Jingda, Jingda playground.

“… Director Qin? ”

After hearing Lin Beiye’s words, the women were slightly startled.

Lin Beiye meant that the teacher in charge of them… Is it Director Qin who is speaking on the high platform?

This Director Qin can also be regarded as the University of Beijing… Teacher?

They didn’t doubt Director Qin’s strength!

In fact, since this Director Qin can be the director of Beijing University, his strength must be extraordinary!

Even, if nothing else, this Director Qin’s strength should be much stronger than the strength of other teachers of Beijing University around him!

But the problem is… In the capacity of Director Qin, will he specially come to “bring” their ~ group of freshmen?

In the hearts of several women, – a little puzzled.

On the one hand, they feel that this kind of thing is not very “realistic”.

On the other hand, they felt that Lin Beiye would not fool them.

Tangled, several women looked up at Director Qin on the high platform.

However, as their gaze fell on Director Qin.

Director Qin on the high platform nodded slightly at them.

“It’s really him, he nodded to us.”

Seeing this situation, Xu Siwan couldn’t help but be surprised.

“It’s really… Lin Beiye, how do you know? ”

Xu Siyan on the side couldn’t help but ask Lin Beiye.


Lin Beiye shrugged.

There are a few of them, and they are the last class to be divided.

But when it was their turn, the teachers of Jing University on the high platform had already been divided.

There is only one Director Qin left.

Director Qin’s surname is Qin, and Qin Zhesheng is also surnamed Qin… Naturally, Lin Beiye had some guesses about him.

The most important thing is that at the moment when the name Qin Zhesheng came out.

Lin Beiye keenly felt that many teachers from Beijing University around him cast surprised glances at them.

Can surprise this group of Peodu teachers… This Qin Zhesheng’s identity must not be “simple”.

Under various circumstances, Lin Beiye concluded that Director Qin was Qin Zhesheng.

At the same time, Lin Beiye and the others were around the new students of Beijing University.

“Teacher, do you know who the teacher in charge of Lin Beiye’s class is? Why haven’t you appeared after all the shifts? ”

“Their teacher has already appeared, but he is speaking on the high platform in front of him, and he has no time to come down.”

“Huh? Speaking from a high platform in front? Their teacher in charge…”

“It’s Director Qin!?”


For the teacher in charge of Lin Beiye and the others, it was Director Qin.

Although everyone was a little surprised, it was not to the point of complete unacceptance.

Therefore, it did not take long for the agitation of the crowd to subside.

Seeing this, Director Qin nodded slightly.

“Since you have no objection to the class.”

“Then here, I will continue to inform you of one thing.”

“This year’s freshman competition, jointly organized by our school and Qingda University, will be officially launched in the morning two days later!”

“The rules of the freshman competition are exactly the same as in previous years.”

“Specific rules, after the entrance ceremony, you can ask your teachers yourself.”

This freshman is bigger… Are there two more days?

Hearing this, Lin Beiye raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems to be about the same time as Yun Qiuqiu.

It seems that apart from the rewards of the freshman competition, the other rules have really not changed…

On the side, the rest of the main battle professionals who knew something about [Freshman Dabi] were a little restless!

There is a difference between the freshman competition and the freshman trial!

This freshman competition can be said to be a real battle between professionals!

A game that puts aside the so-called professional characteristics… Professionals in action!

Director Qin glanced at the restless people in the audience.

Finally, his gaze fell on Lin Beiye’s body and continued.

“Although the rules remain the same, the rewards of this year’s freshman competition have been improved.”

“The first thing to improve is the point reward.”

“The point reward for the first place has been raised from 200,000 to 400,000!”

“The point reward for the second place has been raised from 100,000 to 200,000!”

“The point reward for the third place has been raised from 50,000 to 100,000!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“The point reward for the fourth place has been raised from 30,000 to 60,000!”

“The point reward for the fifth place is raised from 20,000 to 4!”


“Freshman Dabi’s point reward… Is there so much? ”

Hearing this point reward, Lin Beiye raised his eyebrows slightly.

Not to mention the original point reward.

Even if it is improved, the point reward is doubled… Lin Beiye felt that there were too few!

This number of points is not as much as he upgraded to brush copies…

Put it in the S-class exchange area, which is the level of a bottle of potion!

“It’s still the [Freshman Trial], okay… You can easily earn 6.8 million points. ”

Lin Beiye sighed a little.

On the side, it is different from the “rich” Lin Beiye.

Hear such a “huge” reward for points.

The faces of many new students showed excited expressions!

“I am a warrior class, before the second turn, single out the fiercest class, this point… I earned it! ”

“The points that I didn’t get in the freshman trial, this time, I will get them all!”

“Points… Hey… Hey… My points…”

“Don’t think too lightly, the ranking that Director Qin said is not just the ranking of Beijing University, but the overall ranking of the two schools…”

The grades of Beijing University and Qingda University are similar, and the average level of students in the two schools is not much different!

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the top five of this freshman competition are students from Beijing University and Qing University, each accounting for half!

In other words, only by becoming one of the top two in Beijing can you have a chance to become the top five in this overall ranking!

This kind of difficulty is not too difficult!

“In addition to the basic point reward, for this freshman competition, our school has also set up a … [special] reward for you.”

Looking at the crowd of enthusiastic people, Director Qin struck while the iron was hot and continued to speak.

“In addition to the point reward, there are actually other rewards?”

“I cried to death, the high-level of our Beijing University is really generous, and a special reward has been specially set.”

“Yes, obviously you can not give us a reward directly, but he also specially painted a big pie for us to see…”

“Hahaha, what you said… Can we be a little confident? ”


Wait until the crowd in the audience gradually calms down.

Director Qin announced the remaining rewards.

“The first place in the freshman competition will receive the right to exchange any item in the self-rating exchange area once!”

“The second place in the freshman competition will receive the right to redeem any item in the exchange area below the level of its own rating once!”

“The third place in the freshman competition will receive the right to exchange any item in the exchange area two levels below its own rating once!”


“No problem…”

Hearing this part of the [special] reward, Lin Beiye’s eyes condensed slightly!

This bonus… Just what he wants!

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly tickets, ask for posthumous pills!.

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