surrounding monsters will disappear.

At this time, the points should remain the same.

“In other words, how many people have entered the third layer?”

“A conservative estimate is no more than 100, and more than nine percent of the freshmen should have been eliminated. ”

After all, as far as the eye can see, most of the freshmen are outside the tower.

“Alas, I don’t know what the third layer is like, and how long the people inside can hold out…”

“You say, among our freshmen this year, can anyone make it to the end?”

“I was eliminated on the second level, you ask me?”


Inside the Tianji Tower.

As Lin Beiye’s consciousness regained consciousness, the negative effects of the third layer of the Tianji Tower also followed.

[Negative effects: -30% for all attributes, -20% for skill damage, temporary poisoning effect (-1% max health per minute.] 】

[Causal reversal: +30% for all attributes, +20% for skills, temporary health recovery (+1% max health per minute.] 】

[Multiplier increase: +60% for all attributes, +40% for skills, temporary health recovery (+2% max health per minute.] 】

“The effect of this layer… Temporary poisoning state?”

Looking at this effect, Lin Beiye frowned slightly.

If this was the negative effect exerted by the third layer of the Tianji Tower, then he would be a little disappointed.

After all, the poisoning effect imposed by this is not as useful as the weakness of the first and second floors of the Tianji Tower and the effect of skill damage reduction.

[Negative effect: temporary paralysis effect (agility attribute – 60%). 】

[Causal reversal: temporary agility attribute +60%]

[Multiplier growth: temporary agility attribute +120%]

[Current application status: weak state, skill damage attenuation, temporary paralysis state.] 】


Suddenly, Lin Beiye found that the “poisoning” effect on his body suddenly disappeared, and turned into a paralyzing effect.

Some didn’t react.

Could it be that the Tianji Tower had just applied the wrong negative effect to him?

The temporary paralyzing effect at the moment is the real negative effect of the third layer?

Without waiting for Lin Beiye to think clearly.

[Negative effect: temporary vertigo effect (mental attribute – 60%)]

[Causal reversal: temporary mental attribute +60%]

[Multiplier growth: temporary spiritual attribute +120%]

[Current Effects: Weak State, Skill Damage Decay, Temporary Stun State.] 】

“The paralysis effect has become a vertigo effect again?”

Feel that the negative effects you have suffered have changed again.

Lin Beiye had some “understanding”.

It seems that except for the negative effects of weakness and skill damage reduction imposed on the first and second layers of the Tianji Tower, it remains stable.

This third layer of newly applied negative effects… Will keep changing!

It may be poisoning, or it may be paralysis and dizziness.

“If it’s halfway through… It’s a state of paralysis, and it’s quite troublesome. ”

After thinking about everything, Lin Beiye sighed slightly.

If you think about it carefully, you can feel how difficult this third layer is.

This constantly changing negative effect can bring extreme discomfort to professionals!

Once a professional feels unwell, it is easy to appear… Blunder!

If you deal with low-level monsters, occasional mistakes are not harmful.

If you deal with high-level monsters…

Even small mistakes can be fatal!

“Speaking of… The third layer of weirdness. ”

Lin Beiye looked around.

The environment of this third layer is not much different from the environment of the previous two layers.

Again, empty and boundless.

If it weren’t for Lin Beiye’s freedom of action here.

He wondered if time and space were completely frozen here.

After all, the surroundings were too quiet, so quiet that Lin Beiye could clearly hear his heartbeat.

Time, second by second.

Soon, a minute after entering the third floor of the Tianji Tower.

The monster of the third layer has appeared!


Seeing the monster refreshed in front of him, Lin Beiye’s face was a little strange.

The reason is very simple, the monster that refreshed from the third layer of the Tianji Tower …

It’s a group of undead… Skeleton warriors!

[Skeleton Warrior, Level 18]

These skeleton warriors are armed with large knives, and they look quite powerful.

“Isn’t that a coincidence?”

Lin Beiye’s summoning object is also of the undead.

There are also skeleton warriors.

It’s just that his skeleton warriors, whether in grade or rank, are much higher than these skeleton warriors in front of him!

