Jingcheng, Jingda cafeteria.

“Since you can help Jiang Tao pass on a message to us…”

“Then it should be, you can also take the initiative to contact him, right?”

Hearing Lin Beiye’s words, Zhao Tianwen was slightly startled.

Before he could react, Lin Beiye continued to speak.

“You go and tell him how we are with Yun Xuanxuan…”

“Mind his?”

“If he is not convinced, he can endure it, and there is no need to send us a message.”

“After all… We will not listen to him. ”

Lin Beiye’s voice when he said this was particularly flat.

But the momentum carried in the words is unquestionable!

“Well said!”

“The people of Qingda dare to manage our Jingda?”

“These two years have made them too powerful!”

“When we used to gain power, we weren’t as arrogant as them!”

“Just like that, they still call themselves elites…”

“yes, it’s really funny. ”

“Speaking of which, this year’s freshman competition, we have Lin Beiye in Beijing, we can teach them a hard lesson!”


Although there is no major contradiction between Jingda and Qingda.

But as one of the top institutions in Daxia, the competition between students from the two schools is still quite fierce.

At the same time, after hearing what Lin Beiye wanted to convey, Zhao Tianwen nodded stunned.

Walk towards the outside of the cafeteria.

After a moment, he gradually realized that something was wrong.


“Got a rumor?”

This Lin Beiye asked him to pass news to Jiang Tao of Qingda, and he went to Qingda to deliver news to Jiang Tao?

Is he Lin Beiye’s dog?

Why do you want to help Lin Beiye to spread the news?

Thinking of this, Zhao Tianwen turned around, intending to refuse Lin Beiye’s request.

However, he just turned around.

I saw the people in the cafeteria, the people of Beijing who were angry.

“If I want to say, the kid who passed the message just now is not a good thing, and he actually helped Qingda pass the message!”

“Yes, I heard that his brother is still the student council president of Qing University!”

“I also think that this kid turned his elbow out, he wouldn’t want to teach Lin Beiye a lesson through Jiang Tao’s hand, right?”

“It’s hard to say, if that’s the case, let’s also make a move, really think that we have no one in Jingda?”

“Don’t worry, let’s look at people not just look at the surface, observe and observe this guy, there are problems teaching him a lesson…”


Hearing the discussion of everyone in the cafeteria, Zhao Tianwen couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

Instantly dispelled the thought he had just had in his heart.

Isn’t it just to help Lin Beiye spread a word?

It’s not that I haven’t helped others pass it on before.

Who to help pass it on?

Help spread a word, and he will not lose a piece of meat!

If you don’t help pass it on… This group of angry students in Beijing University may not be able to do something.

Thinking of this, Zhao Tianwen’s foot speed increased and left the Beijing University cafeteria.

In the Kyo University cafeteria, after a late meal.

Lin Beiye and the others returned to the second floor of the Jingda single apartment together.

“Knock knock—”

“Knock knock—”


“Sister Xuan is not there.”

As soon as she returned to the second floor, Xu Siwan knocked on Yun Xuanxuan’s door.

But there was no response.

“It should be that the mission is not over yet.”

Lin Beiye shook his head.

Before Yun Xuanqian left at noon, she said that she had some tasks to deal with.

He hasn’t come back yet, so the task hasn’t been dealt with yet.

After all, Yun Xuan is a loner, dealing with tasks, and there is some trouble.

Thinking of this, Lin Beiye felt a little pity in his heart.

Originally, he also planned to find out what happened to Jiang Tao with Yun Qiuqiu.

After all, judging from the words from this Jiang Tao, the other party was obviously not a good comer!

Lin Beiye was not afraid of the other party.

But as the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing the other is invincible.

Lin Beiye did not have the habit of underestimating the enemy.

Therefore, he must at least understand first, this Jiang Tao… It’s something.

However, since Yun Xuanqian is not there… He could only wait for Yun Qiuquan to come back and ask again.

Soon, everyone went back to their rooms.

After Lin Beiye returned to the room, he took out several copies from his storage space…

【Intermediate Skill Reel】!

This is the scroll he prepared before!

“Level 22… I don’t know if I can learn some new skills. ”

[Boot failed! ] 】

[Boot failed! ] (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )


Several scrolls in succession, all failed to boot.

“… Is the level still a little lower? ”

This uses reel scrolls to learn skills.

Success is closely related to the level of the professional and the number of skills he has.

“It feels… Just a little closer. ”

“Perhaps… Level up one more level, and when you reach level 23, you will be able to learn new skills…”

Time, like light and shadow, is fleeting!

Early the next morning, the copy center of Beijing University was inside .0

“Here it comes… Lin Beiye is here again! ”

“Huh? Lin Beiye is here again? Didn’t he come yesterday? Still coming today? ”

“And he came so early…”

“How else can people be so high-level?”

“Mainly… Won’t he get tired? ”

And low-level quests, different!

Brushing these quests above level 20 often requires a lot of physical strength and energy from professionals!

Most people brush all day and then rest for a few days in a row.

Lin Beiye only brushed the copy for a day yesterday, and early this morning, he came to brush the copy again?

“Forget it, the word tired has nothing to do with Lin Beiye, someone counted yesterday, Lin Beiye can brush at least 10 times a day of the highest difficulty copy of the same level!”

“This guy is scary…”

“Haha, Lin Beiyeqiang is a good thing, this year’s freshman competition should start soon, with Lin Beiye here, Qingda’s group of fresh [elites] will be unlucky!”


Today, Lin Beiye can be described as getting up early!

In addition to him, Aya Qinyin and the Xu family sisters have not yet risen!

So, after Lin Beiye entered the copy center.

There is no direction, a special copy with more experience, [Fork in the Road Spider Cave].

After all, there are not enough people to meet the conditions of the special copy, and he cannot enter the special copy.

Therefore, Lin Beiye’s purpose in coming to the copy center now is not to brush the [Crossroads Spider Cave].

Lin Beiye’s 5.7 gaze was constantly “searching” after entering the copy hall.

Right now, Lin Beiye is already level 22.

It just so happens that you can do the [Long-term Mission] of the level 22 copy first.

After all… It’s all points…

“Level 22 copy, it seems that there is only one…”

“It’s a shame.”

After some searching, Lin Beiye found the only level 22 copy in this Jingda Quest Center!

【Desert Oasis】

“A copy of the desert terrain…”

“Speaking of which, these copies… How did it come about? ”

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for posthumous bookings!

Thank you to the book friend (Kujutenque-) for the monthly pass!.

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