After beating up Yale, Jiang Cheng returned to the territory.

To be honest, he was very nervous when he hugged Anna. After all, he had never touched a girl's hand before crossing over. He was an absolutely pure boy.

"Fortunately, Anna is not angry."

"It means I still have a chance next time..."

Recalling the feeling just now, Jiang Cheng's thoughts suddenly drifted to the sky.

[Territory upgraded successfully]

[The coverage of the territory has doubled]

[First upgrade reward: 1,000 residential houses, 5,000 vampires, two renewable energy stone mines, and one faith stele]

[Second upgrade reward: 2,000 residential houses, 10,000 vampires, three renewable energy stone mines, 500 communication runes, skill - vampire domain]

[Tip: Due to two upgrades, the mining volume of renewable energy stone mines has reached 200,000 per day]


Jiang Cheng was delighted.

As the level of vampire warriors increased, their demand for energy stones was also increasing. If they did not go out to fight, they would consume at least one million energy stones every day.

Fortunately, there are six energy stone mines now.

They can be supplied continuously.

Unless the number of blood clan warriors increases in the future, there is no need to worry about energy stones. After all, Jiang Cheng still has nearly 10 million energy stones as a guarantee.

The ten storage rings in the hands of the Goblin King alone store nearly 6 million energy stones. It can be said that the entire treasury is in his hands.

This is why Jiang Cheng took his storage ring and left without going to the treasury to check.

Then Jiang Cheng clicked on the information of the Faith Stele.

[Faith Stele]

[Lord's exclusive building]

[Each race has its own faith. The function of the Faith Stele is to collect the faith of all species in the territory and condense the power of faith]

[Through the accumulation of day-to-day condensation, the Faith Stele can burst out unparalleled power, comparable to the god level]

[Current Faith Power Condensation: 0]

[Note: The faith power in the Faith Stele can only be used by the lord himself]

Jiang Cheng took out the Faith Stele.

Put it on the ground aside.

Then he found another empty space and settled the people and houses he had obtained there.

When passing by the warship, he also arranged the renewable energy stone mine cave, intending to transform it into a mine and let Meng Li come here to work every day.

After finishing all this.

Jiang Cheng returned to the vicinity of the stone tablet.

He silently chanted in his heart to check.

[Current Faith Power Condensation: 306 (The faith power condensed by the stone tablet can be used to send out three attacks to wipe out one-star creatures)]

"It really takes time to accumulate."

"Slowly save it, it will come in handy one day."

Jiang Cheng sat on the stone tablet.

Looking at the communication rune in the second upgrade reward.

Jiang Cheng likes this reward very much.

Each communication rune has a string of numbers on it. As long as you inject energy into the rune and silently chant the number on the other party's rune, you can talk to the other party in real time, and there is no distance limit.

It's more convenient than a phone.

Of course, the two communicating parties must be in the same space.

If one party is in the outside world and the other party is in a space opened up by a mysterious great power or a special secret realm, communication is impossible.

"This reward is good. In the future, you don't have to run back and forth to report information. You only need to communicate."

"I shouldn't be able to encounter such a secret realm or a space opened up by a great power in the short term..."

[Skill - Bloodline Domain]

[Definition: Attack Skill]

[After using it, a bloodline warrior will form a unique domain around him, which can absorb the blood of enemies in the domain without knowing it]

[The bloodline domain is flexible and changeable, and requires the bloodline warriors to comprehend it themselves. Receiving rewards will only give them a prototype. The specific size and changes need to depend on themselves]

This reminds Jiang Cheng of the domain used by Anna.

A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, with red thin tubes and huge bloody palms.

These are all acquired and need to rely on one's own awareness and understanding of the domain.

Jiang Cheng received both rewards. Not long after, cheers came from the camp.

Influenced by them, the power of faith in the faith stele under his buttocks has exceeded two thousand.

Can wipe out two three-star wild monsters.

The higher the level, the more faith power they contribute.

"It seems that we need to make them happy a few more times to speed up the gathering of faith power."

"The supplies in the temple are already piled up like a mountain. Distribute some items to the residential area to make the people happy. A little bit adds up to a lot, and it should be able to provide tens of thousands of faith power."

It's okay not to give supplies, but the people in the territory and the blood clan warriors are immersed in their own affairs and can't extricate themselves. They don't have so much time to believe, so the speed of collection will be very slow.

After all, the territory is not a church concentration camp.

How can we develop quickly if we believe in this and that all day long.

Jiang Cheng found a young man in the residential area.

Let them move all the supplies that can be used.

As for those that can't be used...

Wait for a while to put them in the trading area for disposal.

After finishing these, Jiang Cheng came to the barracks.

Upgraded the level of the barracks.

Then distributed the communication runes.

Teach them how to use them.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

The vampire warriors are full of interest in this novelty.

He has started to play like a child.

After figuring out how to use the communication runes, Yatuo ran up to Jiang Cheng with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Lord, can you lend me another communication rune? I may find it useful..."

Yatuo scratched his head, as if he had thought of something, and said with a serious face: "Don't worry, I won't lose it. If I lose it, I will deal with it according to military law!"

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows and looked at the big guy Yatuo.

Jack on the side knew the inside story.

He walked over with a smile and joked: "Lord, you don't know something. This guy is in love with the female cadre in the residential area. He feels itchy after not seeing each other for half an hour, and he can't calm down while practicing in the camp. ”

"I guess I borrowed this communication rune to give it to the female cadre. When I'm tired from practicing, I just listen to her sweet voice..."

After saying that, Jack looked full of yearning: "I really want to have such a love. I will definitely be full of motivation when the time comes to practice. I will be able to surpass that idiot Yali just around the corner!"

Jiang Cheng was speechless for a while. It would be difficult to find the girl you like just for your purpose.

Which man is in love and pretends to be a rough guy at heart?

Seeing that everything had been revealed by Jack, Yato was so angry that his teeth itched.

However, Jiang Cheng did not refuse and took out another communication rune.

The female cadre often reported to him or Lily and Anna on the development of the residential area, so it was no problem to give her one, so she would not have to run around all day.

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