Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 102 God cannot interfere with the secular world at will, break into the city

"My Lord, will the vision not long ago hinder our plan?"

In the Goblin Kingdom, the Goblin King was trembling with fear, looking at the black-robed figure on the throne with a flattering face.

The king, who was extremely noble on weekdays, was like an unloved pug at this moment.

If the goblins outside saw this, I don't know how many jaws would drop.

"No, that was the vision caused by the birth of the new god. The purpose of my trip is to find that new god. Otherwise, do you think I like to come to a remote area like yours where no one lays eggs?"

The black-robed figure heard a woman's voice.

It was crisp and pleasant, but with a bit of disgusting arrogance, as if she was the most noble race in the world, and the creatures in the world could not be compared with her.

"But this time we are going to kill millions of creatures and use their flesh and blood and souls to make pills..."

The Goblin King was scared.

The vision not long ago scared him so much that he collapsed on the ground, with feces and urine flying everywhere, especially the power emitted by the phantom made him dare not breathe.

He even suspected that if the owner of the phantom gave him a look, he would be wiped out.


It seemed that he heard something funny.

The black-robed woman made a sound like an old hen laying eggs.

"You won't feel pity for the new god and kill us, will you? It's so funny."

"The gods are high above, looking down on everything, how could they care about the affairs of us ants. Besides, they step into the realm of gods step by step, so how could they kill fewer lives?"

"Maybe they killed ten or even a hundred times more lives than us in order to break through the realm."

"We are just pursuing a higher realm."

The black-robed woman sighed faintly.

"You are such a pitiful fellow, I will tell you today."

"The gods cannot intervene in the affairs of the mortal world at will. If the new god dares to break this rule at will, he will be excluded by other gods, and even be wiped out."

"So you don't have to be afraid at all, just do it."

The mortal affairs mentioned by the black-robed woman refer to the affairs below the realm of gods, because in the eyes of the gods, even the saint-level strongmen are not free from the word "mortal" after all.

"Okay, someone is coming."

After the words fell, the black-robed woman on the throne disappeared without a trace.

The Goblin King straightened his clothes, restored the majestic posture of the king in the past, and sat on the throne.

"Brother, the Goblin Kingdom has sent back the news."

"Last night, their palace was attacked by a group of unknown strong men. The Goblin King and his two eight-star strong men were killed on the spot."

"Now their whole country is in turmoil. Several eight-star strong men have declared themselves kings and are frantically trying to win over the tribes below to divide up the remaining oil and water of the Goblin Kingdom."

"The Goblin troops who originally planned to support us have also turned around and joined this group."

"He is dead. How is this possible!" On the throne, the fat body of the Goblin King shook. Then he murmured: "And they broke into the palace. Could it be that a Saint-level strong man did it..."

It was because of the Saint-level strong man that the high-level tribes at the border were destroyed, and then the three countries launched a great war.

Otherwise, he would not have been so hasty.

I just don't know if the two events are related...

"No matter what, after today, that adult will be able to fulfill my wish and help me become a true Saint-level strongman. Then I will leave this place, go to other places to develop power, and build a stronger country!"

Thinking in his heart, the Goblin King felt much better.

The Goblin General below continued:

"Now the dog-headed man and the werewolf army have gathered 200,000 troops to the city, including their king, and the generals under his command have also come to the front line, ready to fight us to the death."

"However, our troops have also returned to the capital one after another, with a total of 270,000. They all have a certain combat effectiveness, but they have lost the outer territory, and the morale of the soldiers has dropped to the extreme, and they have no intention of fighting..."

The Goblin General took out a map and spread it on the table in front of the throne.

"The red marks on the map are all tribes that have not returned yet, and they may not be able to come back."

The Goblin King roughly browsed it.

Almost all of them are low-level tribes.

If they are gone, they are gone, just an insignificant loss.

One of the intermediate tribes caught his attention.

This intermediate tribe was the one that Jiang Cheng destroyed.

The Goblin King was deeply impressed by the leader of this tribe.

The other party had worked under him in his early years, and he was very good at flattering all kinds of people.

Some time ago, he also promised to present 50,000 energy stones as his birthday gift.

He was so happy that he gave the leader a dozen pills and asked him to find someone to test it secretly and send the test results when he received the birthday gifts.

"Why didn't the people from this intermediate tribe come back..."

"It shouldn't be, there is a high-level goblin tribe next to it, who dared to touch this tribe!"

The Goblin King was in a bad mood.

Don't worry about it, it's better not to come back, it will only increase thousands of lives.

"Have those pills been distributed?"

Then the Goblin King asked about the pills.

The Goblin General answered truthfully.

The pills have been distributed to all members above three stars according to the order.

Before the two of them could discuss the follow-up matters.

The roar of dogs barking and wolves howling came into their ears from outside the wall. It was hard to imagine what the scene outside the city wall was like.

The two brothers did not dare to delay any longer and hurriedly walked out of the palace.

On the other side, Jiang Cheng and others came to the grove twenty miles away from the Goblin Capital and met Ale.


"The dog-headed and werewolf army has launched a charge. It seems that in order to save time, ten eight-star dog-headed and werewolf warriors rushed to the front, as if they wanted to destroy the city wall in one fell swoop and kill into the capital!"

Jiang Cheng nodded, and then led the blood clan warriors to quickly approach the Goblin Capital.

Just as Ale said.

The Goblin army did not even last a quarter of an hour, and the city wall collapsed with a crushing force.

Countless dog-headed men and werewolves poured into it like a torrent, extremely brave and full of fighting spirit. They only wanted to rush forward and had already put life and death outside of their bodies.

On the other hand, the goblins collapsed from all sides.

No goblin stayed to fight, and even if there were any, they had already died under the claws of werewolves and kobolds.

The most terrifying thing in war is the collapse from all sides.

All members lost their fighting spirit and were all running away.

They crowded and pushed each other, rushing towards the palace.

The number of goblins injured and killed by trampling alone reached tens of thousands, comparable to the number killed by werewolves and kobolds.

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