“This bad guy is also too shameless, and I feel sorry for Sister Xuan…”

Hearing Director Qin’s words, Xu Siwan on the side was full of resentment, and she was unfair for Yun Xuanxuan.

The other women also showed similar looks.

Speaking of which, Jiang Tao can also be regarded as one of the “leaders” among the students of Qing University.

Unexpectedly, the means of dealing with things were so unbearable!

It can be said that Jiang Tao’s method is completely a villain’s move, and it cannot be put on the table!

However, what is hard to say… Jiang Tao’s way of only pursuing results, not asking about the process, and unscrupulous means is quite in line with the “elite” concept of Qingda.

…… Lin Qingyou should not be affected by this elite concept of Qingda, right?

In Lin Beiye’s heart, this thought suddenly appeared.

And Lin Beiye, different.

At the beginning, Lin Qingyu’s performance in the Qingcheng exam was not as “outstanding” as Lin Beiye!

Therefore, when applying for the university, Lin Qingyou did not cause the “competition” between Qingda and Beijing University.

Therefore, Lin Qingyou did not know that there was such a big “conceptual” difference between Beijing University and Qing University, both top universities.

Otherwise, according to Lin Beiye’s understanding of Lin Qingyu.

Lin Qingyou should not choose Qingda.

What was I thinking… My sister is not the kind of person who is easily influenced by the outside world…

Shaking his head, Lin Beiye retracted his thoughts.

Although the elite concept promoted by Qingda is more extreme.

But in the whole of Qingda, there are still some more “normal” students.

For example, when Lin Beiye was in Qingcheng Beast Tide, he met Zhao Tianxing, the president of the Qing University Student Union.

That Zhao Tianxing, although he also brought some “elite” ideas, but compared to Jiang Tao, it was much better.

At least it’s in the “normal” category.

In addition to Zhao Tianxing, there is also the chief examiner in Qingcheng who is in charge of the big exam.

That Qingcheng examiner in charge of the big exam is also a student from Qing University!

But his body is not clear of the “elite” idea!

It’s a great person!

After the Qingcheng exam, this examiner took good care of Lin Beiye!

Not only took the initiative to inform Lin Beiye, the difference between Qingda and Jingda!

Also recommend Lin Beiye and choose Jingda.

It can be said that Lin Beiye chose Jingda, and a considerable part of the credit is because of this Qingcheng examiner!

“By the way, since Yun Qiuquan is doing a task, does she know that she has been assigned to the [Special Class] with us?”

After thinking for a moment, Lin Beiye suddenly asked Director Qin.

Hearing Lin Beiye’s question, Director Qin shook his head slightly.

“She doesn’t know yet, but I’ll personally convey it to her when her mission is over.”

“Huh? Sister Xuan still doesn’t know about this? ”

“When Sister Xuan finds out, will she directly apply to withdraw from the class because she is worried about affecting us, just like last year?”

After hearing Director Qin say that Yun Qiuquan didn’t know about the division of classes.

Xu Siwan’s face showed a hint of worry.

After all, long before the class, Yun Xuanqiu reminded everyone…

Beware of Jiang Tao!

Obviously, Yun Xuanqiu was worried that Jiang Tao would be unfavorable to Lin Beiye and the others!

“You don’t have to worry about that.”

Hearing Xu Siwan’s words, Director Qin’s tone was indifferent.

“The results of your placement this time were not made by me.”

“Rather… The principal personally came forward to formulate it. ”

“The special number of your class is also given by the principal himself.”

Speaking of this, Director Qin paused.

“The reason for your special number will be announced soon.”

Once this news is made public, even if Jiang Tao is bold, he will not dare to move against these people in secret!

After all, in the end, this Jiang Tao’s backstage is just a high-level of Qingda!

And the backstage of Lin Beiye and the others is…

President of Peking University!

The gap between the two sides is like a chasm, insurmountable!

Even, even without the president of Peking University.

Just having Director Qin as the teacher in charge of Lin Beiye and the others.

This Jiang Tao did not dare to do it in secret!


I heard that the president of Beijing University supported them.

A smug smile appeared on Xu Siwan’s face. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is the first time she has experienced the feeling of “backstage” since she grew so old.

At the same time, with such a hard “backstage”, Yun Xuanqian does not have to worry about it will affect them …

“Don’t rejoice too soon.”

Director Qin glanced at everyone, and his tone was flat.

“This is just to ensure that you will not be unfairly troubled in private.”

“We will not interfere in the things on the surface.”

“For example, what you’re about to face…”

“Freshman Dabi.”

In the end, whether it is Director Qin or the president of Beijing University.

Its original intention was to enhance the strength of Lin Beiye and others.

If they support them in everything, it is not conducive to the improvement of the strength of these people.

“That’s enough.”

For what Director Qin said, Lin Beiye was not surprised.

After all, the truth that greenhouse flowers cannot stand alone, Lin Beiye is also very clear.


Lin Beiye’s eyes crossed a trace of coldness.

For this Jiang Tao, he also wanted to do so without relying on external forces…

See for yourself!

Seeing the coldness that flashed in Lin Beiye’s eyes.

Director Qin couldn’t help but nod slightly.

As a high-level official of Beijing University, Director Qin has also heard about Jiang Tao’s behavior in the past few days!

(Zhao Hao) This Jiang Tao is not just provoking Lin Beiye and others!

Don’t put these people in your eyes at all!

Even, after Lin Beiye replied to it.

This guy took the initiative to threaten that Lin Beiye and the others were not worthy of him personally, and this year’s freshmen in Qingda University were enough to solve Lin Beiye in the freshman competition.

It’s true that I’m a little too “confident”.

But I think it was also, not for a whole year before.

This Jiang Tao is in Qingda or Jingda.

Among his contemporaries, there is no opponent from him!

This journey has been a smooth ride!

However, this time…

I’m afraid he’s going to capsize in the gutter!

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for posthumous bookings!.

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