Copy, [Fork in the Road Spider Cave].

Seeing this situation, Lin Beiye raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems that all the monsters in the forks must be killed before the final stone doors of these forks will open.

Soon, along with a puff of dust, the stone door in front of Lin Beiye slowly opened.

After opening, the scene inside the stone gate was fully seen by Lin Beiye.

First of all, what caught Lin Beiye’s eyes was a spider with a dark body and a huge body!

Lin Beiye roughly estimated that this guy’s body length was more than 5 meters!

A one-meter-sized head with 16 dark green eyes!

Lin Beiye threw out a detection technique.

【Lord of Poisonous Spiders】


【Power: 1538】




[Skills: Advanced Resistance (Passive), Neurotoxin, Deadly Sting]

[Advanced resistance (passive): 60% resistant to negative effects. 】

[Neurotoxin: The Lord of Poisonous Spiders spits out corrosive toxins that deal 450% damage, inflicting poisoning, paralyzing, and hallucinogenic effects on enemies. 】

[Fatal Sting: The lord of poisonous spiders approaches the enemy, uses the mouthparts to bite the enemy, and injects neurotoxins, causing 550% damage, exerting poisoning, paralyzing, and hallucinogenic effects. 】

Not surprisingly, this guy is the boss of the fork in the road where Lin Beiye is.

Since Lin Beiye’s stone gate of this fork in the road is opened, he will encounter a boss.

So, what happens when the stone doors on the other side of the fork are opened?

Could it be that it is also a boss?

A copy… 3 bosses?

Thinking of this, Lin Beiye switched his perspective to the stone gate on the other side.

Sure enough, similar to the situation that Lin Beiye himself was in, the forks on the left and right sides, as the stone gate opened, there were also “bosses” with their own forks.

It’s just that compared to the bosses that Lin Beiye encountered, the bosses of the other two forks in the road looked much weaker.

Its size is nearly twice as small!

There are only 8 dark green eyes.

“It’s not a big problem…”

Lin Beiye nodded slightly.

The boss on the other side of the fork should be much weaker than the boss in front of Lin Beiye’s eyes.

There are summoned items allocated by Lin Beiye.

Aya Qinyin and the Xu family sisters should have no pressure to deal with this level of “bos~.s”.


At the same time, he saw Lin Beiye appear after the stone door was opened.

The Lord of the Poisonous Spiders let out a sharp cry!

Immediately afterwards, it quickly moved its 64 slender, hairy “big long legs”!

Quickly approaching towards Lin Beiye!


However, it was just about to approach Lin Beiye.

A few bone arrows shot at it quickly!

The Lord of the Poisonous Spiders couldn’t dodge and was shot in the body by one of the arrows!

At the wound, a large amount of green “juice” burst out instantly!


Feeling the pain coming from his body, the Lord of the Poisonous Spiders let out an angry, sharp cry.

It spat out a pool of corrosive yellow-green neurotoxins towards Lin Beiye!

However, in the face of the “long-range” toxin attack that this guy emitted.

Lin Beiye only turned slightly sideways and easily dodged.

Although he has the talent of [Causal Reversal], the negative effects caused by this attack can be easily reversed.

But the damage is not a state and cannot be reversed.

Let alone… This large pool of toxins looks too disgusting.

Even if it doesn’t cause harm and only provides negative effects, Lin Beiye doesn’t want this kind of thing to touch himself.

Seeing that Lin Beiye dodged his attack, the Lord of the Poisonous Spider shouted again.

Moving a number of furry “big long legs”, he rushed towards Lin Beiye again!

Only this time, it was much more careful.

It constantly adjusts its direction to avoid bony arrows from skeleton archers.

“With such a big size, the body is flexible, and it is quite good at hiding skills…”

It’s really not in vain that I have grown so many legs.


Lin Beiye aimed the staff of the Fate in his hand at the Lord of the Poisonous Spider. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Your speed… Is there electricity fast? ”

“You can dodge… Electricity!? ”

[Mana -90%, Health -40%, Temporary Spirit Attribute %]

[Causal reversal: mana +90%, health +40%, temporary spirit attribute +5%]

[Multiplier increase: mana +180%, health +80%, temporary spirit +10%]

As Lin Beiye’s words fell, one after another terrifying purple electric arcs flickered around the staff of Si Ming!

Although it seems that these arcs are only small arcs.

But in its small “size”, the power contained in… unimaginable!


The lord of poisonous spiders who originally planned to get close to Lin Beiye and sting Lin Beiye.

After seeing the arc summoned by Lin Beiye, he let out an exclamation.

Quickly moved its “long legs” and retreated backwards.

Instinctive intuition tells the Lord of the Poisonous Spiders that this blow… It’s a bit mysterious!

Perhaps, it will kill it!

You have to stay out of the way!


Looking at the Lord of the Poisonous Spider who fled in a hurry, the corners of Lin Beiye’s mouth raised slightly.

Immediately afterwards, next to the staff of Si Ming, the originally small electric arcs converged together, and in an instant, it became thicker!

Turned into a thick “thunderbolt”!

Diameter, breaking through several meters!

It emits a purple glow, shining brightly on the originally dim spider cave!


At the same time, as Lin Beiye’s mind moved.

This “thunderbolt” that he summoned in an artificial form slashed out fiercely!

Its speed is unimaginably fast!

Not to mention the Lord of Poisonous Spiders.

Even Lin Beiye himself, in the face of an attack of this speed, it is difficult to dodge!


“Boom ——!!”

In just an instant, the thick purple “thunderbolt” completely annihilated the Lord of the Poisonous Spider in it!

After a while, it was accompanied by a strong smell of char.

The “thunder” summoned by Lin Beiye slowly dissipated into the air.

Successfully kill the level 22 boss Lord of the Poisonous Spider, experience +29568!

Get a copy of neurotoxins!

Level 1, second deal!


However, Lin Beiye, who noticed that he had not cleared the customs, frowned slightly.

He has killed this poisonous spider master, why is it not considered clearance?

Successfully kills a level 22 bo(Mo good) SS giant poisonous spider with experience +14784

Successfully killed the level 22 boss giant poisonous spider with +14784 experience

Successfully clear the level 21 hell difficulty quest “Fork in the Road Spider Cave”!

“It seems that the other two final monsters in this copy are not just boss-level monsters…”

“It is also one of the quest bosses.”

“You must kill them all to clear the level.”

“No wonder, the record of this team’s copy will reach 6412 seconds.”

The [Special Copy] extension that allows 6 Kyo University students to work together and take 64 minutes to clear the level.

Sure enough, it’s not the same as an ordinary copy.

Thinking of this, Lin Beiye took out the [Automatic Timer] on his body.


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