Qingcheng, at the door of Lin Beiye’s house.

Facing the several ice picks summoned by Lin Beiye.

The faces of Lu Guan and Wu Fan turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye!

It was this ice pick just now, which directly killed Zhao Bin who was the first to rush forward!

Their strength, even if they were a little stronger than Zhao Bin, did not dare to say that they could resist this attack of Lin Beiye!

It’s really incredible, Lin Beiye, a professional who is only level 17… Even if it is not affected by the weakening effect, it should not be able to launch such a terrifying attack!

At this moment, the two people standing in front of Lin Beiye only felt that their breathing was a little difficult!

This desperate sense of death suffocation can only be felt when he really stands in front of Lin Beiye!

However, these two are also experienced professionals!

Even under such circumstances, the instinctive reaction of the two was not slow at all!

They glanced at each other and quickly took out a bottle of purification potion from their respective storage spaces!

It seems that they are planning to use purification potions to reduce the debilitating effect they receive!

As long as the weakening effect can be alleviated, with the high grade difference between the two sides…

There should still be no way to take Lin Beiye.

After all, the purification potion in their hands could not completely erase the debilitating effect they received.

However, after drinking this potion, they should have a chance to escape!

Once he escapes, the news that Lin Beiye holds the [Evil Stone] in his hand can spread out!

At that time, without them, someone will naturally trouble him!

But, they want to get it, Lin Beiye wants it even more!

In particular, this Lu Guan guessed the origin of his [Evil Stone].

Lin Beiye was even less likely to let them go. 483

Therefore, Lin Beiye did not give them the opportunity to drink the purification potion, and directly started.


As soon as Lin Beiye’s mind moved, several ice picks were summoned!


In just an instant, these several ice picks pierced through the bodies of the two at the same time!

The two fell to the ground one after another.

After falling to the ground, the surrounding skeleton warriors rushed up.

Soon, after determining that these two people could no longer die, Lin Beiye put the [Evil Stone] in his hand into the storage space.

Although the battle did not last long, the effect of the [Evil Stone] was too strong.

Plus an extremely wide range.

I am afraid that many people have noticed the sudden debilitating effect.

However, at this moment, the alarm of the whole city in Qingcheng is still sounding.

Clearly, the crisis has not yet been resolved.

Therefore, even if he noticed, I am afraid that no one would check the situation on Lin Beiye’s side.

Even if you come and check it out… That has nothing to do with Lin Beiye.

Anyway, Lin Beiye had already put away the [Evil Stone].

“Speaking of… What the hell is going on? ”

After dealing with everything, Lin Beiye turned his attention to the window.

At this moment, in the streets and alleys, official notices are constantly being broadcast.

“Notice, please all ordinary residents in the city, do not panic, calm down, do not go to the city gate!”

“Repeat, please all ordinary residents in the city, do not panic, calm down, do not go to the city gate!”

The official reaction was really fast.

In just a few minutes, people have already been sent out to pacify the ordinary people.


Lin Beiye looked a little strange.

(bdea) appeasement is appeasement, but to make it clear, what happened?

Just so that everyone does not panic, what can be the calming effect?

It seems that he heard Lin Beiye complaining, and soon, a new notice came from the loudspeaker.

“Notice, please all main battle types and auxiliary type professionals with a level of 15 or above, immediately leave for the Qingcheng City Gate!”

“Repeat, please all main battle types and auxiliary type professionals with a level of 15 or above, immediately leave for the Qingcheng City Gate!”


Professionals above level 15, go to the city gate?

After hearing this notice, Lin Beiye was stunned at first.

Immediately afterwards, the expression on his face quickly became solemn!

Judging by the content of previous exercises… This notice can only be used to deal with a city-wide disaster.

That is…

Fierce beasts siege the city!

At the same time, combined with the previous notice, ordinary people, do not go to the Qingcheng City Gate.

The meaning is already obvious!

Now this situation, out ….

It’s more dangerous than not going out of town!

Because, this disaster, from outside the city!

I think so.

If there is a crisis in the city, there is no need for ordinary professionals to gather at the city gate.

“Speaking of… I seem to be a professional above level 15. ”

Lin Beiye suddenly realized a problem.

Although he has only been changing jobs for a few days, he is indeed a true level 17 professional!

According to the notice just now, he should also be going to the city gate to assemble.

