Jingcheng, Beijing University Copy Center.

Lin Beiye looked at one of the two level 21 replicas.

【Mutant Forest】

【Recommended level: 21】

【Recommended size: 5 people】

[Note: A heavily polluted forest, beware of the attacks of the monsters inside! ] Their attacks carry unpredictable damage! 】

[Optional difficulty: normal, hard, nightmare, hell]

The current record for the highest level of clearance in this quest is: 59 minutes and 36 seconds!

Note: To enter this copy, you need to pay 10 points!

It is different from Qingcheng’s completely public welfare city-wide copy center!

If you swipe a copy in the copy center of Beijing University, you need to pay 10 points!

This amount is not much, and ordinary people can easily pay this fee as long as they usually do tasks.

For Lin Beiye, these 10 points are even more insignificant and do not need to care.

“59 minutes 36 seconds?”

What Lin Beiye cared about was the record of this copy!

Sure enough, as Yun Qiuqiu said, the highest record for clearing this copy has been shortened to less than one hour.

This kind of clearance speed can not be described as unfast!

Lin Beiye’s previous speed of brushing copies did not seem to be so fast!

You know, the copy records of Beijing University are the most difficult!

That is, hell difficulty!

To be able to reach this speed… I don’t know how the previous students of Beijing University did it.

“Speaking of which, the last time I brushed a copy, it seems that I brushed a level 18 copy, Goblin Lair…”

Lin Beiye thought about it carefully.

In his impression, in the Qingcheng Quest Center, the highest level is the level 18 replica, [Goblin Lair]!

At the beginning, before the big exam, Lin Beiye relied on brushing the [Goblin Lair] and rose a lot of levels one after another!

Unfortunately, after the big exam, as Lin Beiye’s level increased, the experience provided by the [Goblin Lair] gradually could not keep up with the rhythm of Lin Beiye’s upgrade.

Moreover, there are no higher-level copies in the Qingcheng Quest Center.

As a result, Lin Beiye never brushed a copy again after [Goblin Lair]. 990

Shaking his head, Lin Beiye retracted his thoughts.

His gaze returned to the level 21 replica in front of him.

“In the past, I couldn’t summon a skeleton mage, so the speed of brushing monsters was not fast.”

In the past, Lin Beiye’s strongest aspect was not the speed of brushing monsters, but his ability to continuously brush copies without injury and without interruption!

Of course, this does not mean that Lin Beiye’s speed of clearing the copy before was slow!

Compared with ordinary people, Lin Beiye’s clearance speed can already be called “terrifying”.

It’s just that compared to Lin Beiye, who now has a skeleton mage.

The speed of brushing monsters in the past is not fast!

“Now, all kinds of hole cards are used, and I can clear the copy within 1 hour, I should be able to do it easily!”

Lin Beiye is quite confident in his current monster brushing speed.

Since someone could clear the copy within an hour, then Lin Beiye felt that he should have no problem.

Even, Lin Beiye felt that he should be able to compare with this record… Much faster!

After thinking clearly, Lin Beiye looked down at the difficulty category of this copy.

[Optional difficulty: normal, hard, nightmare, hell]

Depending on the mission, you must choose the highest difficulty quest level.

In other words, you have to choose the difficulty of hell.

“The difficulty of hell this time is finally not a hidden difficulty…”

In the Qingcheng Quest Center, almost all quests, the highest difficulty is only to the nightmare level!

The only quest with Hell difficulty is the level 18 quest [Goblin Lair]!

However, the hellish difficulty of [Goblin Lair] is not the difficulty on the surface, it is a hidden difficulty.

Only when the hidden boss in [Goblin’s Lair] in the [Goblin Lair] in Nightmare difficulty is triggered, will monsters of Hell difficulty appear!

Therefore, [Goblin Lair] is not really a hellish difficulty quest!

And right now, this [Mutant Forest] in front of Lin Beiye belongs to the hellish difficulty copy of the Eight Classics!

After the preliminary situation was almost understood, Lin Beiye made up his mind and prepared to enter the copy.

After paying the 10 points required to swipe the copy.

The staff in charge of the copy inquired about Lin Beiye’s grade.

After learning that Lin Beiye’s level was the same as the level of the copy, the staff handed Lin Beiye a small automatic timer!

According to the staff, this automatic timer is very intelligent!

It can accurately record the time it takes for Lin Beiye to enter the quest and kill the boss!

The records of all the copies of Kyodai are recorded with this little thing.

Nothing has ever gone wrong!

“Don’t put it in storage, just put it on your body, it will start timing the moment you enter the most difficult copy.”

“If you put it in storage halfway, it will fail.”

The staff reminded.

Lin Beiye nodded.

I have to say that Beijing University has done a very comprehensive job in all aspects.

It was very thoughtful.

All possibilities of “cheating” are completely eliminated.

A moment later, having made all the preparations, Lin Beiye took a deep breath and stepped into the copy!

Then, his figure disappeared into the center of the copy!

As Lin Beiye entered the copy, the surrounding Jing University students were a little unresponsive.

They looked at each other, their faces a little puzzled.

“He entered, it seems to be a level 21 copy?”

