Beijing, in front of the university of Beijing.

As Director Qin’s words fell, everyone’s eyes were focused on Lin Beiye.

“Speaking of which, the A level is already the existence of one in a hundred, and the S level must not be the existence of one in a million?”

One in a hundred and one in a million.

It doesn’t sound like a big gap.

Actually, it’s a hundred times worse!

“Not only that, I’m afraid it’s hard to pick one out of a million. ”

“Yes, I estimate that there are few S-class in the entire Jingda. ”

“Even if there is, it must be rising slowly, and the gold content of Lin Beiye is different. ”

“Indeed, after all, the requirements for freshman S-class are too demanding. ”

This S-grade requirement is a little too low for Lin Beiye, right?”

If you really want to say it, the point requirements required for this S-grade are less than a fraction of Lin Beiye’s point score!

“… Therefore, we can’t take Lin Beiye as a standard, he is a special situation!!”


Although everyone expected.

However, when I really heard that Lin Beiye became an S-class freshman.

Everyone still couldn’t help but sigh a little.

This is an S-class.

It doesn’t sound like it’s a grade with other ratings, it’s very [special]!

Listening to the admiration of the other freshmen around Lin Beiye.

Zhao Tianwen, who was not far from Lin Beiye, had a somewhat ugly face.

For a while, he couldn’t accept this fact.

After all, in Zhao Tianwen’s original vision, he was the “protagonist” who was admired by everyone.

And right now, Lin Beiye has snatched his position as the “protagonist”!

Completely snatched away!

Didn’t leave a place for him!

No one cares about him, the second new student in the trial!

Looking at Lin Beiye, who was standing not far from him, Zhao Tianwen was extremely entangled in his heart!

Ruolin Beiye’s point score is only a little higher than him.

He wouldn’t be so entangled.

After all, if Lin Beiye’s point score is only a little higher than him, it can also be understood as luck.

He also had the confidence to challenge Lin Beiye.

But… Lin Beiye’s 28-point score, compared to him, is not a star and a half!

It’s a lot higher… 68 times!

Under such a big gap, Zhao Tianwen didn’t even have the confidence to challenge Lin Beiye!

He didn’t dare to imagine how Lin Beiye managed to achieve this kind of point score!

Therefore, at this moment, Zhao Tianwen’s heart already had some regrets.

What exactly is he… Why come to Jingda?

A place some distance from the entrance of Peking University.

Several figures appeared!

If someone “sees the goods”, they will find that these people are all high-level officials of Beijing University!

Each one is strong!

“6.8 million points, this guy is a complete freak…”

If you are purely graded according to the points, Lin Beiye’s points score can catch up with more than twenty S-grades.

The high-level officials of Beijing University looked at Lin Beiye in the distance, and sighed a little in their hearts.

Obviously, they came to see Lin Beiye specifically.

This group of high-level officials of Beijing University can take the initiative to come to the school gate after the freshman trial is over.

Lin Beiye’s achievements are really too… Against the sky.

The original record of 800,000 points, only Lin Beiye’s score … Fraction!

“This time, we really picked up a treasure. ”

This is no longer the level of picking up “good seedlings”.

This is completely a treasure!

“By the way, has Lin Beiye’s file information been brought up?”

“Tune it out, Lin Beiye is indeed the champion of Qingcheng. ”

“In the Qingcheng exam, he got a total of 2173057 points, which doubled Qingcheng’s original record by nearly a hundred times. ”

This information they talked about during the freshman trial.

For now, it merely confirms the accuracy of the information.

“The time of the big exam, and the time of the trial, should not be a few days apart, right?”

“Six days apart. ”

Hearing this, the people of Beijing looked at each other.

Six days… Other words.

Six days ago, Lin Beiye spent a day in the Qingcheng exam and achieved 2.17 million points!

Six days later, Lin Beiye spent three hours in the freshman trial and achieved… 6.8 million points?

The time taken has been reduced by 8 times.

The number of points has tripled!

In total, the gap reached 24!

From this kind of data, Lin Beiye’s monster brushing speed has increased in the past six days… 24 times!

