Outside Qingcheng, high-level professionals are fighting in the area.

Feeling the sharp pain coming from his heart, Li Huze slowly lowered his head.

I saw that a long sword with blood on it pierced out from the mouth of his heart!

Completely through his body!

Li Huze could see that this long sword… Not the long sword of the Aya family master!

That is, someone else who attacked and interrupted his teleportation from behind!

“… Who is it? ”

Li Huze suddenly spat out a large mouthful of blood and shouted violently at the people who attacked him behind him.

In the face of his inquiry, the person behind him did not answer him.

Instead, he used his strength again to penetrate this long sword deeper into his body!

And, stir hard!

The pain of drilling the heart forced Li Huze to spit out a large mouthful of blood again!

At the same time, the Aya family master in the distance also rushed in front of him!


After approaching, the Aya family master did not have the slightest ink, and took advantage of this opportunity to cut out several swords in an instant!

Under the severe pain, Li Huze did not have time to make any resistance!

I could only watch as the Aya family master rushed over and slashed out several swords against him!

Let 16 Li Huze be in pain for a while!


At the same time, the long sword that pierced Li Huze’s heart was also drawn out by the trend!

The moment it was drawn, this long sword brought out dripping blood from Li Huze’s heart!

The severe pain in his body made Li Huze unable to stand and collapsed directly to the ground after losing the support of this long sword that pierced him!

At the mouth of his heart, blood is constantly spurting!

In the severe pain, Li Huze barely supported himself with his hands and turned around.

He wanted to look behind him, this professional who suddenly attacked and interrupted his guidance process!

And in the face of Li Huze’s line of sight, this professional did not have the slightest intention of hiding.

So that Li Huze successfully saw the other party’s appearance clearly.

The other party is a male, who looks very young, and his age is estimated to be about twenty years old!

Li Huze’s pupils shrank.

So young, he actually has this kind of strength!?

Although the other party had shielding type armor on him, Li Huze could not see the specific level.

But according to Li Huze’s judgment, this person’s level is at least above level 40!

Second-turn professional!

Such a young second-turn professional… It’s really rare!

The most important thing is… Li Huze didn’t know each other!

In this battlefield before, he had never seen this person in front of him!

This person is not from Qingcheng!

In the face of Li Huze’s gaze, the young man did not care at all.

He was like this, looking at Li Huze who was dying on the ground with an indifferent and condescending expression!

In fact, Li Huze, who originally thought that he could escape smoothly with the high-level teleportation scroll, still had many hole cards that were useless!

For example, the special recovery potion that the man in black drank in the assembly point of the big exam!

Once you drink it, you can recover quickly in a short period of time, no matter how serious the injury is!

This kind of potion, Li Huze also has it!

It’s just that he didn’t want to fight for his life at first, so he didn’t use this potion.

It’s a pity that he didn’t use it just now, and now he has no chance to use it.

After all, neither the Aya family master in front of him nor the young man behind him would give him a chance to drink this potion!

It can be said that he is now… Dead is set!

There is no need for others to do anything, and in the absence of treatment, Li Huze will die before long.

Thinking of this, a trace of resentment crossed Li Huze’s eyes!

By what!?

He has such a meticulous, delicate and foolproof plan!

It was clear that it had been implemented to the end, and he could immediately use the teleportation scroll to escape!

At this last minute, there was actually an accident!?

He is now… Dying here!?

Li Huze, who already knew his final ending, suddenly let out a last, rampant laugh from his mouth.

“Hahahaha, death is death, I die, and your Qingcheng will not come back!!”

“Qingcheng has been destroyed, and our [fairness plan] has succeeded!!”

“Speaking of which, Patriarch Aya, you said that the daughter of your rare profession can survive from the hands of a professional 10 levels higher than her?!”


Hearing Li Huze’s words, a trace of rage crossed the eyes of the Aya family master!

“All dead, fair, all fair!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


When Li Huze said these words, he smiled very happily and rampantly.

But it didn’t take long for him to regret it, and a desperate wail kept coming out of his mouth!

“Master Aya, there are skills… You just kill me and give me a pain!” ”

“… Kill me! ”

“Please… Anyone can give me a pain…”


This Aya Patriarch is like an experienced executioner!

And the black long sword in his hand is the sharpest torture instrument in the world!

Every blow can make Li Huze miserable while avoiding the point!

Not long after, Li Huze’s body was slashed thousands of times by the long sword!

But the only fatal injury he suffered was the one where the long sword pierced his heart at the beginning!

The other injuries, although painful, are all skin injuries, not enough to be fatal!

At the end of 410, with the blood flowing out of his heart, Li Huze completely lost his breath of life in a desperate and painful wail!



At the same time, at the moment of Li Huze’s death, the level 68 giant beast that was fighting with the examiner on the side also let out a final mournful cry and crashed to the ground!

Causing a turmoil on the ground!

The battle situation at the high level was finally completely reversed at this moment!

After all this, everyone’s eyes turned to the young man who had just suddenly appeared.

Just like what Li Huze thought, this person is indeed not from Qingcheng.

Therefore, the Qingcheng “big guy” present did not know him.

“Zhao Tianxing?”

However, among the professionals present, in addition to the people of Qingcheng, there was also Yun Qiuqiu, a “foreigner”.

She recognized the young man’s identity at a glance.

After all, the person in front of him is Qingda…

Student Council President!

Thanks to the book friend (White Night Flood) for the reminder!

Thank you to the book friend (father of the author of this book) and (Wind and Rain) for the monthly pass!

Thank you to the book friends (unspeakable spring and autumn) for the reward! .

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