Beijing, on the campus of Beijing University.

As the first university in Daxia, the area of Beijing University is not small.

As a freshman, with no one to lead the way, it is easy to get dizzy even if you have a map of Kyoda.


Fortunately, with the existence of Yun Xuanxuan, this kind of thing will not happen to Lin Bei’s night body~.

It didn’t take long for the clouds to lead the way.

Lin Beiye arrived at his destination.

“Arrived. ”

Yun Xuanqian stopped and said to Lin Beiye beside him.

The position they are in now is that of Beijing University… Points Exchange Center!

This points redemption center can only be entered after swiping the card to identify it!

In other words, only students from Peking University can enter here!

“Drip, identity authentication successful. ”

“Drip, identity authentication successful. ”

According to the process, Yun Qiuquan and Lin Beiye successfully entered the lobby of the points exchange center after swiping the card to identify them.

After entering, Lin Beiye looked around and observed the internal environment of the points exchange center.

As one of the “facades” of Beijing University, the interior of this points exchange center is very large!

The decoration in the hall is particularly exquisite!

The whole hall is filled with various display cases!

In the display case, there are samples of various materials, medicines, scrolls, and equipment!

A feast for the eyes!

As long as you look at it, you can use points to redeem for purchases.

Lin Beiye glanced at a few samples casually.

[Advanced Life Elixir], [Advanced Mana Elixir], [Advanced Purification Elixir]….

[Large Teleportation Reel], [Advanced Teleportation Reel], [Directional Teleportation Reel (Not Activated)], [Advanced Skill Reel]…

The grade of what can appear here is basically not too low.

After all, things that are too low in grade can basically be bought with gold coins.

It is not necessary to be in the points redemption center.

At the same time, Lin Beiye also noticed the exchange ratio of points and gold coins.


1 point can be exchanged for 1000 coins!

However, it can only be redeemed in one direction.

That is, points can be exchanged for gold coins, but gold coins cannot be exchanged for points.

“The exchange ratio is actually so high?”

Lin Beiye raised his eyebrows slightly.

According to the proportion, if you convert it, the points on Lin Beiye’s body can be exchanged for 6.8 billion gold coins…

“This is already very low, and generally no one will exchange points for gold coins. ”

Hearing Lin Beiye’s exclamation, Yun Xuanqiu said to Lin Beiye.

After all, gold coins and points of Beijing University are two monetary systems.

Its rarity cannot be simply generalized.

For students at Beijing University, the way to obtain gold coins is simple.

As long as the strength is strong enough, it can endure the temperament.

Brush materials every day and you can quickly accumulate coins.

And points are completely different.

There are only two ways to earn points.

One is to complete the tasks released by Beijing University.

The other is activities such as the Trials of New Students.

Either way, the difficulty of acquiring is not low.

“There are no people right now, let’s see if there’s anything you need.” ”

Maybe it’s because of time.

At this time, there were no students from Beijing University in the points exchange center.

There are only a few staff members who manage the exchange.

Lin Beiye nodded, walked to the display case, and checked the basic “price” here.

Advanced Life Elixir, 100 points/bottle

Premium Mana Elixir, 100 points/bottle

Advanced purification potion, 200 points/bottle

“It is indeed more useful than gold coins…”

100 points, if converted into gold coins, is 100,000 gold coins.

One hundred thousand gold coins, you can buy a lot of primary and intermediate life potions.

However, it is certainly not possible to buy high-grade life elixirs.

“If you need potions, you can ask for them, there is no need to waste points. ”

On the side, seeing Lin Beiye staring at these potions, Yun Xuanyu quickly spoke.

As a “rich woman”, the most important thing she lacks is potions and scrolls.

The act of buying potions with points is, in her opinion, a complete waste!

Lin Beiye shook his head.

“I just look at the price. ”

Lin Beiye didn’t need this kind of thing either.

