Jingcheng, Jingdai.

At this moment, it was already dark.

After brushing copies all day, Lin Beiye felt that his spirit was slightly tired.

Therefore, he left the copy center with several women.

Walk towards the mission center not far away, next to the replica center.

Proof that they broke the record of the copy was redeemed for points!

After doing all this.

Lin Beiye’s points reached 6027140 points!

“Finally back to 6 million points.”

Seeing the first number of his total points, he returned to 6 again.

Lin Beiye sighed slightly.

Today, he earned 1.5 million points by swiping the copy record!

The number of points is not much!

Many A-A students of Beijing University can’t earn so many points within two years of enrollment!

At the same time, in addition to Lin Beiye himself.

Aya Qinyin and the Xu family sisters who teamed up with Lin Beiye.

The points they have earned have reached 900,000!

Combine with the points they have earned in the freshman trial before.

Their total points now…

Still less than 1 million.

Although their points in the freshman trial are not bad.

But, all below!

Even among the three women, Ayakoto has the most points.

In the freshman trial, he only gained 57797120 points.

Together with the 900,000 points she obtained today, her total points have only reached 7,120!

One million points away, 2880 points away!

As for Xu Siwan and Xu Siyan.

Their results in the freshman trial are slightly lower than Ayakoto’s!

In the freshman trial, they all only received 52,240 points!

Plus the 900,000 points that Lin Beiye brought them today!

At present, their total points have reached 952240!

It’s a million away, and there’s still 47,760 points left!

Although it is Aya Qin Yin, or the Xu family sisters.

None of the points have broken the one million mark.

However, the difference is not too far.

Mission Center, Monitoring Room.

Many high-level officials of Beijing University looked at Lin Beiye, who was exchanging points, and sighed a little.

“The speed at which this little guy earns points is really terrifying…”

First, relying on the [Freshman Trial] without a point limit, he earned 6.8 million points in the Tianji Tower!

Then relying on the [Long-term Mission], in one day, he broke the copy record and earned millions of points…

Before the entrance ceremony was held, the total number of points obtained by Lin Beiye exceeded 8 million!

“Yes, his speed of earning points should be the fastest freshman to earn points in a short period of time since the establishment of Beijing University, right?”

“It should be, I haven’t heard of any freshman who earns points so quickly…”

“Maybe it’s something you need… I heard that this little guy had already been to the S-class exchange area yesterday. ”

“This little guy has already been to the S-class exchange area?”

Hearing this, several high-ranking officials of Beijing University were slightly startled.

“He has already been to the S-class exchange area?”

“No wonder he is in such a hurry to earn points…”

“I’m afraid that after looking at the [price] in the S-class exchange area, he developed a sense of urgency about the points in his hand, right?”

Millions of points on Lin Beiye’s body.

Placed in the A exchange area of Beijing University, it is enough to sweep most items!

But in the S-class exchange area, it is just a “normal” level!


“Speaking of which, in this freshman trial, setting up an S grade is indeed not very good.”

After all, the things in this S-class exchange area are much better than other level items!

According to the practice of Beijing University in previous years.

S-level students at Beijing University have seen the items and equipment in the S-class exchange area with their own eyes.

It’s hard to see items outside the S-class redemption area!

After all, even under the S-class exchange area, the best A exchange area.

The items in it are far from the world-class treasures in the S-class exchange area!

“By the way, speaking of which, the reward for the first place in the [Freshman Big Competition] that we modified last year, is it for the S-level exchange area…”

“Also in effect?”


After redeeming your points.

Lin Beiye, Aya Qinyin and the Xu family sisters went to the cafeteria of Beijing University together.

At the moment, bafi is worth meals.

In the cafeteria of Beijing University, there are many people!

“Look, that guy is Lin Beiye who broke the copy record!”

“Lin Beiye? Where is it? ”

“Just came in, at the entrance of the cafeteria, the person who was a few girls next to him was him…”

“See… I lean, who are these girls next to this guy? So beautiful! ”

“These girls are also freshmen at our Beijing University this year.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“What is his identity?” Have so many beautiful women to accompany when you first enter school? ”

“What is his identity, I don’t know…”

“However, I know that he gave these girls 900,000 points each…”

Lin Beiye took Aya Qinyin and the Xu family sisters to team up to complete the task of [Team Copy Record].

Isn’t it just “giving” them points for free?

“900,000 points!? Really fake? ”

“Excuse me, I’m not a girl, I’m a boy, can he give me this point?”

“Haha, don’t say if you are a boy or a girl, even if you are an animal, this point cannot be given to you…”

“Don’t say it’s just these freshmen…”

“I saw it today, Yun Qiuqiu was continuously in the rest area in the copy center, personally guarding this guy out of the copy!”

“Yes, I saw it too… Speaking of which, this is the first time I’ve seen Yun Qiuqiu with others…”


Lin Beiye’s “combination” of people is really too eye-catching.

As a result, Lin Beiye just entered the canteen of Beijing University.

It didn’t take long for everyone to talk about it.

However, most of these discussions are curious about Lin Beiye, a freshman!

There is no malice.

Therefore, Lin Beiye and the others did not care.

Soon, they found a corner of the cafeteria and sat down.

“You seem to have become a celebrity in Beijing.”

Looking at the gazes that kept coming from all around, Xu Siwan couldn’t help but say to Lin Beiye.

“Just for a moment.”

Lin Beiye’s tone was flat.

He knows that the main reason why everyone pays attention to him is that everyone is a little curious about the new students who have just entered this year!

After this time, everyone will not “pay so much” to him.

“That’s awesome too… You see those guys, they don’t even know our names. ”

Xu Siwan pouted.

Everyone’s title for her and Xu Siyan is very fixed!

It’s basically … [The twin sisters next to Lin Beiye]!

Of course, there is no way around it.

After all, there are too many “history” created by Lin Beiye alone!

Most people only know Lin Beiye alone!

“Well, I can’t stop your mouth when I eat.”

Xu Siyan knocked her sister’s forehead.

At the same time, Lin Beiye, who was burying his head in eating on the side.

Suddenly raised his head, looked not far from him, and raised his eyebrows slightly!

Then, he looked up not far away!

In his keen perception.


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