Beijing University freshman viewing area.

“Oooo Lin Beiye! Lin Beiye! Lin Beiye! ”

“You see… Qingda seems to be dumbfounded! Stop talking! ”

“Hahahaha, make a library for them over there!”

“You deserve it, you forgot? The kid on the other side just now was very arrogant, and he didn’t even have the most basic battle etiquette, bah! ”

“Wipe, in the future, we can’t call Lin Beiye, we must call Lin Shen!”

“Yes! Linshin! ”

“Everyone stand up and shout! Angry to the group of Qingda on the other side! ”

“I count one, two, three, everyone laughs at each other together!”


The whole game seemed like a long time.

In fact, not even a minute was reached before and after.

In the eyes of everyone.

Lin Beiye only summoned one skeleton warrior at the beginning!

But when Wang Haoqiang rushed up.

The skeleton warriors beside Lin Beiye doubled a hundred times in an instant!

Directly surrounded Wang Haoqiang.

Subsequently, while forcing Wang Haoqiang to surrender and admit defeat, Lin Beiye took back all the summoned objects and kicked Wang Haoqiang out.

“Speaking of which, I look at Lin Beiye’s kick, his strength doesn’t seem to be very low.”

“That definitely… After all, it is a rare class, and Lin Beiye’s level is also very high, and the copies he brushed are all more than twenty levels…”

In the ring.

With Wang Haoqiang’s admission of defeat, the staff loudly announced the final results of 340.

“Ring No. 3, Jingdalin North Night, win!”


“Wow, it’s over so soon?”

Xu Siwan’s eyes widened.

Although she believed in Lin Beiye very much.

But look at that Wang Haoqiang’s five, three, and confident appearance.

She was really worried about Lin Beiye just now.

Unexpectedly, Lin Beiye actually took down the other party so easily.

“You, there is still too little actual combat experience.”

“The other party just looks a little imposing.”

“Compared with Lin Beiye, it’s still too far behind.”

Yun Qiuqiu withdrew his gaze to the ring and said to Xu Siwan.

Between words, the corners of Yun Xuan’s mouth were always filled with a slight smile.

Aya Qinyin looked at Lin Beiye in the ring and pursed her lips slightly.

To be honest, among the women.

She believed in Lin Beiye the most.

Even Yun Xuanqian is not as good as her.

The reason is also very simple, Ayakoto Yin is the most clear of them… Lin Beiye is a person who is far behind his peers.

After all, she had experienced it firsthand.

That feeling of being opened by Lin Beiye a hundredfold gap.

Qing University freshman viewing area.

It is completely different from the atmosphere on the side of Jingda.

As Wang Haoqiang was kicked by Lin Beiye, he directly admitted defeat.

The freshmen of Qingda were silent.

To be honest, they are not stupid either.

However, he did not have much hope for Wang Haoqiang of No. 58.

But in the end, there was some hope.

I didn’t expect that Wang Haoqiang would lose… So crisp!

There is no resistance to lose!

“It’s okay… Let them be proud for a while, we haven’t played an ace yet! ”

“Yes, he is a summoner, Wang Haoqiang is a warrior, Wang Haoqiang does not have any advantages…”

“Assassin… The trump card on our side is the assassin-type class! Who killed the deer, not necessarily! ”


At this moment, many Qing University freshmen set their eyes on the figure sitting in the front.

Yang Feng!

The first person among the freshmen of Qing University this year!

A well-deserved first man!

The reason is simple.

As an assassin, Yang Feng’s speed of brushing monsters should be relatively slow!

But he can still win the first place in the [Freshman Trial] of Qingda.

It shows that his strength is far beyond that of other freshmen.

Besides, many people know.

During this time, Jiang Tao conducted a separate “training” for Yang Feng.

And Jiang Tao is the champion of last year’s freshman competition!

With his help, Qingda’s chances of winning the championship this year can be said to have greatly increased!

“Lin Beiye… Summoner…”

Yang Feng’s brows furrowed deeply.

He looked at the viewing area where the Qingda staff were located.

Because of Jiang Tao’s existence.

Yang Feng is very familiar with the entire process of freshman competition. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Generally speaking, those who start to appear are some “freshmen” with relatively ordinary strength.

Like him and Lin Beiye, high-ranking freshmen.

Generally, the appearance time is relatively late.

And now, Lin Beiye took the stage to compete not long after the freshman competition.

There is nothing “” in it … Yang Feng didn’t believe it.

As for the “catty” in it, it is also obvious.

As a staff member, Jiang Tao should (cfeg) moved a little when he drew lots.

Its purpose should be to let Lin Beiye’s means be exposed as soon as possible.

After all, they don’t have enough time to prepare.

Although for Lin Beiye, Jiang Tao had specially sent someone to inquire.

But the inquired information is not comprehensive.

I only know that Lin Beiye’s profession is not a mage, but a summoner!

But for the quality, quantity of summons.

I don’t know much about it.

“The quality of the summons… Very high, the number … Many! ”

Yang Feng took a deep breath.

Although the battle between Lin Beiye and Wang Haoqiang ended very quickly.

But he still sees a lot of “content” in it.

Lin Beiye’s profession must be a rare type summoning class with relatively top strength!

Not only that, Lin Beiye’s level should not be low!

At least… Level 20!

After all, the strength that Lin Beiye showed with that kick just now was not ordinary!

The time is too short, the gap is too big.

That’s all Yang Feng can see.

In other words, this is the only thing that Lin Beiye showed in the ring.

“It’s really a fierce rival…”

Yang Feng sighed.

To be honest, he was on the Qingda side, and Lin Beiye’s situation on the Jingda side was similar.

All belong to the Yes… Fault-type first!

Originally, for Lin Beiye, Yang Feng was holding a head-up… Even a contemptuous attitude.

After all, in his opinion, Jiang Tao had never really seen Lin Beiye make a move.

And those rumors of Lin Beiye, based on false rumors, may not be true… It is even likely that there is an element of exaggeration.

Even if it were true, he wasn’t that worried.

After all, he was an assassin-type profession that specialized in restraining Lin Beiye, a profession that was afraid of getting close.

However, according to the current situation, Lin Beiye’s strength is indeed not to be underestimated.

Even if he is an assassin-type profession, he is more restrained than Lin Beiye, and he can’t be too light on the enemy.

“Did you see the game clearly?”

Just as Yang Feng lowered his head and pondered.

A familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Yang Feng was startled and turned his head to look to the side.

I don’t know when, Jiang Tao appeared beside him!

Yang Feng’s pupils shrank.

As an assassin, its perception is not unspeakable.

Jiang Tao actually appeared next to him without moving, he actually hadn’t found it yet…

Its strength… Unthinkable!

It is worthy of being the first person in the last freshman competition…

Yang Feng glanced behind him.

With the results of the other rings, the freshmen of Qingda turned their attention to him back to the ring.

“See clearly, Lin Beiye… It’s really strong and deserves to be taken seriously…”

Yang Feng said to Jiang Tao.

“Huh… Is it worth you to take seriously? ”

Jiang Tao suddenly let out a hint of disdainful laughter.

In this regard, Yang Feng couldn’t help but frown.

What does Jiang Tao’s laughter mean?

Isn’t it right yourself?

“… Don’t think too highly of yourself, the things I give you are the key to your victory. ”

“As I said, I ask for more than just victory.”

“You’re an assassin-type profession, what you’re going to pursue… It’s a one-hit kill. ”

“… Got it? ”

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for posthumous bookings!.

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