Even if the recovery effect of this potion is fast, it cannot catch up with the [Recovery Effect] caused by Lin Beiye when he casually loses his skill.

What’s more, in Lin Beiye’s storage space now, there were still many potions and scrolls sent to him by the Qingcheng officials that were not used.

“Let’s take a look at the equipment and materials. ”

Lin Beiye withdrew his gaze and looked at the display case where the equipment was placed on the other side.

According to different levels, the equipment display cases are divided into regions.

The lowest level area is the level 15 equipment area.

The tallest, full of level 60.

The grade of equipment placed in it is not low.

Start with a rare grade.

Lin Beiye walked towards the equipment of the level 20 area.

Today’s Lin Beiye is already level 21, and the equipment he uses is still the level 15 equipment that Yun Qiuqiu gave him before.

【Streamer Staff (Rare)】

【Wearing requirements: Level 20】

[Introduction: Mental attribute +500, skill damage +35%]

【Redemption conditions: 2000 points】

The price is fair.

Lin Beiye checked the price of other equipment again.

A little estimate.

If you want to buy a complete set of level 20 equipment, you need about tens of thousands of points.

For him, it’s a drop in the bucket.


After Lin Beiye glanced around, he frowned.

The grade of things here is indeed not low.

The starting point is the [Rare] grade.

But… Not too tall!

The start is the [Rare] grade, the highest… Or [Rare] grade.

“Forgot to say… This is the D-level exchange hall, which is open to all students of Peking University. ”

“You shouldn’t look at the stuff here. ”

On the side, seeing Lin Beiye’s brows furrowed, Yun Qiuqiu suddenly remembered that Lin Beiye was not an ordinary freshman.

Stuff here… He should not look at it.

It’s not to blame Yun Xuanxuan for being careless.

At this time last year, even if he was rated A-level, he could only exchange things in the D-level hall.

After all, even if it is something in the D-level hall, the points required are not very cheap for the average freshman.

But for Lin Beiye, the things here are really…

Too cheap.

Hearing Yun Xuanxuan’s words, Lin Beiye nodded.

It turned out to be a D-level exchange area for all Peking University students.

No wonder, he felt that the things here, although not bad, were far less precious than the rumors said.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to a more advanced place. ”

Yun Qiuquan led Lin Beiye towards the more advanced exchange area.

Different levels of redemption areas require card verification of identity.

“Drip, identity authentication successful. ”

“Drip, identity authentication successful. ”

Not long after, the two arrived at the C-level exchange area.

This C-level area is about the same size as the D-level area just now.

It’s just that there are fewer staff responsible than in the D-level area.

Lin Beiye glanced towards the display case in the C-grade exchange area.

The things in this C-grade exchange area were obviously much better than the D-grade area that Lin Beiye had just seen.

The equipment placed in the display case has basically reached the [Legendary Level]!

The grade is high, naturally, the points required are also much more expensive.

A single piece of low-level legendary equipment requires tens of thousands of points.

It’s worth a whole set of rare level equipment.

If you choose a higher-level equipment, the points required are much more expensive!

After arriving here, Lin Yeyun did not stop. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Go deeper.

“Drip, identity authentication successful. ”

“Drip, identity recognition. ”

Soon, the two arrived in the B-class area.

This B-level exchange area is much smaller than that of D-class and C-tier.

There are naturally many fewer things placed inside.

Even the staff in charge were left with only two.

At the same time, after arriving at the B-grade exchange area, Yun Xuanqian couldn’t help but look up.

Generally speaking, Yun Xuan, who is now A, also buys things in the B-level exchange area.

The equipment in this B-level exchange area has reached the epic level!

The lowest wearing requirements also need to be level 30!

After all, it is difficult for equipment below level 30 to reach this level.

Looking at these equipment, Lin Beiye sighed a little.

This grade of equipment, I am afraid that only Beijing University can put it in the display case so easily for students to exchange.