Lin Beiye wore shield-type armor, and they didn’t know Lin Beiye’s level.

However, the copy that Lin Beiye entered, they still recognized.

“It’s a level 21 copy, I brushed this copy half a year ago, and the name of this copy is ‘Mutant Forest’!”

“It’s hard to brush, the terrain in this copy is very strange, and it’s hard to walk!”

“Didn’t you just say he was here to do the [Single Quest Record] mission? How did you get into this copy? ”

“Yes, and I remember that the task requirement of [Single Replica Record] is to break the record of the same level of copy, is it okay to break it by skipping the level?”

“The question is not whether it will work or not, the question is… How can leapfrogging break the copy record? ”

When these copies of the records are all paper paste, can they be broken casually?

You know, the records recorded next to these quests are the clearance time of the highest difficulty of the quest!

That is, the record for hellish difficulty!

Not to mention the leapfrog brush, even if it is a downgrade brush, it is not easy to break!

“You say, will this Lin Beiye bei… No leapfrogging? ”

Is it possible that Lin Beiye is already level 21 now?

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

In fact, they have just thought of this possibility.

But… It always feels unrealistic.

Just entering the school with level 21?

In previous years, freshmen who could reach the highest level 17 or 18 were considered to be at the top.

None of the freshmen in the 20th grade showed up.

“Speaking of which, has ABDJ recorded the highest level of admission for previous freshmen?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“I don’t know, there should be, but it’s never been announced.”

“That’s for sure, the level of new students is similar every year, and there is no point in announcing it.”

“What about this one this year?”

“Haven’t you seen his rank yet… Maybe he’s just skimming the copy…”


On the other side, inside the copy.

Lin Beiye didn’t know that his entry into the level 21 copy caused such a big “wave”.

However, he is indeed a person who likes to skip the level and brush copies.

However, in order to earn points, this time he did swipe a copy of the same level as himself.

“It’s really a person under the eaves and has to bow his head…”

Lin Beiye sighed slightly in his heart.

After sighing, Lin Beiye observed the environment around him.

Same as the name of the copy.

The replica environment where Lin Beiye is located right now is a forest!

It’s just that this forest is somewhat special.

The vegetation in the forest looks a little… Weird.

Either it’s particularly large, or it’s strange.

Its twisted shape, it seems, has a strange “sense of mutation”.

“The name of this replica and the environment of the replica are quite appropriate…”

Lin Beiye remembered that the name of this copy was [Mutant Forest].

At the same time, Lin Beiye also remembered the precautions of this copy.

[Note: A heavily polluted forest, beware of the attacks of the monsters inside! ] Their attacks carry unpredictable damage! 】

“Speaking of which, this unpredictable injury… What is it? ”

Lin Beiye frowned slightly.

He hadn’t been in a similar situation before.

After not coming up with one, Lin Beiye shook his head and didn’t think about it.

Because, under his powerful perception ability, he has already sensed that nearby, some monsters, are approaching him!

A moment later, a sound sounded.

Several ugly-looking and weird-looking creatures appeared in front of Lin Beiye’s eyes!

“This thing, it’s a dog… Is it? ”

Looking at the creature with six legs growing in front of him, Lin Beiye raised his eyebrows slightly and threw out a detection technique.

【Mutant Vicious Dog】






[Skills: Mutation Resistance (passive), Mutation Mutation (passive), Charge Swoop]

[Mutation resistance (passive): After experiencing mutation, mutant vicious dogs have 60% resistance to various negative effects! ] 】

[Mutation mutation (passive): After experiencing the mutation mutation, the mutant vicious dog has a probability of inflicting negative effects such as poisoning, bleeding, and weakness on the enemy’s attack! ] 】

[Charge Swoop: Mutant evil dogs charge for 1 second, pounce on the enemy, and deal 200% damage! ] 】

[Hell difficulty bonus: +60% for all attributes]

“It’s really a mutated dog…”

After reading all the information about this monster, Lin Beiye knew it in his heart.

No wonder the copy introduction says that here the monster attacks carry unpredictable characteristics.

It turns out that the attacks of monsters here carry unpredictable negative effects!

“This is mutation, this is completely evolution…”

Lin Beiye secretly complained in his heart.

At the same time, while Lin Beiye was observing the information of this monster.

These mutated vicious dogs could no longer hold back their ferocity and rushed towards Lin Beiye.

However, they did not wait for them to get completely close.

As Lin Beiye’s mind moved.

Hundreds of undead summoned objects suddenly appeared beside Lin Beiye!


When these mutant vicious dogs saw these summoned objects that appeared out of thin air, not only did they not retreat, but they became more and more ferocious, and pounced!



[Successfully killed a level 20 mutant evil dog, experience +960! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 20 mutant evil dog, experience +960! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 20 mutant evil dog, experience +960! ] 】


“Experience bonus for hell difficulty… That’s a lot. ”

“Sure enough, if you want to upgrade quickly, you still have to brush the copy.”

To deal with the monsters in the quest, you don’t even need to use the [Berserk Potion]!

After all, the monsters in the copy are not afraid of death at all!

“No more delay.”

Lin Beiye glanced at the summoned object beside him.

“Go, go and break a record first!”

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