Universal Job Transfer: I Can Extract Skills From All Realms

090 Take It Up And Try It Out Quickly To See If It Looks Good.

Zhang Xueer over there was naturally affected by the energy, and the clothes on her body were torn into pieces!

Some of the snow-white areas were naturally exposed.

Zheng Feng was naturally not in the mood to look at these scenery at the moment. His eyes were still fixed on the chains.

In the end, there was really no other way. Zheng Feng took a deep breath.

He was ready to use his energy to blow up the chain.

Of course, Jiang Xueer will also suffer some damage by then.

It's even possible that Jiang Xueer will die by then.

But now he has no choice but to give it a try.

Before he really started to take action, Zheng Bu came to Jiang Xueer.

"You may encounter some energy waves next, so try your best to grit your teeth and persevere."

"I'll take you out as much as possible to make sure you don't die here in the end."

"If you think it's okay, just nod. If you feel scared, forget it."

But in the end, she decided to leave the choice to Jiang Xueer and let her make her own decision.

Jiang Xueer has calmed down at this moment, and she is very aware of the danger she is facing at this moment.

After listening to what Zheng Feng said to her, she nodded fiercely, already preparing for the worst.

In this case, Zheng Feng did not stop at all and took several steps back.

The light spots in his hand continued to accumulate, and he focused on the chain position far away from Jiang Xueer's body.

Throw the light point in your hand directly.

Finally the bracelet was blown off.

The sound of bones breaking was also heard from Jiang Xueer's body.

She was immediately knocked unconscious.

And Zheng Feng didn't stop at all, and came to Jiang Xueer's side the moment the chain was broken.

He quickly took off his clothes, wrapped them around Jiang Xueer's body, and then jumped off the road with him in his arms.

After coming out of the abandoned bell tower, Zheng Feng naturally didn't stop at all and rushed back to where he lived.

Who knows if the guy who used the flying knife to deliver message 22 is waiting?

Fortunately, when Zheng Feng returned to where he lived, no one attacked him in the middle.

Putting Jiang Xueer on his bed, Zheng Feng also stretched out his hand and checked her a little.

Perception instantly covered Jiang Xueer's whole body.

Fortunately, the area he chose at that time was better. Although Jiang Xueer was still affected by the energy, it only caused two broken ribs in his chest.

No matter what, Jiang Xueer was finally rescued, and Zheng Feng also took a long breath.

Looking at the unconscious Jiang Xueer, Zheng Feng was not in a hurry to get him out of his room.

Let her still lie on her bed and rest, while he sat on the side.

In the blink of an eye it was already dawn.

Zheng Feng stretched and stood up from the ground.

On the bed, Jiang Xueer seemed to have regained consciousness at this moment.

She looked around the room curiously, and then saw Zheng Feng's face.

"Where? Why am I here?"

Jiang Xueer didn't seem to have fully reacted, and she asked Zheng Feng for a while.

Zheng Feng also had some helplessness and gave a rough account of what happened last night.

After listening to this, Jiang Xueer calmed down a little.

She immediately hugged her upper body tightly.

She naturally recalled the last condition of her clothes last night.

When Zheng Feng saw his actions at this moment, he couldn't help but complain.

"What's the use of covering up now? I've already seen everything that needs to be seen."

"Don't worry, I don't mean anything to you."

"I'm going out. Just clean up after yourself. If possible, I hope you won't be here when I come back.'

After saying that, Zheng Feng opened the door of the room where he lived and walked out.

After three hours, Zheng Feng felt that time was enough, so he returned to his house.

But after opening the door and taking a look, he was stunned.

Jiang Xueer did not leave, but still lay on her bed.

She even wore one of her own clothes.

Zheng Feng, who saw this scene, naturally couldn't hold it back and frowned.

"You're back?"

Jiang Xueer, who was lying on the bed, naturally saw the fortress who came in through the door, and immediately asked in fright.

"Didn't I tell you? I hope you will have left my room when I come back!"

"Why are you still here now?"

Facing Zheng Feng's inquiry at this moment, Jiang Xueer was about to cry.

"I don't dare go back to school now."

"I was captured by others in school last night and locked up there."

"I'm worried that if I go back, someone will attack me again."

Seeing Jiang Xueer's pitiful look at this moment, Zheng Feng naturally didn't say the harsh words that were on his lips.

At this moment, Zheng Feng had closed the door, but now there was a knock on the door.

Zheng Feng glanced back, and then subconsciously opened the door.

After opening the door, standing outside were actually brother and sister Xue Tianyuan.

"Zheng Feng, long time no see."

Seeing Zheng Feng opening the door, Xue Jingru lowered her head shyly.

Seeing Xue Jingru standing outside the door at this moment, Zheng Feng's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Especially at this moment, Xue Tianyuan was standing next to him.

Xue Tianyuan was originally smiling and ready to greet Zheng Feng, but looking at his face now, Xue Tianyuan felt something was not right.

Then also through the crack in the door, he saw another woman in the room.

"You are actually doing this kind of thing behind my sister's back during this time?"

"Are you worthy of my sister?"

Saying that, Xue Tianyuan directly raised his foot and kicked Zheng Feng on the chest.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Xue Wanyi was naturally curious and glanced at Xue Tianyuan.

At this moment, Xue Tianyuan also took her directly into the room.

Xue Jingru was stunned for a moment when she saw Jiang Xueer lying on the bed. Especially after seeing the torn clothes on the ground, her whole face instantly became miserable.

And Jiang Xueer naturally saw Xue Jingru at this moment.

Just now, he naturally heard what Xue Tianyuan said to Zheng Feng.