Placed outside, this grade of equipment is definitely an existence that is being robbed by everyone.

Then, Lin Beiye took a closer look.

Even the lowest level 30 epic equipment is basically around 100,000 points.

“… Do you want to go further?”

Yun Xuan looked at Lin Beiye.

Although Lin Beiye’s rating is high enough.

But Lin Beiye’s own level was not enough.

Even if it was equipment in the B-class area, Lin Beiye could not wear it.

“Go check it out. Lin Beiye nodded.

It was a rare trip, and he wanted to see what good things were in this Beijing University.

Yun Xuanqiu has no opinion on this.

After her freshman trial last year, she was the same as Lin Beiye now.

In one breath, I went directly to the A exchange area.

If it weren’t for the fact that she didn’t have an S-class, she would definitely have gone to the S-class area.

“Drip, identity authentication successful. ”

“Drip, identity authentication successful. ”

The two came to the A exchange area.

As soon as they entered this area, the two felt a gaze fall on them without concealment.

Lin Beiye followed the feeling and looked towards the place where his gaze came from.

I saw that in the corner, a middle-aged man sat calmly on a chair.

It was him just now, glancing at Lin Beiye and Yun Qiuqiu.

“He’s the head of Area A. Yun Xuanqian said in a low voice.

Being in charge of this exchange area, this guy in the corner, is certainly not simple.

Lin Beiye nodded and withdrew his gaze,

Return your attention to the redemption area.

The A exchange area and the B exchange area, on the whole, are not much different.

It’s just that the contents are more precious.

The equipment inside has reached the mythical level!

Among them, the points required for any one of them have reached more than 200,000!

Slightly more expensive, 300,000, 500,000 at every turn.

Even, in the high-level equipment area, Lin Beiye saw million-point level equipment!

This kind of price is far from what ordinary students can pay.

Of course, the attractiveness of this equipment is far from what ordinary students can refuse.

Even Yun Xuanxuan on the side was attracted by these equipment.

At this moment, Yun Xuanxuan’s gaze was staring at a level 30 mythical staff in front of him.

In fact, Yun Xuan rarely comes to the A-class exchange area.

It is not false that she is a “rich woman”.

But this grade of equipment, in the outside world, is simply not available.

Therefore, even if she is a rich woman in the outside world, it is useless.

Yun Qiuquan looked down at the points required for this staff.


Yun Xuanquan sighed softly, this price… It’s not something she can afford for the time being.

Then, Yun Qiuqian withdrew his gaze and looked at Lin Beiye.

“Are you going to the S-class exchange area?”

If you want to go to the S-class, Yun Xuanxian can’t take Lin Beiye.

After all, Yun Qiuqiu himself is still A-class, and there is no way to enter the S-class exchange area.

Previously, Yun Xuanqian had told Lin Beiye.

At Beijing University, this rating is a kind of “authority”.

Right now, it’s a manifestation of authority.

As an A, Yun Xuanqian did not have the qualifications to enter the S-class region.

Facing Yun Qiuxuan’s inquiry, Lin Beiye nodded.

Since they are all here, he naturally has no reason not to go.

“If you want to go to the S-class…”

Yun Qiuquan pointed in one direction.

“It should be there, and the process of getting in should be similar to just now.” ”

“You swipe your ID card and you should be able to get in.” ”

“… I’m waiting for you right here. ”

Lin Beiye nodded slightly.

That’s it.

Soon, Lin Beiye walked to the S-class area alone and operated according to the process Yun Qiuqiu said.

“Drip, identity recognition success, S-grade student, Lin Beiye. ”

After some operation, Lin Beiye successfully entered the S-class exchange area.

Just entered the S-level area, and did not wait for Lin Beiye to react.

A familiar feeling surged in his body…

Lin Beiye raised his eyebrows slightly, and then, he seemed to remember something.

Pupil shrinkage!

“This feeling…”

“Evil Stone!?”

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