Beijing University, S-class points exchange area.

Lin Beiye put down the [Stone of Goodness] in his hand and looked at the equipment area.

After entering the S-class exchange area, Lin Beiye’s attention was attracted by the Good Stone.

I haven’t looked closely at other S-class items.

Now take a closer look, this S-class area, there are a lot of things.

Especially equipment, weapons.

I am afraid that they are all “reserve resources” of Beijing University for many years.

Also in the S-class exchange area, these things may not be worse than the [Stone of Goodness] that Lin Beiye fancy.

Soon, after approaching the equipment area, Lin Beiye casually picked up a long sword and probed it carefully.

【Streamer Meteor Sword (World Class)】

【Wearing requirements: None】

[Introduction: Strength attributes increased by 300%, overall damage increased by 300%, skill damage increased by 200%, and physique penetration +60%. 】

[Weapon Feature 1: Sword Qi slashed out, with the effect of Starstone Fall, damage +50%. 】

[Weapon Feature 2: Comes with world-class blessings, after guidance activation, all attributes can be temporarily increased by 70%. 】

[Weapon feature 3: Indelible, no need to repair.] 】

【Exchange price: 6 million points】

“Is there really no wearing requirement? Full level wearable?”

Lin Beiye raised his eyebrows slightly.

This was the first time he had come into contact with the main weapon of this grade and learned about the characteristics of this grade.

“This amplification effect, so strong…”

After carefully glancing at the details of the equipment, Lin Beiye knew it in his heart.

It is slightly different from other grade weapons with level restrictions in the conventional sense!

This world-class weapon, the promotion of the professional, is all carried out according to the percentage!

In other words.

The stronger the professional itself!

The greater the buff brought by its weapon!

It can be said that this world-class weapon is not just a full-level weapon!

Still is… Weapon of growth!

According to this characteristic, as the level of the class increases, the buffs provided by this world-class weapon… It will become more and more terrifying!

“It’s a bit like the Stone of Good and the Stone of Evil… Is this a common feature of world-class objects?”

Speaking of which, there is no hierarchy limit for the Stone of Good and the Stone of Evil.

As long as you hold it in your hand, it will take effect!

Shaking his head, Lin Beiye put down the Streamer Meteor Sword in his hand.

Although the effect of this long sword is very good, it has little to do with him.

After all… Lin Beiye is a summoner.

It is impossible to spend 6 million points and choose a long sword as a weapon for one’s own use.

After putting down the long sword, Lin Beiye’s eyes scanned the circle and checked the other types of weapons.

The vast majority of the weapons in front of you are knives, swords, guns and the like.

Weapons such as daggers and staffs, relatively few.

After Lin Beiye’s eyes searched, he locked onto the target.

【Heaven and Earth Qiankun Staff (World Class)】

【Wearing requirements: None】

[Introduction: Mental attributes increased by 300%, skill damage increased by 400%, and physical penetration increased by 80%. 】

[Weapon Feature 1: Cast speed increased by 60%]

[Weapon Feature 2: You can increase your mana consumption (capped at 10%) and increase certain skill damage (capped at 20%). 】

[Weapon Feature 3: Comes with world-class blessings, and after guidance is activated, skill damage can be increased by an additional 100% for a short time. 】

[Weapon Feature 4 is indelible and does not need to be repaired.] 】

“So strong…” Lin Beiye’s eyes lit up.

The lifting effect of this staff… It’s not scary!

Although they were both world-class weapons, Lin Beiye felt that the magic staff in front of him was stronger than the long sword just now!

Lin Beiye’s gaze moved down.

【Redemption price: 7 million points】

Seeing this price, Lin Beiye was a little speechless in his heart.

It seems that although the grade is the same, this staff is indeed stronger than that long sword.

After all, its exchange price is 1 million points more expensive.


Lin Beiye sighed softly.

Why is it that as long as it is a good thing that he fancy, it is so expensive?

Could it be that this S-class exchange area is specifically aimed at his points?