Combined with Xue Jingru's expression at this moment, she naturally had some guesses in her heart.

No wonder Zheng Feng, his childhood sweetheart, just now said that Tang Ran had no feelings for him.

So that's it.

Jiang Xueer naturally understood everything instantly.

But at this time, she naturally didn't want to let Zheng Feng out so easily.

So at this time, she quickly asked with concern towards Zheng Feng, who was still lying on the ground and did not get up.

"Are you okay, baby?"

After saying this, the expressions of the remaining three people in the room naturally changed.

In an instant, Jiang Xueer felt like she was out of breath.

Xue Tianyuan, who had just kicked Zheng Feng, was staring at her angrily.

A pair of eyes full of eyes that want to devour people.


What shocked everyone was that Jiang Xueer said this directly at this moment.

"The relationship between me and Zheng Feng is not what you see."

"I just said that just because I wanted to make him angry."

"I was rescued by him, and I am still injured, so I have to live here temporarily."

Although Xue Tianyuan heard Jiang Xueer's explanation at this moment, there was still a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

He thought Jiang Xue'er was sitting on the bed at this time and didn't move. He walked over and stretched out his hand to feel the situation inside Jiang Xue'er's body.

Sure enough, two of this guy's ribs were broken.

It seemed that his explanation just now was not a lie. He should have mistakenly blamed Zheng Feng.

Thinking of this, Xue Tianyuan naturally walked over and helped Zheng Feng, who was still lying on the ground, up.

"Tell me, for a person of your age, you have been wronged [can't you explain it?"

"Why are you lying on the ground pretending to be dead and trying to blackmail me?"

After being helped up, Zheng Feng really didn't know what to say.

But now the misunderstanding has finally been resolved, and it has not brought any too bad impact.

But Xue Jingru's face did not completely return to normal at this moment.

She was still looking straight at the torn clothes on the ground.

Seeing where Xue Jingru was still looking at this moment, Zhang Xueer quickly explained.

"This is what I wore when I was injured last night."

"The clothes I am wearing were changed by myself and have nothing to do with him.

"He didn't see anything, so he gave me his own clothes to wear."

After hearing Jiang Xueer explain this, Xue Jingru's expression returned to normal.

Then, she also looked towards Zheng Feng.

Looking at Xue Wanyi who was looking at him at the moment, Zheng Feng didn't know what to say now.

He was stunned and at a loss.

The scene suddenly became awkward again.

Jiang Xueer had naturally said everything she needed to say. Even if he opened his mouth at this time, he didn't know what he should say.

Especially if you say something wrong and something causes a misunderstanding, that would not be good.

After all, the murderous intent in the eyes of the man who just came in was real.

Just thinking about it at this moment made her body unbearable and she shivered.

Naturally, Xue Tianyuan finally spoke.

"How could you, a little girl like you, put yourself in such danger?"

"Tell me where you live and I will send you back now.

"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of others."

Jiang Xueer, who originally wanted to stay here for a few more days and wanted to increase the distance from Zheng Feng, had no choice but to give a rough description of where she lived.

Naturally, Xue Tianyuan took Jiang Xueer away from here immediately.

Naturally, he wanted to give the remaining space and time to Zheng Feng and his sister.

There were only two people left in the room now. Zheng Feng hesitated for a long time before asking Xue Jingru. 863

"Why are you and your brother here?"

"Can't we come over?"

As soon as Zheng Feng asked the question, Xue Jingru immediately asked back.

Zheng Feng scratched his head and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Seeing Zheng Feng's embarrassed look at this moment, Xue Jingru couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, I'm not angry, don't worry."

"That woman just now should be Jiang Xueer."

Zheng Feng was not surprised at all as to why Xue Jingru knew Jiang Xueer.

After all, everyone is from the same school, so it is inevitable that there will be


"Are you childhood sweethearts? I know."

"It's just a pity that you guys haven't had much contact with each other since your senior year in high school."'

"Is there something wrong with the relationship between you two?"

He said that he was not angry, but at this moment, Zheng Feng didn't know how to ask the question Xue Jingru asked.

"I'm just asking casually, don't take it too seriously.

“My brother and I came here this time mainly because there was something going on at the branch house.

"Your school seems to have some mission recently, and my brother seems to be on that mission too."

After hearing Xue Jingru clearly explain the purpose of his visit, Zheng Feng was also prepared to wait until Xue Tianyuan came back and tell him what happened last night.

After all, what happened last night was full of weirdness.

Because Xue Tianyuan went out at this time and didn't know when he would come back, Zheng Feng also put this matter aside for the time being.

He was not going to tell Xue Jingru about this matter in order to prevent Xue Jingru from worrying about him.

At this time, Xue Jingru also came, and Zheng Feng also remembered the gift he bought before.

Originally, because he accepted the task proposed by Chen Gang, Zheng Feng didn't know when he could go back.

But now that the other party is here, Zheng Feng quickly took out the gift.

Looking at the two pairs of earrings Zheng Feng handed to her at this moment, the joy on Xue Jingru's face could no longer be concealed.

"Is this what you want to give to me?"

She held a pair of earrings and asked Zheng Feng happily.

Zheng Feng naturally smiled and nodded, urging him.

"Hurry up and try it out to see if it looks good."

Naturally, Xue Jingru immediately followed Zheng Feng's instructions, put on the two pairs of earrings, and threw aside the earrings she originally wore.

Xue Jingru felt happy from the bottom of her heart for the gift Zheng Feng chose for herself.

An hour later, Xue Tianyuan came back. .

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