Jingcheng, Beijing University Mission Center.

On the upper floor of the mission center, somewhere hidden in the monitoring room.

Several middle-aged men gathered here.

If Lin Beiye was here, he would find out.

The middle-aged men gathered here are the group of high-ranking people of the Beijing University who modified the rules of [Quest] and [Mission]!

At this moment, they were watching the scene in the [Mission Center] through a one-sided transparent window.

“This little guy has a strong ability to see, and he actually felt our gaze.”

Seeing that Lin Beiye was aware of their gaze in the process of receiving the point reward, a senior official of Beijing University couldn’t help but sigh.

“After all, it is a rare and only class, or a summoner category, his spiritual attributes should be very high.”

“Even so, his alertness has not completely relaxed in the mission center of Beijing University… It’s really a good seedling. ”

“Our Beijing University has really recruited treasures this year.”

“yes… However, I heard the admissions director say that this little guy can enter our Beijing University thanks to Yun Xuanxiu. ”

“Yun Qiuxuan?”

Hearing this, several high-ranking officials of Beijing University were slightly stunned and glanced at each other.

“Is it Yun Qiuqiu from last year’s freshman competition?”

“That’s right, it is said that Lin Beiye originally wanted to go to Qingda to find his relatives, but he was cut off halfway by Yun Xuan on the day of filling in the volunteers.”

“So that’s the case, then this Yun Xuan has made great contributions to our capital.”

“yes… Speaking of which, this cloud was wronged a lot in last year’s freshman competition. ”

“It’s been a year, she is still alone, and even this task, she completed it alone.”

Hearing this, many high-level officials of Beijing University looked at each other slightly.

Indeed, last year’s freshman Dabi… It’s really a loss of face!

“With this Lin Beiye here this year, the freshman Dabi should be stable, right?”

“It should be… However, I heard that Qingda has also recruited a new student this year who is completely in line with their [elite] philosophy. ”

“Hmph, in line with the extreme elite concept of that group of guys?”

“Is there any essential difference between the elite concept of those guys and the fairness concept of the [Fair Church]?”


Kyoda, Mission Center Hall.

Although Lin Beiye was aware of the secret observation of himself by the high-level of Beijing University, he did not know it.

At this moment, he is after some inspection and review by the staff of the mission center.

Successfully received the 750,000 points he deserved for breaking the copy record.

Total points, reached 5277140!

“Sure enough, it’s still a freshman trial to earn points relatively quickly…”

After checking his points, Lin Beiye sighed slightly.

In the same time, he can earn 6.8 million points in the freshman trial.

In the [Long-term Mission], you can only earn 750,000 points.

Although 750,000 points, it sounds like a lot.

But in the S-class exchange area… It’s just not enough to see!

750,000 points, in the S-class area, you can only exchange some potions and scrolls!

If you want to exchange equipment… These 750,000 points can’t even afford the cheapest [Si Ming Staff].

“I still have to rely on the freshman Dabi…”

I want to redeem the Good Stone in the S-class exchange area in a short period of time with the help of points…

Not very realistic!

If you want to get the Stone of Goodness, you still have to see…

After 4 [Freshman Dabi]!

Soon, in addition to Lin Beiye, the other women also received 150,000 points each.

“Okay, the most important place in Jingda, you have already visited.”

Seeing that several people had finished receiving the points, Yun Qiuqiu showed a smile on his face and spoke.

“It’s about to be a freshman competition, in the next few days, you better obediently brush the copy to upgrade.”

“I still have a little task on my shoulders, so I won’t wait for you.”

Hearing this, everyone was startled, and then nodded slightly.

As a “senior sister”, Yun Xuanqiu took great care of them.

If they let Yun Qiuquan take care of them like this all the time, they would also be a little embarrassed.

“It always feels… Sister Xuan has always been alone in action, so busy. ”

After watching Yun Qiuquan leave, Xu Siwan suddenly spoke.


Lin Beiye was slightly stunned.

Clouds… Busy?