Of course, that’s not the case.

After all, if you really want to talk about it, the points of this Beijing University freshman trial are much higher than the points of the big exam!

Naturally, it is also much more difficult to get!

Almost every freshman at Beijing University has more than 10,000 points in the big exam.

But in the freshman trial, there are very few freshmen who can exceed 10,000 points.

Being able to be like Lin Beiye, a freshman who goes against the current, is even more… Rare.

Basically, they are all A-level freshmen.

Therefore, Lin Beiye’s ascension in these six days… Much more than 24!

And that’s exactly what happened.

Six days ago, Lin Beiye couldn’t summon a skeleton mage.

With Lin Beiye after the Skeleton Mage, the speed of brushing monsters has reached an extremely terrifying point!

This trial is a good example.

“By the way, what kind of profession is this Lin Beiye?”

A high-ranking official of Beijing University suddenly spoke.

In the picture, they all saw that Lin Beiye was a summoner.

However, it is by no means a summoner of ordinary professions.

Where is there a normal type of summoner who can summon undead creatures and attribute elements before the second turn?

Lin Beiye’s profession must be a rare profession!

“Lin Beiye’s occupation is… Equivalent summoner. ”

“Equivalent summoner?”

“Lin Beiye is actually an equivalent summoner?”

Hearing this, many high-ranking officials of Beijing University were stunned.

As the high-level of Beijing University, they naturally have some understanding of this [Equivalent Summoner].

Know its [equivalent] occupational characteristics.

“No wonder…”

Several high-ranking officials of Beijing University showed abrupt expressions.

If that’s the case, everything can be explained.

Why did Lin Beiye, who had suffered a variety of negative effects, in the last three minutes of the freshman trial, not only did not decline, but improved!

Because he is an equivalent summoner!

As we all know, the strength of an equivalent summoner is related to the price he can pay!

The greater the price paid, the stronger the strength!

Presumably, after feeling many negative effects, Lin Beiye guessed that this freshman trial was about to end.

Directly choose to pay a “huge price”, get strength for a short time, and exchange for a large number of points!

But… Many high-ranking officials of Beijing University looked at Lin Beiye’s figure in the distance and frowned.

Thinking about it carefully, Lin Beiye’s various behaviors are still not very [reasonable].

Why, this Lin Beiye now looks like a nobody?

His face was rosy and his expression was calm. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

You know, after leaving the tower, Lin Beiye didn’t even drink the bottle of medicine.

Although Lin Beiye was not injured by the monsters in the Tianji Tower, the price he paid himself should not be small!

“Could it be that this Lin Beiye awakened the talent of the recovery type when he changed jobs?”

“So the recovery is faster?”

Soon, a senior official of Beijing University thought of a more [reasonable] explanation.

It seems that only this explanation can explain Lin Beiye’s various behaviors in the Tianji Tower.

“It’s possible. ”

“It should be like that, so that it can be explained. ”


This speculation was quickly recognized by the rest of the senior management of Beijing University.

“Speaking of which, this [Equivalent Summoner] actually appeared in our Great Xia. ”

“As things stand, it’s a good thing. ”

Several high-ranking officials of Beijing University had smiles on their faces.

Unlike the group of “ordinary people” in Qingcheng.

As the high-level of Beijing University, you know more about the [Equivalent Summoner] class!

Equivalent summoner, indeed a very special class type!

It’s not just its [class mechanism] special.

It’s still [quantity] special!

According to past experience!

The equivalent summoner profession, in an era, only one person will appear!

In other words, this [Equivalent Summoner] is…

Unique Career!

At this moment, in the whole world, there is only one person in Lin Beiye, who is the profession of [Equivalent Summoner]!

It is indeed very [rare].

After all, the unique profession is also a rare profession in a narrow sense.

“Speaking of which, this Lin Beiye seems to be very suitable for this profession…”

“Yes, I don’t seem to have heard of any equivalent summoner who can reach his level before. ”

“I don’t know what heights he can reach in the future. ”


The high-level officials of Beijing University couldn’t help but sigh a little.

