In the ring.

At this moment, Yang Feng, who was holding a blood-red dagger, only felt that he was covered in his body, and he was extremely transparent!

This world-class dagger brings him more than just four-dimensional stats, damage, and stat bonuses.

There is also a bonus on confidence.

Now Yang Feng is extremely confident!

Don’t talk about the sound of Ayakoto in front of you.

Yang Feng felt that now even Lin Beiye came.

He can also put it… Instant Deal!

Thinking of this, Yang Feng glanced at the blood-red dagger in his hand.

“It’s a pity that you can’t use Lin Beiye to be the first to open the knife.”

“That’s it, the order doesn’t matter, as long as you can win…”

Shaking his head, Yang Feng looked up at the frowning Aya Qin Yin, with a smile on his face.

To be honest, Yang Feng did not have this short dagger in his hand before.

From Ayakoto, you can also feel a lot of oppression.

After all, from the perspective of the type of profession alone.

Aya Qinyin’s class type belongs to the type of occupation that restrains Yang Feng’s assassin class.

Plus Ayakoto’s own strength is strong.

Yang Feng’s desire to deal with Aya Qin Yin through conventional means is tantamount to dreaming.

Fortunately, the means he used… Not conventional!

Ayakoto’s sense of oppression on him, as 03 his strength increases… Dissipate completely!

“It’s not bad to cut you, it’s just an appetizer…”

Yang Feng’s eyes were fierce, holding the blood-red short dagger in his hand, step by step, slowly approaching Aya Qinyin!

No need to rush!

With this blood-red short dagger, among the freshmen of Kyoda and Qingdai…

No one is their opponent!

Although in Qingcheng, Aya Kotoin is the eldest lady of the Aya family.

But in the capital, Aya Qinyin’s identity is not prominent!

In addition, Ayakoto’s rating in Beijing University has not yet reached the S grade.

So, so far, Ayakoto has never really seen it, a world-class weapon!

Since I have never seen [world-class] weapons.

Ayakoto Yin naturally does not know the specific power of [world-class] weapons.

At the same time, Aya Qinyin could not determine what grade the weapon in Yang Feng’s hand was.

Although it is impossible to determine it, the sound of Ayakoto has a relatively sharp perception.

It can be faintly felt.

The blood-red short dagger in Yang Feng’s hand… It must be extraordinary!

Because, Yang Feng, who was holding this blood-red short dagger, had the momentum on his body… Completely changed!

Ayakoto clenched the long sword in her hand.

Today, although her level has reached level 20.

But the long sword in her hand was still the original level 15 [Legendary-level] long sword.

This long sword was given to Ayakoto by Ayakoto’s father the day before Ayakoto was transmitted to Kyodai.

Because, at that time, the level of Ayakoto Yin had just reached level 16.

With this long sword, it is just right.

In fact, the long sword that the Aya family master gave to Aya Qinyin was indeed good enough.

This long sword, even if it is placed among all the freshmen, belongs to the top weapon.

After all, except for world-class weapons with no restrictions on ranks.

Weapons below level 30 can only reach the legendary level at the highest!

At this moment, facing Yang Feng, who was holding a world-class weapon, he was constantly approaching him.

In Aya Qinyin’s cold and clear eyes, there was a trace of firmness!

Although she had already felt a dangerous aura from Yang Feng’s body, she…

Still want to try it!

The reason she wanted to try.

It’s not just that she wants to help Lin Beiye block Yang Feng!

Also because… Ayakoto has a [Heart of Competition]!

You know, this Ayakoto sound is not a “vase”!

Ayakoto is a strong and competitive professional!

The strong competitive spirit can be seen from the fact that Aya Qin Yin has been silently paying attention to Lin Beiye a long time ago, before he knew Lin Beiye.

And her strength and potential are indeed far superior to ordinary professionals!

Even, so to speak.

Even without Lin Beiye’s “help”.

Ayakoto only relies on her own efforts, and she will not be weak!

And with Lin Beiye’s “help” Ayakoto sound, its strength, needless to say.

With the “help” of Lin Beiye, Aya Qinyin’s personal strength.

It can be said that among the freshmen of the two schools, it is well deserved…

2nd place!

The only one who can stabilize her is Lin Beiye!

So at the moment.

Looking at Yang Feng, who was slowly approaching him.

Aya Qinyin clenched the long sword in her hand, her beautiful eyes condensed slightly, ready to go!

“… Well? ”

Seeing this situation, Yang Feng, who was approaching Aya Qinyin, made a surprised sound.

The momentum on this Ayakoto sound seems… Changed?

“Uh-” (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )


Without waiting for Yang Feng to react completely, two voices that broke through the void sounded at the same time!

One of the sounds that broke through the void came from the long sword in Ayakoto’s hand!

The other sound comes from Ayakoto itself!

As a rare class, Bright Sword Shadow.

The speed of Ayakoto’s tone can be described as extremely fast!

Her speed, even… Almost past the Xu family sisters of the assassin-type profession!




As the sound of breaking the air sounded, the sound of several metal collisions also sounded one after another!

This Ayakoto sound is not only fast in itself.

The speed of swinging the sword is also extremely amazing!

In just an instant, dozens of swords were swung!

“… What a speed! ”

Looking at the sound of Ayakoto who instantly moved in front of him and swung dozens of swords.

Yang Feng couldn’t help but exclaim.

If he didn’t have the blood-red dagger in his hand, Ayakoto Yin had just made these few strokes, and he really wouldn’t be able to block it all!

And if you can’t stop it, with the power of these swords… It’s hard for him to resist!

“The professional who uses the long sword obviously belongs to a profession that is more inclined to the warrior type, and there is such a terrifying outbreak…”

Yang Feng’s eyes were admiring.

The strength of this Ayakoto sound is really not ordinary!

No wonder Jiang Tao would let him use the “hole card” in advance in this match.

Without using hole cards, he also…

I can’t beat it!

Seeing his attacks burst out instantly, he was blocked by all of them.

Aya Qinyin’s cold face crossed a trace of solemnity!

In the fight just now, Ayakoto estimated that the overall strength of this guy was compared to before… At least five times more boosted!

Just more, no less!

You know, doubling the strength is a very terrifying improvement!

Boost several times… It’s unimaginable!

Retracting 773 thoughts, the offensive of the long sword in Ayakotoin’s hand is unabated!

“Oh ——!!”


In the ring, with the attack of Ayakoto.

The sound of metal colliding keeps ringing!

But anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Ayakoto seems to be taking the initiative to attack, but she is actually forced to defend!

Attack as defense!

“Something is wrong, I remember Yang Feng is not so powerful?”

“I also feel wrong, I obviously felt that Aya Goddess was a little more powerful before.”

“It’s really powerful, Ayakoto should be more powerful than the twin sisters in the last game, her speed is very fast, I didn’t see it clearly just a few times.”

“Could it be that Yang Feng was hiding his strength before? I get the feeling that he looks like now… Ease! ”

“It’s not clear… However, I felt as if he had changed his weapon before suddenly becoming fierce. ”

“What can it have to do with weapons?” I feel at least five times more fierce than before, which is the degree that can be improved by weapons alone? ”

“It’s also… Then I don’t know, maybe he really hides strength? ”

Among the freshmen of Qing University and Beijing University, almost no one has seen world-class items.

Therefore, naturally, no freshman knows how much increase a world-class weapon can bring to professionals!

“Hiss… I feel that if I go on like this, Aya will lose…”


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