Copy, desert oasis.


The swift gerbils gathered around Lin Beiye opened their teeth and danced their claws towards Lin Beiye and Lin Beiye’s summoners, and made a sharp cry!

Immediately afterwards, they rushed up and attacked towards Lin Beiye!

However, they did not wait for them to completely approach Lin Beiye.

Lin Beiye’s summoners took the lead and took the lead in attacking!




[Successfully killed a level 21 swift gerbil, experience +1008! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 21 swift gerbil, experience +1008! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 21 swift gerbil, experience +1008! ] 】

[Successfully killed the level 21 swift sand…]

All kinds of attacks, smash towards these swift gerbils!

Its offensive can be described as overwhelming!

It is not at all this group of “rats and mice” in front of you, which can be resisted!

In just a moment, Lin Beiye managed to level a large number of swift gerbils around!!

However, just wiped out these swift gerbils.

Under the surrounding sand, more swift gerbils emerged!

However, in general, compared to the speed at which they burst out, it was still the speed at which Lin Beiye summoned monsters to brush monsters, which was faster!

Therefore, it didn’t take long for all the swift gerbils in the sand around Lin Beiye to be killed by Lin Beiye’s summoners!

After killing all the surrounding monsters, Lin Beiye led his army of undead summoners and continued to move forward!

During this process, Lin Beiye switched perspectives and looked at the perspective of summoned objects traveling in other directions.

“…… Haven’t reached the [boundary] of the replica yet? ”

The summoning team that was scattered by Lin Beiye, except for a very few teams, encountered a small number of [Swift Gerbils].

The vast majority of summoning teams, the routes traveled, are unimpeded!

However, after traveling for so long, it did not mean to reach the [border] at all…

Lin Beiye raised his eyebrows slightly.

Will this copy not have [boundaries] at all?

But, without boundaries, this copy… How big is it?

Moreover, is it a partial copy, without borders, or rather …

All copies, without borders?

After thinking for a moment, but unable to come up with an answer, Lin Beiye withdrew his thoughts.

In the end, he was just suddenly a little curious about the existence of [Copy] itself, and wanted to “try ~ ‘test” it.

As for whether this copy has or does not have a [boundary], it is actually not so important to Lin Beiye at this stage.

What is important to Lin Beiye at the moment is to earn points, upgrade, and freshman competition!

“Speaking of which, this [Desert Oasis] replica terrain is really not easy to walk…”

After all, what you step on under your feet is soft sand…

And, from time to time, in this sand, there will be some offensive “rats and rats” …

It’s a bit of a strenuous way to get around.

No wonder, the monsters in this copy are not strong, but the clearance record time will be relatively long.

“No matter, let’s move on…”

[Successfully killed a level 21 swift gerbil, experience +1008! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 21 swift gerbil, experience +1008! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 21 swift gerbil, experience +1008! ] 】


Time, minute by minute.

Under Lin Beiye’s overwhelming speed.

Not long after, a touch of green appeared in front of Lin Beiye!

“Huh? To an oasis in the desert? ”

Seeing this situation, Lin Beiye’s eyes condensed slightly, and he looked far away!

I saw that in the extreme distance, there was indeed a touch of “green” that was incompatible with the surrounding yellow sand!

Seeing this green color, Lin Beiye’s foot speed suddenly accelerated!

Soon, as the speed under Lin Beiye’s feet increased.

The touch of greenery in the far distance is constantly expanding!

You can see such a large area of greenery in the desert terrain.

Obviously, Lin Beiye has arrived at [Oasis].

“It’s pretty fast… Then this copy is not very big, how did the recorded clearance time take so long? ”

Lin Beiye was a little puzzled. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

According to his guess, the final boss of this copy is most likely in the [Oasis] of this copy!

And right now, from entering the copy to now, Lin Beiye has only taken 20 minutes!

Moreover, in this whole process, Lin Beiye was not very serious!


Just as Lin Beiye was thinking, several sand sprang out of the surrounding sand…

Black figure!

【Desert Giant Scorpion】




【Spirit: 1598】

[Physique: 1204

[Skills: Intermediate Resistance (Passive), Poisonous Tail Sting. 】

[Intermediate resistance (passive): 40% immune effect on negative states. 】

[Highly poisonous tail thorn: The desert giant scorpion uses its own tail thorn to attack the enemy, causing 400% damage, applying poisoning and paralyzing effects, and has a 60% probability of making the enemy hallucinate! ] 】

[Hell difficulty bonus: +60% for all attributes]

“.60% probability of falling into hallucinations?”

Lin Beiye raised his eyebrows slightly.

“Speaking of which, this illusion effect… It should also be a kind of negative effect, right? ”

“After this hallucinatory effect is reversed… What effect will it be? ”

Lin Beiye suddenly spoke… Eager.

Previously, the monsters he encountered in the [Crossroads Spider Cave] could also cause hallucinations with their attacks.

However, Lin Beiye did not try with those monsters.

After all, the monsters in the [Crossroads Spider Cave], whether it is their appearance or their attack methods, are too much… Disgusting.

In contrast, these desert giant scorpions that emerge from the sand are much more normal!

“Just enough to grab one (No’s good) just try it…”

Lin Beiye’s heart moved.




[Successfully killed a level 22 desert giant scorpion, experience +1056! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 22 desert giant scorpion, experience +1056! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 22 desert giant scorpion, experience +1056! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 22 desert giant…]

Soon, under the control of Lin Beiye.

A desert giant scorpion that was left alone, summoned by Lin Beiye’s summons…

Completely surrounded!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Beiye faced this desert giant scorpion and stretched out…

Own arm!

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