Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 136 The Enormous Power of Faith

Inside Sky God Island.

Thousands of lords felt everything around them in confusion. It was dark, pitch black, without a trace of light, as if they were in another world.

Before Lucifer blew himself up.

They were sucked into the whirlpool.

He was not harmed by the aftermath of the self-destruction.

It can be said to be extremely lucky.

"Where is this place?"

"Why is it so dark all around and I can't see anything?"

"Are we already dead and now in hell, waiting for Black and White to lead us to Naihe Bridge and drink Meng Po soup?"

"If you can really die so painlessly, it would feel good."

"Do you feel that your strength is being suppressed?"

"Holy crap, why can I only use one-third of my strength!"

"It's over, this can't be a cage of heaven and earth, and there is a supreme power locking us in it!"

The lords felt the unfamiliar environment.

Panic arose inside.

Some of them turned on the lighting tools, and in front of them they saw a local genius sharpening his sword. This frightened them so much that they ran away quickly.

No one else knew what was going on.

Anyway, I just heard the screams echoing.

Is there some kind of monster in here?

Some uninformed lords began to flee in all directions, trying to find an exit and leave this dark place.

But this place seems to have no end.

It’s endless and there’s no end to it.

The more terrifying thing is yet to come.

He had clearly run away with a lord just now, but now the other party appeared in front of him again.

Such a terrifying scene shocked many lords.

The scene suddenly fell into chaos.

It was at the stone gate hundreds of miles away from them.

One hundred and sixty-one vampire warriors gathered on standby.

Each of them is filled with terrifying holy power, and they are equipped with sophisticated holy armor and holy weapons.

The power gathered by so many people caused the surrounding air to become still.

Jiang Cheng stood in front of them.

He nodded with satisfaction, "Luluo will teleport you to various areas within the island later. You don't need to look for enemies. Luluo will use means to get the enemies in front of you. You just need to wait and see."

"After being silent for so long, your bones must be itching, so I won't say any more, just go ahead."

The blood warriors exude a fighting spirit that reaches the sky.

Spend the whole day practicing in the barracks.

Mushrooms are almost growing on their bodies and they must be killed properly!

Lu Luo mobilized the power of the island of God, and wisps of brilliance distributed the vampire warriors to every corner of the island.

Then she began to move the plates on the ground.

This caused the running lords to run in the direction of the vampire warriors, sending them to hell unknowingly.

"Lord, what should I do if they leave?"

Da Diao looked at the blood warriors who had left, and his mind was active. He didn't want to stay there and do nothing. It would be so fun to fight!


Jiang Cheng looked up at this big fool, waved his hand, and said to Luluo: "Send this guy to the most dangerous place, preferably one where you can meet the saint in just two steps."

The big eagle has no problem with this.

Just a saint.

It's just that his weapons are a bit unsightly. A small beautiful girl's magic wand, compared to his size, is like holding a toothpick in a fight...

Before he could speak.

Green Luo sent him to the battlefield.

After doing this.

Jiang Cheng and Lu Luo left the interior of the island.

As the companion spirit of the Sky God Island, Lu Luo has the ultimate control over the God Island. Even if she follows Jiang Cheng to do other things, she can still control everything inside the God Island.

The more than 100,000 people on the island have been divided into 140 residential areas, which are equivalent to small villages.

And with the help and guidance of Luluo and Yatuo's little girlfriend, all 140 residential areas have been planned and the residents have been relocated.

They don't need to start over and build a house or something.

Pothos can help them move the original items intact.

Very fast and convenient.

Now, above the one hundred and forty residential areas, the scene of the vampire warriors heroically killing the enemy inside the island of God is projected.

The villagers cheered and applauded.

"It's so handsome. If I'm talented enough, I can go through the vampire warrior transformation pool and become like them and go into battle to kill the enemy!"

"That's right, I heard that becoming a vampire warrior can fight beside the lord!"

"I heard from the cadres in the district that the lord is approachable and never puts on airs. When someone is injured, he will go to visit him personally."

A vampire woman pointed at the projection and exclaimed:

"Is that Yale? He was so strong and strong. He slapped such a big black dog to death with one slap!"

The eyes of a woman next to her were filled with admiration.

"I heard that he is now the most powerful among the vampire warriors. Many beautiful women want to confess to him, but unfortunately they don't have this opportunity and they can't even meet in person."

The woman from before patted her on the shoulder.

"Isn't it that people devote themselves wholeheartedly to cultivation to improve their strength and maintain the security and stability of our territory?"

"If you ask me, we can live the life we ​​have now without the guidance of the Lord. You may not know that you are new here. A dozen days ago, the strength level of Atuo and Yalie was only about three stars, and the environment we lived in was also in a dangerous forest."

"Thanks to the Lord, who led us to fight all the way and defeated countless powerful enemies, we have today's life without worries about food and clothing, and we don't have to worry about the coming of crises."

"If you still stay in the previous living environment, you may go to the river to wash clothes, and you will be forcibly dragged away by wild monsters, and you can't run away."

The woman's voice seemed to be exaggerated.

The people in the residential area stared at the projection.

But their minds were already on the content of the woman's speech.

Then the woman told them the various deeds of Jiang Cheng and the blood warriors, and told them vividly.

Especially about Jiang Cheng's deeds, the woman emphasized the explanation, which made the new people in the residential area full of admiration for Jiang Cheng.

Unconsciously, they regarded it as their lifelong belief.

Almost all residential areas were playing this scene.

For a time, the faith stele burst into a dazzling light.

Tens of thousands of faith powers flow into it every minute and every second.

Jiang Cheng stood near the faith stele.

Looking at this scene, he nodded slightly in his heart.

After that, his statues will be built in important places in the residential area so that the people can see him at all times and provide faith power at all times!

In this way.

It is estimated that it will not take long to gather the power to kill the gods, and he has another trump card in his hand!

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