In the long history of Daxia, there have been countless [Waste Class Powerhouses]!

These strong people have all brought their waste class characteristics to the extreme!

So, there is no absolute scrap class!

Whether a professional is strong or not mainly depends on the professional itself!

After all, even if two professions are identical, because of the difference in professionals, there will be great differences in strength!

Now it seems that Lin Beiye belongs to a profession that is very [suitable] equivalent to a summoner!

At the entrance of Peking University.

Lin Beiye didn’t know that there were so many “big guys” secretly observing him.

After all, the one who observes him now … It’s just too much.

Almost all the freshmen’s eyes were focused on Lin Beiye.

Let Lin Beiye some… Not used to it.

“Congratulations, another record. ”

I don’t know when, Aya Qinyin passed the others and stood beside Lin Beiye.

When she said this, Ayakoto had a smile on her face and deliberately emphasized the word “again”.

Because, this is not the first time she has seen Lin Beiye break records.

When Lin Beiye was in the Qingcheng exam, he broke the Qingcheng exam record.

“You’re not bad either, third place in Beijing University freshman. ”

Hearing Ayakoto’s words, Lin Beiye raised his eyebrows slightly.

To be honest, Aya Qinyin’s ranking was somewhat unexpected for Lin Beiye.

Unexpectedly, this Nizi, who has always been pressed by herself in the second, is also one of the best existences in Beijing University?

Of course, although it is the third place.

But Lin Beiye estimated that Aya Qinyin’s strength was much stronger than Zhao Tianwen, who was in second place.

After all, Ayakoto’s professional characteristics make her not fast at brushing monsters.

But, even so, the point gap between her and second place is not much. 317

It can be imagined that if it is singled out, Aya Qinyin’s strength should far exceed Zhao Tianwen, who is in second place.


Feeling the ridicule in Lin Beiye’s tone, Aya Qinyin’s cheeks were slightly red, and she was a little embarrassed in her heart.

Indeed, she herself did not expect that she was so strong and could actually become the third freshman in Beijing University…

“Damn it, doesn’t it mean that the battlefield is proud, and the love scene is frustrated?”

“Why is this guy even proud of the love scene?”


Looking at Lin Beiye and Aya Qinyin, many of the teeth after freshmen were about to be crushed.

This is all about… It’s unreasonable!

At the same time, with the announcement of the points results and the end of the rating.

This freshman trial of Beijing University has completely passed.

Director Qin, who was standing at the forefront, glanced towards the location of the high-ranking officials of Beijing University.

The huge level gap made Lin Beiye not notice the existence of these “big guys”.

But Director Qin, who also belongs to the high-level of Beijing University and has good strength, naturally noticed the existence of the “big guy” for the first time.

However, he also knew why these people were here.

Director Qin shifted his gaze to Lin Beiye.

Obviously, everyone was attracted by Lin Beiye.

This little guy… It’s amazing.

Shaking his head, Director Qin withdrew his gaze.

As the head of the new students, his task is not yet complete.

He also had to explain some precautions to all the new students.

However, these things are simple things.

It didn’t take long for Director Qin to finish.

After talking about these precautions, he officially “enrolled” the group of new students!

A large number of new students, with excitement, flocked to the gate of Beijing University.

“I finally entered the school gate, and I was standing outside all the time, but I felt bad!”

“I’m out, I’m in Beijing!”


“Aren’t we going in?”

Looking at the other freshmen who were constantly pouring into Beijing University, Aya Qinyin, who was standing next to Lin Beiye, couldn’t help but speak.

After she came to Jingda, she was independent except when she entered the Tianji Tower during the trial.

The rest of the time, she basically stood next to Lin Beiye obediently.

Therefore, Lin Beiye didn’t move, and she didn’t move.

“No rush… Someone came to pick us up. ”

Lin Beiye looked into the distance.

A familiar figure is approaching.

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for posthumous bookings!

Thank you to the book friend (灧) for sending the monthly pass again!

The word count is a bit much, and the update is late.

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