The wretched young man is messy in the wind.

However, after the demon lord left, many senior lords came one after another. Some of them brought with them an intermediate lord with a stiff smile, and some did not.

Obviously these middle-level lords were captured by them and used as cannon fodder, so they smiled so reluctantly.

Dirty young people entertained one after another.

However, the underground palace cannot accommodate so many lords, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

There are still thousands of lords who have not arrived yet.

Especially those top lords.

Their troops are so huge that they can fill the underground palace in an instant.

Fortunately, the wretched young man has opened the passage to the outside world, and most of the lords and soldiers can reach the outside world directly from here.

But those lords with large soldiers were in dire straits. They couldn't get out at all, so they had to widen their own passage to the outside world.

Looking at the unfamiliar yet familiar colleagues around him.

The members of the Purple Winged Glory Dragon Alliance started chatting while walking outside.

After traveling for so many days, I finally met my good brothers from my own alliance, and I was extremely excited.

It’s comparable to the mood of online dating and meeting offline.

"Lao Zhou, I didn't expect you to be so short. You used to brag to me that you are tall and handsome. There are a lot of rich women who come to chat with you in your life."

"You're not much better. You say you are the ancestor of Wuyan in Rongcheng, but in reality you have buck teeth, glasses, and a body as fat as a pig."

A pair of crouching dragon and phoenix chicks hug each other.

The roar of a male lord came from behind.

"Okay, Qiao Yicheng! You are actually a man, and you lied to me about dating you online. Do you know how miserable you have caused me!"

"I think you can't sleep at night, your appetite has decreased, and all you can think about is how to become stronger and how to give you a stable life. For this reason, more than a dozen of my soldiers have been paralyzed from exhaustion!"

"But what about you!"

"You actually deceived my feelings like this, defrauded so many resources, and even wore women's clothes to continue deceiving my feelings. It's really abominable!"

"I have to take you back for a good fencing session!"

"Otherwise it will be difficult to understand the hatred in my heart!"

Hearing this, a female lord opposite the male lord, who was dressed up in a colorful dress and with heavy makeup, turned pale with fear and shouted for help in her high-pitched falsetto.

And looked at the male lords around him asking for help.

But instead of lending a helping hand, the people around him were filled with excitement.

Similar incidents occurred frequently in other places, the most outrageous of which was a male lord pretending to be a girl and seducing more than a dozen male lords.

It caused an indescribable tragedy.

Now is not the time to worry about these things.

With the arrival of the first top lord.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

A group of high-ranking lords left the underground palace in an orderly manner with their troops.

Crusading armies kept coming.

The teleportation array was once paralyzed.

There are still some top lords who are generous and build teleportation arrays outside to solve the dilemma of the underground palace.

Later, another top lord took out his teleportation array.

The money to buy Lord Coins is not painful for them, the price is acceptable, and this thing is not impossible to take away.

Paying this small price to buy more time for the army is a hugely profitable deal.

Tens of millions of lords arrived one after another, and the densely packed troops on the thirty-mile radius were overwhelming and boundless.

Some lords who suffered from trypophobia did not dare to look directly at this scene.

Then the teleportation array flashed brightly.

Two hundred huge, hill-like purple-winged dragons appeared on the teleportation array.

The aura on their bodies was extremely terrifying, and the dragon power they exuded made the bodies of countless soldiers tremble. The scales are clear and shining, like the emperor between heaven and earth, extremely noble.

"See Lord!"

Thousands of members of the Purple Winged Glory Dragon Alliance saluted.

Their hearts were burning, feeling the aura of the ten purple-winged dragons in the front row, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

The lord actually has ten holy-level purple-winged dragons in his hands!

Then add their five million army and the demon army in the hands of the demon lord, how can Jiang Cheng compete with them!

Thousands of lords seemed to have seen the dawn of victory.

His eyes were filled with excitement.

"We are all brothers, no need to salute, just get up."

After enjoying the scene for a few seconds.

Lord Purple Winged Huanglong raised his hand in a pretense of magnanimity.

Looking at the boundless crusade army, his heart was also full of confidence.

Dozens of top lords in the front row smiled happily when they saw this.

Came up and chatted with him.

Then they looked at the wretched-looking Big-Eyed Rat Lord next to them.

"Which direction is Jiang Cheng's territory!"

A top lord spoke arrogantly, his eyes filled with arrogance and disdain.

Lord Big-Eyed Mouse looked embarrassed.

A stiff smile appeared on his face. On the surface, he was submissive, but in fact, he gritted his teeth.

In his heart, he had scolded this top lord half to death, imagining how he would be proud and proud in the future when he became rich.

"I'm asking you something!"

"Haha... Alliance leader, gentlemen, Jiang Cheng's territory is in the northwest direction, about three hundred miles away."

"Now that he has upgraded his territory to a dynasty, I think that with your master's hands and eyes, you will definitely be able to discover the location of Jiang Cheng's territory as soon as possible!"

Lord Purple Winged Dragon and all the lords of the alliance looked in that direction. They were excited and couldn't wait.


There was a sound of flesh being cut open.

Everyone turned around and found that the big-eyed rat lord had fallen to the ground, and a top lord slowly pulled the long knife out of his body.

Before an army goes to war, they will sacrifice flags in order to gain protection and win the war.

After the big-eyed rat lord lost its use value.

It became a sacrifice to the flag.

Squeezing out the last bit of its use value.

"Must win!"

I don’t know who shouted this.

The other lords shouted.

The soldiers in his hands also roared.

Lord Big-Eyed Rat had already checked out the nearby environment for them. Within a radius of two hundred miles, there was no local prodigy force entrenched.

This also allows them to shout loudly.

"This Big-Eyed Rat Lord has given his all for our alliance, so let's give him a good burial."

Lord Purple Winged Dragon waved his hand.

A top lord next to him understood.

He carried his body to the entrance cave of the underground palace and threw his body down.

By coincidence, the demon lord with a livid face walked out of it, and the corpse just hit him in the face. Blood poured all over his head, like an evil ghost who had just crawled out of hell.

Wiped a handful of thick plasma on his face.

The veins on the demon lord's forehead kept pulsing.

The monstrous demonic energy burst out from his body, and the top lord was the first to bear the brunt. His body was knocked several hundred meters away, and the blood from his mouth spat out like a fountain.

A large area of ​​the troops near the cave entrance was blown away, falling from the sky like dumplings.

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