At the same time, as Lin Beiye was thinking, hurried footsteps sounded outside the door.

Without waiting for Lin Beiye to react, a familiar voice sounded!

“Lin Beiye!”

This voice is… Clouds!

Lin Beiye turned his head and saw an anxious look on his face.

Seeing that Lin Beiye was okay, Yun Xuanyu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterward, she noticed three wreckage on the ground.

“This is… Did you solve it? ”

Yun Xuanqian should have recognized several people on the ground.

After all, her main purpose in coming to Qingcheng this time was to investigate the Blood Sky Group!

And Lu Guan, who Lin Beiye killed, can be regarded as a small leader within the Blood Sky Group.

She was slightly impressed by this person. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although the strength is not very good, the level does not seem to be low.

Looks like… It seems to have been solved by Lin Beiye?

Hearing Yun Qiuqiu’s inquiry, Lin Beiye nodded slightly.

No way, these three people are lying on the floor of his house, and it can’t be said that they committed suicide.

At the same time, Lin Beiye told Yun Qiuquan about his encounter concisely.

“Sure enough… This Blood Sky Group was just a pretense. ”

After listening to Lin Beiye’s words, Yun Xuanxuan’s tone was rare with a bit of anger!

“They are all people of the Fair Church!”

Through the investigation in the past few days, Yun Xuanqian has already detected many doubts about this [Blood Sky Group].

But always, more substantial evidence is lacking!

At present, such substantial evidence has finally been found.

“Before they die… It is indeed acknowledged that they are people of the Fair Church. Lin Beiye said with certainty.

At first, these three people thought that they could eat Lin Beiye, completely exposing their identities.

Of course, the main thing is that at this point, they don’t need to continue to hide.

In fact, before this, Lin Beiye did not know much about the [Fair Church] organization.

I just roughly know that this [Fair Church] is an extremely “famous” reactionary organization and is the focus of the official “crackdown.”

He did not expect that one day, this organization would appear in front of him.

Speaking of which, Lin Beiye is also very strange.

He has no grievances with this organization.

The other party actually sent someone specially to trouble him!

Three levels were sent at once!

I’m afraid I can’t kill him.

“This is their [equity plan].”

As if seeing Lin Beiye’s puzzlement, Yun Xuanqiu opened his mouth to explain.

“[The Church of Equity] is primarily made up of extremist professionals.”

“They believe that the current professional system is completely unfair and unjust to them.”

“So, they want to overthrow the whole professional system and create a professional system that is fair to them.”

Hearing this, Lin Beiye frowned slightly.

“Overthrow the entire existing professional system?”

Yun Xuan nodded.

“Yes, for example, the current big examination is actually a system for the selection and screening of a new generation of professionals.”

“With this system, they will sabotage it and prevent it from going well.”

“…… So what is fair, they think? ”

“Fair?” Yun Qiuquan shook his head: “In this world, there is no absolute fairness at all. ”

“I guess they didn’t think about how to be fair and just.”

This organization, after all, was formed by a group of extremists.

Under the guise of fairness, it was carried out with all inhuman atrocities!

For example, in order to destroy the screening and selection system of the big exam, they will hunt the top examiners in various cities after the big exam is over!

Just like they hunted Lin Beiye today!

“All they think about is how to get more benefits from other professionals!”

The so-called unfairness is that their greed is not fully satisfied!

What can satisfy their greed is fairness!

Can’t be satisfied… It’s just unfair, unjust!

However, greed cannot be satisfied.

Therefore, the [Fair Church], which has long felt that it has been treated “unfairly and unjustly”, began to take revenge on other professions in a wanton and indiscriminate manner!

Especially for those professions who are stronger than them!

Their minds are becoming more and more pathological; Behavior, more and more extreme!

Even, up to now, many of their behaviors, for them, there is no benefit at all, just to satisfy the sick psyche!

Speaking of which, then Yang Li is very in line with the idea of [Fair Church].

If she hadn’t died, I am afraid it would not be long before she joined this organization!

Unfortunately, she is already dead and can’t die anymore.

After listening to Yun Qiuxuan’s explanation, Lin Beiye’s brows gradually furrowed.


A talented and powerful professional like him is the main hunting target of the [Fair Church]?

Sorry, it’s a bit of a night.

Thank you to the book friend (Xiaohe) for the monthly pass and reminder ticket! .

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