“It’s not a matter of being busy… Hasn’t Beijing University always advocated group action? ”

Xu Siwan’s small face was puzzled.

The main reason why she and Xu Siyan chose Jingda and did not choose Qingda is this.

Beijing University advocates team action.

Qingda, on the other hand, advocates individual “elitism”.

The two sisters have always acted together, regardless of each other.

Naturally, it is impossible to practice Qingda’s “individualism”.

So they chose Beijing University together.

“I see that everyone else in Beijing University acts as a team… Only Sister Xuan has always acted alone. ”

Hearing this, Lin Beiye raised his eyebrows slightly.

Xu Siwan said so… He found that it seemed to be true!

Whether it’s in the Quest Center, or the Mission Center.

Many students from Beijing University are acting together!

Yun Xuanqian has always been a loner!

Even, Lin Beiye recalled that when Yun Qiuqiu was doing tasks in Qingcheng, he was also alone!

In the mission center, most of the tasks that Lin Beiye saw had a recommended number of people! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s really strange that Yun Xuanqian is doing tasks alone!

“Could it be that Sister Xuan doesn’t like to be with people?”

On the side, Ayakoto guessed.

Her own nature is relatively cold, and most of the time, she will not choose to take the initiative to be with others.

So, she didn’t think there was anything wrong with that.

Lin Beiye shook his head.

The sound of Yun Qiu and Aya Qin is somewhat different.

Yun Xuanxuan’s personality is quite “lively”.

From the contact of these two days, it can be seen that 0……..

Whether it is to Ayakoto who has met in Qingcheng but has never spoken.

Or to the Xu family sisters who live in the next room.

Yun Qiuqian can accept it easily!

It’s not like a personality that doesn’t want to be in contact with people.

Put aside your own problems… The rest is external factors.

Could it be that Yun Xuanqian did not act with others because of some external factors?

Thinking of this, Lin Beiye’s eyes condensed slightly.

Since the transfer, Yun Qiuqiu has been very good to him.

If Yun Xuanqian really encountered some trouble, he would naturally not stand idly by.

Kyodai, copy center.

Regarding the question of Yun Xuanxuan, everyone paid attention to it.

Now, their main task is to have a few days of [Freshman Dabi]!

According to Yun Qiu’s recommendation when he left, several people came to the copy center again.

“Let’s brush [Crossroads Spider Cave] together.”

Lin Beiye looked at everyone and took the initiative to speak.

This copy record of [Fork in the Road Spider Cave] has only been broken once.

According to the mission reward limit of [Team Quest Record], they can break the record a total of three times.

You can also receive another 300,000 points.

Of course, this point is actually only secondary to Lin Beiye.

After all, hundreds of thousands of points, for the S-class exchange area …

It’s just a bottle or two of potions.

For Lin Beiye, the main thing… It’s experience.

This [Fork in the Road Spider Cave] is a special copy!

The experience is incredible!

According to Lin Beiye’s calculation.

Even if it is a single level 25 ordinary copy, it is not cost-effective to team up to brush this level 21 special copy [Crossroads Spider Cave]!

From the point of view of the meaning of gaining experience.

Brushing [Crossroads Spider Cave] can also be regarded as an alternative “leapfrogging” brush copy 2.5!

On the side, for Lin Beiye’s decision, Aya Qinyin and the Xu family sisters had no opinion.

After all, as long as Lin Beiye is there, they can [lie flat].

Seeing that the women had no opinion, Lin Beiye nodded slightly.

With them, they entered the [Crossroads Spider Cave] again!

As they entered the mutant forest, the surrounding Kyoduki became numb again.

“… Why did they come to brush the copy again? Is it so spelled? ”

“What is this, I think when I first entered school, I was like them.”

“Like them? When you first entered school, you also broke the level 21 copy record in a row? ”

“That’s not it, I was only 14 when I first enrolled, and I didn’t think about grading copies….”


At the same time, on the other side, at the entrance of Beijing University.

Looking at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, Yun Xuandai frowned!

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for posthumous bookings!.

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