On the side, the old man also saw this magic staff that Lin Beiye picked, and his eyes lit up.

“Little one, your vision is really good, this weapon is a weapon we snatched from a foreign place in the West. ”

“Among the world-class weapons, they are all very strong. ”

The old man sighed a little.

The vision of this S-level freshman is indeed very good.

The things that fancy are placed in the S-class exchange area, and they are all top-notch good things.

On the other side, hearing the old man’s words, Lin Beiye was slightly startled.

This weapon… Actually got it from a foreign land?

Speaking of which, his evil stone was also obtained from a different realm.

At the same time, the old man also saw the exchange price of this weapon.

7 million points.

Suddenly said with some regret.

“It’s a pity… You still have hundreds of thousands of points behind. ”

Hundreds of thousands of points, for Lin Beiye.

Not much.

But it belongs to the is… The last straw that crushed the camel.

After all, in the absence of such an activity as the Freshman Trial. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Lin Beiye couldn’t earn these hundreds of thousands of points in a short time.

“The weapons over there should be slightly cheaper. ”

The old man pointed to one side and stacked weapons on the other side.

Following the direction the old man pointed, Lin Beiye looked at the weapons stacked together on the side.

Suddenly frowned.

This world-class weapon, unlike ordinary weapons, is different.

World-class weapons, with a high probability, are weapons that can be used for a long time.

If it’s just for cheapness, choose a slightly inferior world-class weapon…

It’s too much of a loss.

“The most important thing about weapons is to see the degree of appropriateness. ”

As if he could see what Lin Beiye was thinking, the old man on the side suddenly spoke.

“Different professions, different people, for various increases are different. ”

The same is the staff.

Mages can use it, summoners can use it.

The effects valued by the two are obviously different.

For example, increasing the speed of casting spells is of little use to summoners.

But for the mage… Great use!

Therefore, even a slightly inferior world-class weapon may not be able to play a better effect!

After listening to the old man’s words, Lin Beiye nodded slightly.

Walk over to the stacked weapons.

【Silver Moon Broken Jade Sword (World Class)】

【Happo Mahayana Gun (World Class)】


As the old man said, all weapons and equipment in the S-class exchange area are guaranteed to be world-class!

It’s just that compared to the other world-class weapons that Lin Beiye saw just now, the strength of these weapons is slightly weaker.

Naturally, these weapons require fewer points.

The exchange price is basically around 4 million points.

But… After seeing the [Heaven and Earth Qiankun Staff] worth 7 million points just now.

Lin Beiye was a little disdainful of these “bargains” in front of him.

These weapons are much cheaper, but the effect is also much weaker.

And there is nothing particularly suitable for Lin Beiye.

“Hmm? This staff actually just… 2 million points?”

Just when Lin Beiye was a little disappointed.

A “bargain” staff that only costs 2 million points.

Ran appeared in front of Lin Beiye’s eyes.

Although, in the A exchange area, 1 million points is enough to exchange for high-level mythical weapons.

But in the S-class exchange area, 1 million or 2 million points, in addition to buying some disposable (Zhao Wang Hao) potions and scroll rolls.

It is unlikely that you will buy any equipment.

What’s more, it is still the weapon with the highest value among the equipment.

“This should also be a world-class weapon, right?”

Seeing the price of 2 million points, Lin Beiye was a little curious in his heart and checked the information of this weapon.

【The Staff of Fate (World Class)】

【Wearing requirements: None】

[Introduction: Mental attributes increased by 600%, skill damage increased by 500%, physical penetration increased by 80%, agility attributes reduced by 60%, and physical attributes decreased

80%。 】

[Weapon Feature 1: Cursed by the world, cast speed reduced by 80%. 】

[Weapon Feature 2: Cursed by the world, the mana required to unleash the skill is increased by 20%. 】

[Weapon feature 3: Subject to a world-class curse, the user has a probability of being affected by the curse and suffering negative effects. ] 】

【Redemption price: 2 million points】

“…… Change?”

After seeing the details of this weapon, Lin Beiye was stunned.

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