At the same time, Lin Beiye also noticed.

In the middle of this group of skeleton warriors, there is also a skeleton unlike any other. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

In its hand, it holds a sharp long sword!

It looks a lot taller than the other skeletons.

Lin Beiye threw a detection technique at it.

[Skeleton Lord, Level 20]


Looking at this guy’s level, Lin Beiye raised his eyebrows slightly.

It is clear that this Skeleton Lord is the “boss” of this group of Skeleton Warriors.

Whether it’s grade, grade, or variety.

This Skeleton Lord looks much more powerful than the Skeleton Warrior next to him!

However, just as Lin Beiye was thinking.

These refreshed skeleton warriors could not hold back their killing intent, and rushed towards Lin Beiye!


[Successfully kill the skeleton warrior of the third layer, +500 points!]

[Successfully kill the skeleton warrior of the third layer, +500 points!]

[Successfully kill the skeleton warrior of the third layer, +500 points!]

[Successfully killed the third layer…]

However, before they could get closer, hundreds of skeleton mages attacked these low-grade “kinds”!

For a moment, the skeleton warriors that were refreshed in this third layer suffered heavy casualties.

“500 points?”

Seeing the points obtained by killing the skeleton warrior, Lin Beiye nodded slightly.

This number of points is not bad.

“Speaking of which, how many points is this skeleton boss worth?”

Lin Beiye stared at the [Skeleton Lord] hiding behind the skeleton warrior, a little curious.

Killing this guy can’t always get the same points as killing other skeleton warriors, right?

Lin Beiye raised his staff and summoned dozens of ice picks aimed at the [Skeleton Lord].

With his heart moving.

Dozens of ice picks instantly shot out towards the Skeleton Lord who was hiding behind!

At the same time, the skeleton shooter in Lin Beiye’s summoned also began to synchronize his power.

Hundreds of bone arrows, shoot together!

[Successfully killed the skeleton warrior of the third layer, points 00!]

[Successfully kill the skeleton warrior of the third layer, +500 points!]

[Successfully killed the third layer…]

[Successfully killed the Skeleton Lord of the third layer, points 000!]

“Not bad…”

Looking at the point reminders that kept appearing, Lin Beiye had a smile on his face.

The points earned by killing this [Skeleton Lord] are 10 times the points obtained by killing other Skeleton Warriors!

5000 points!

Soon, under the wanton siege of Lin Beiye’s summons.

This group of skeleton warriors who rushed up, all fell, and not a single one remained!

However, it is the same as the two floors before the Tianji Tower.

The moment when these skeleton warriors were completely destroyed.

Not far away, twice the number of skeleton warriors was immediately refreshed!

Even, even the Skeleton Lord has been refreshed from one just now to two!

“Huh? Like… Got stronger?”

Looking at these newly refreshed skeleton warriors in front of him, Lin Beiye was slightly stunned.

As a professional who mainly uses spiritual attributes.

Lin Beiye’s perception ability is very strong!

Therefore, even if he couldn’t see the specific attributes with detection techniques, Lin Beiye could usually roughly estimate the strength of the monster.

Now, Lin Beiye looked at these (Wang Li’s) skeleton warriors who had just refreshed twice the number.

[Skeleton Warrior, Level 18]

[Skeleton Lord, Level 20]

Although their level has not changed, Lin Beiye can obviously feel that they…

Get stronger!

It seems that after refreshing, the collective has been increased!



[Successfully kill the skeleton warrior of the third layer, +500 points!]

[Successfully kill the skeleton warrior of the third layer, +500 points!]

[Successfully killed the third layer…]

However, even if they became stronger, they were still not Lin Beiye’s opponents.

So, not long after, this double number of skeleton warriors was once again completely wiped out!

With the second batch of refreshed skeleton warriors, all fell.

Not far away, a third refresh was made!

Total number, double again!

[Skeleton Lord] also changed from two to four!

Looking at the skeleton warrior who was refreshed again, Lin Beiye couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

He keenly perceived that this group of newly refreshed monsters…

It’s getting stronger again!

“Every time you refresh, you get stronger?”

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