Inside the venue of the freshman Dabi.

The eyes of all the new students were focused on the staff who announced the results.

However, before the results of the draw are announced.

The staff first explained the rules of the next game.

“The matchup between the top five freshmen will take the form of [big ring].”

The so-called “Big Arena” is a combination of the original arena that was divided into many and merged together!

This is normal.

After all, divide the ring into zones at the beginning.

Mainly because, the total number of new students is too much!

One by one, the total time wasted is too much!

What’s more, most of the freshmen don’t need such a wide arena in the venue.

Right now, things are a little different.

This freshman competition, there are only the last five people left!

The last five of them chased the deer… Compared to all the previous matches, it is much more exciting!

If you divide the ring into several areas, do it at the same time.

Everyone looks like they will inevitably feel a “sense of separation”.

Therefore, in order to prevent this, the staff simply set the format of the last five fighters into a format of going to the ring one by one!

In this way, it is also convenient for everyone to carefully observe the competition of the top five players.

In short, there is no problem with this more reasonable rule.

After the announcement of this rule, the staff officially announced the results of the lottery.

“The first match of the top five, fought by Xu Siyan of Beijing University…”

“Jingda Xu Siwan!”

As the staff’s words fell, there was an uproar on the side of the freshmen of Beijing University.

Everyone knows that among the top five, four of them are from Beijing University.

Therefore, the civil war in Beijing University is inevitable.

But know to know.

Seeing the civil war, everyone was a little unhappy after all.

“It’s a pity, such a big ring, or simply change the rules and turn it into a multi-person ring system, let five people go to the ring together to fight, and implement the elimination system…”

“Yes, this is reasonable, this civil war is really blind to the numerical superiority on our side.”

If there are many people in the ring, the Beijing University side is four to one… In the bag.

“What words were said… To deal with that kind of person, do we still need to use this method in Beijing University? ”

“yes, and the civil war is pretty good, after all, I really want to see the twin sisters fight each other… ~~.”

“Hahahaha, me too, so the result of this draw is not unacceptable…”

“We’re all in the same way… Speaking of which, can you tell which of the two sisters is the sister and which is the sister? ”

“Can’t tell… These two sisters not only look the same, but also have the same weapons, occupations and even skills, who can recognize them? ”

“I see that Lin Beiye seems to know each other quite clearly… Why? ”

“Twins are all the same on the outside… Could it be that Lin Beiye understands the core of their sisters? ”


At the same time, Lin Beiye and others were on this side.


Hearing the results of this draw, Xu Siwan couldn’t help but cheer.

As long as it is not Lin Beiye who is drawn, the result of this draw is a lot for her!

After all, in Xu Siwan’s opinion, the other people in the top five were not as strong as Lin Beiye… It’s out of reach!

However, this joy did not last long…

Xu Siwan looked at her sister with a “cold” expression on the side, and her little face began to worry again.

As a younger sister, she has not been taught a lesson by her sister Xu Siyan on weekdays.

Now let her go to the ring to fight her sister… She really lacks confidence.

Looking at the change in Xu Siwan’s face, Lin Beiye and the others were dumbfounded.

This nizi put all her thoughts on her face, and she can see it at a glance.

But to be honest, Lin Beiye couldn’t say who would win when these two sisters fought in the ring.

Although these two sisters have different personalities, their strength is extremely close!

This can be seen from the [Freshman Trial] held by Beijing University when I first entered the school.

Even if the sisters are completely separated, the integral values obtained in the Tianji Tower are exactly the same.

Therefore, the game between these two sisters is not so much about strength, but about [sister’s majesty] and [sister’s rebellion]…

Whether it will be [sister’s majesty] is better, or [sister’s rebellion] is better.

Until the results come out, no one can say for sure.

Of course, it doesn’t matter to the sisters who loses or wins.

After all, the two sisters have had a good relationship since childhood, and they eat, wear and travel together.

The rewards obtained from this freshman competition ranking will definitely be enjoyed by the two of them in the end.

It doesn’t matter who comes before and who comes after, who is strong or weak.

After excluding these two sisters, among the top five, only Lin Beiye, Aya Qinyin and Yang Feng of Qingda were left.

“There are three people left, and one of Ken will be emptied…”

Lin Beiye’s eyes condensed slightly.

According to the rules of the game, one of the five people will be vacated.

The remaining four players who are not vacated will face off in pairs in the order of the draw, and divide the [Winner Group] and [Loser Group].

The person who is left empty will first face off with one of the [Winner Group] after the showdown.

The winning side will face off against the other person in the [Winner’s Group] to compete for the first place.

The losing side, with the two people in the [loser group], competes for the next ranking.

All in all, the top five of this freshman competition are to be divided into specific rankings.

At the same time, in Lin Beiye’s thoughts flowing.

The staff announced the draw for the second match.

“In the second game, Yang Feng of Qingda vs. Jingda…”


“…”(Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

“Lin Bei night turn!”

Hearing the results of this draw, Lin Beiye frowned.


Hollowed out?

Qing University freshmen sitting area.

Hearing the results of this draw, Yang Feng breathed a sigh of relief and a trace of disappointment crossed his eyes.

Two consecutive “hemorrhage” games have already made him a little “hot”.

At this moment, he is nervous… I can’t wait to fight with Lin Beiye!

“Don’t worry.”

He seemed to feel Yang Feng’s restlessness.

Jiang Tao on the side suddenly said lightly.

“A qualified hunter must be patient with his prey.”


Jiang Tao paused and looked at Aya Qin Yin next to Lin Beiye on the opposite side with interest.

“Before the main dish is served, let’s order an appetizer… Not bad either. ”

“I see.”

Yang Feng took a deep breath and nodded.

Sensing Jiang Tao’s gaze in the distance.

Lin Beiye’s expression froze slightly, and he looked at Aya Qin Yin on the side.

“Be careful later, and if the situation is not right, just come down.”

“… Safety first. ”

I don’t know what Jiang Tao did.

It made that Yang Feng feel as if he had been brainwashed… Become “kill” when you see people.

The means (good, good, good) are extremely bad!

Such acts… What means this guy uses in the ring, it’s really hard to say.

If Lin Beiye personally went up, he would definitely not be worried.

After all… In the face of absolute strength, all “insidious” and “vicious” means are all on paper and vulnerable.

However, Lin Beiye was emptied.

On the stage… It is Ayakoto Otosai.

Lin Beiye could only say two words to let Aya Qin Yin pay attention to precautions.


Hearing Lin Beiye’s words, Ayakoto nodded obediently.

Although she has not yet taken the stage, she also feels the atmosphere of “saber rattling” between the two sides.

After all, long before the freshman competition, the contradiction between Jiang Tao and Lin Beiye had intensified to the point of irreconcilability.

Thinking of this, a trace of firmness emerged in Aya Qinyin’s cold and beautiful eyes.

If you solve Yang Feng… Lin Beiye didn’t have to do it himself…

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