Seeing that Yun Qiuqiu suddenly stopped speaking, Xu Siwan thought that Yun Qiuqiu was worried about them.

He quickly patted his tall chest and said in a firm tone.

“Sister Xuan, don’t worry, we’re not afraid of a bad guy like Jiang Tao!”

“Yes, Sister Xuan, you don’t have to worry about us.”

Xu Siyan and Aya Qinyin on the side also nodded one after another.

“It’s useless to worry now.”

Lin Beiye’s tone was flat: “That Jiang Tao has already set eyes on us before.” ”

Whether it was Lin Beiye’s content to let Zhao Tianwen return Jiang Tao.

It is still the [special class] news that came out of Beijing University today.

Jiang Tao could not tolerate it.

The contradictions between the two sides, before they met, had already arrived …

The point of irreconcilability is up!

Hearing Lin Beiye’s words, Yun Xuan was stunned.

Jiang Tao has already set his sights on Lin Beiye and the others?

When she left the “Four Seven Zero” Beijing University, she also ran into Jiang Tao.

At that time, she also warned Jiang Tao not to contact Lin Beiye and others.

Seemingly… Jiang Tao did not take her words seriously.

Presumably, that kind of extreme guy is unlikely to heed her warning.

“Yes, Sister Xuan, I heard that Jiang Tao is ready to assist the freshmen of Qingda this year and defeat us in the freshman competition!”

Xu Siwan looked unhappy: “He also looks down on us too much.” ”

“Freshman Dabi?”

Yun Xuan was stunned, and then remembered that Lin Beiye and the others were still freshmen.

I will also participate in the next freshman competition jointly held by Beijing University and Qing University.

“How long do you have left?”

Lin Beiye: “As soon as tomorrow passes, the day after tomorrow will begin, the same time as you said before.” ”

The timing of this year’s freshman competition is exactly the same as in previous years.

“Isn’t that just one day left?”

A hint of worry crossed Yun Xuan’s eyes.

Doesn’t this mean that after a day, the freshmen who were assisted by Jiang Tao in Qingda have to deal with Lin Beiye and the others?

“Sister Xuan, why don’t you underestimate us.”

Xu Siwan pouted and took off the shielding ring on her finger.

“We’re all level 20 now.”

Hearing this, Yun Qiuquan threw a detection technique at Xu Siwan.

“Really level 20?”

After the detection technique, Yun Xuanqiu found that Xu Siwan’s level had really reached level 20!

I suddenly felt a little surprised in my heart!

How long did it take for her to go out on a mission this time?

One and a half days, less than two days!

In such a short time, Xu Siwan has risen from level 18 to level 20?

And… Listening to Xu Siwan’s words, it seems that she is not the only one who has reached level 20?

Yun Qiuquan knew that Lin Beiye’s level had long exceeded level 20.

In other words, in addition to Lin Beiye, Xu Siwan, Xu Siyan, and Aya Qinyin may all have reached level 20!

Thinking of this, Yun Xuanxian couldn’t help but take a breath!

You know, in previous years, even if you are a freshman at Beijing University, it takes about a month to reach level 20 after enrollment!

Seeing Yun Xuanxuan’s surprised expression, Xu Siwan’s face showed a hint of pride.


However, this proud expression did not last long.

Soon, Xu Siwan let out a cry of pain, covered her head with both hands, and looked to the side.

I saw that Xu Siyan on the side had a serious tone: “I told you before, don’t be proud and complacent, how did you rise up, didn’t you count in your heart?” ”

Isn’t it Lin Beiye who brushes [Crossroads Spider Cave], and needs to gather the number of people and bring them up?

“I know, sister, you are really heavy, and you will definitely not be able to marry in the future…”

Xu Siwan had a bitter little face, and her voice was weak.

Seeing this situation, everyone.


The next day, early in the morning.

Kyodai Replica Center.

“Sister Xuan, do I really want to separate from my sister?”

Xu Siwan looked at the expressionless Yun Qiuqiu, and her tone was pitiful.

Yun Xuanxian nodded: “Really. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It seemed that she was a little unbearable to Xu Siwan’s pitiful expression, and she added.

“The freshman competition is played in a single form, and you and Xu Siyan will not be able to play together at that time.”

“It’s okay to hold Buddha’s feet temporarily, at least today I will familiarize myself with the feeling of fighting alone in the copy…”

“You shouldn’t want to lose to Qingda, right?”

When Yun Qiuquan said the first two sentences, Xu Siwan could still remain aggrieved.

When it came to losing to Qingda, Xu Siwan couldn’t hold on.

“I don’t want to lose to that bad guy.”

Obviously, because of Jiang Tao’s existence, Xu Siwan is already very dissatisfied with the entire “Qing Da”: 0

Don’t want to lose to them at all.

“Okay, then go in quickly, your sister is in, you don’t have a choice now…”

Under some “coaxing”, Xu Siwan stepped into the level 20 copy.

“Qinyin, will you go in too?”

After coaxing the Xu family sisters in, Yun Qiuquan looked at Aya Qinyin.

Ayakoto nodded obediently, hesitating a little among the several copies.

In the end, he chose to step into the level 21 copy.

It’s not that Ayakoto is already level 21.

She has a little more experience than the Xu family sisters, and she is also at level 20.

It’s just that she wants to try it…

Single player skip swipe copy!

After the three women all entered, Yun Qiuqiu looked at Lin Beiye beside him, and his tone was relaxed.

“Hmph, it’s very powerful, in a day and a half, how many of them have been brought to level 20?”

“When will you make it easier for me and take me up to the level?”

Lin Beiye shrugged: “At least after the second turn, the level is not enough now.” ”

Today’s clouds have turned twice.

If she wants to level up, the copies she brushes are all starting at level 30.

Those copies above level 30 cannot enter until the professional has made a second turn.

Hearing Lin Beiye’s “promise”, a smile suddenly appeared between Yun Xuan’s crescent-like eyebrows.

“That’s what you said.”

Looking at Yun Xuanxuan, who suddenly smiled, Lin Beiye bowed his head slightly. 1.3

“I said it.”

The “eyebrow love” between the two made the surrounding people in Beijing show strange eyes.

With these gazes, Yun Xuanqian naturally noticed something.

It is natural to know why these eyes are full of “surprise”.

Therefore, she, who has always been known for her “cold face” in Beijing University, at this moment… Some blush!

Putting aside the beauty in his heart, Yun Qiuqiu grabbed Lin Beiye’s hand and walked quickly towards the copy of the low-level area on the side.

Here, there is what she said, transported from Qingcheng …

Low-level special environment quests!

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for posthumous bookings!.

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