Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 144 Infected Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord

The captured Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord was brought to the Blood Clan Temple. He was restrained by Green Ivy and suppressed by the power of the God Island.

Except for his head, he could not move the rest of his body.

Yale carried him to the center of the hall.

Then he bowed to Jiang Cheng on the throne.

He retreated outside.

Jiang Cheng looked up and down at the sturdy man in front of him, and then told him what was happening in the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Alliance.

"Your Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Alliance fell apart the moment you were defeated. Members joined other alliances one after another, and some have already gone to the territories of those top lords to divide their inheritance."

"But don't worry, they won't succeed, because my people have rushed over through the teleportation array and kept a close eye on their inheritance."

Hearing this, the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord had a hideous face, his eyes were about to split, and blood oozed from his back teeth.

He is not dead yet.

These guys can't wait to divide the wealth of their brothers who died in battle. It's extremely hateful!

But on second thought, his current situation is not too good.

Death is only a thought away from Jiang Cheng.

He sent five million troops to attack.

With the vengeful character of the other party.

He will definitely not let him go easily.

Thinking of this, the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord sighed.

He is also a dying man, why bother with so many things, it is better to take advantage of this last time to reminisce the good times of this life.

Jiang Cheng did not speak, but looked at him with interest.

When he recalled almost everything, he said: "Don't worry, you are still useful, and I won't kill you."

"Your army is the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon, with good strength and huge potential in the future. When you grow to the later stage, you can definitely become a great help to me!"

The Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord sneered disdainfully.

"You want me to be your running dog?"

"Don't dream, Jiang Cheng!"

"You killed so many of my brothers and so many arms, which made me lose face, and my alliance fell apart. All the efforts of so many days were destroyed!"

"With such a deep hatred, I wish I could skin you alive and cook you alive now!"

"You actually want me to work for you and be your running dog?"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

After saying that, the Purple Winged Huanglong Lord was stubborn and unyielding. He turned his head to one side and said coldly: "Lord Jiang Cheng, you can kill me or cut me up as you want. Don't use these unrealistic ideas to coerce and lure me. I'm not that kind of person!"

"Who said I want to coerce and lure you? I use external forces to control you and let you be my dog ​​obediently. Isn't it good?"

Jiang Cheng curled his lips.

Since there is nothing to talk to this guy.

Then just do it.

Originally, he wanted to chat with him for a few words, but now he has lost interest and doesn't want to waste time.

Yale, who heard the noise, walked in.

He kicked the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord to the ground.

As the cold light crossed, dozens of bloody wounds appeared on his back.

Yale cut his wrist, and nearly a hundred drops of holy blood dripped into the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord's back, blending with his blood, devouring and assimilating each other, and flowing to the heart through blood vessels.

The majestic holy energy guided the flow of these infected blood, allowing them to quickly enter the heart.

During this period, the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord was in so much pain that his whole body spasmed, his limbs twitched, and his neck and above showed a sickly purple-black color.

"Lord Jiang Cheng... Let's discuss something..."

"I think we need to talk about it again..."

The Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord squeezed out the words from his teeth.

But Jiang Cheng turned a deaf ear and let Yale do whatever he wanted on his back.

An incense stick of time passed.

The Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord lay on the ground.

He slowly opened his eyes.

He just couldn't bear the torture and fainted on the spot.

When he woke up.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that all the injuries on his back had healed, his waist and legs were no longer sore, and his physical strength had increased a lot.

At the same time, the restraints on his body disappeared.

He could move freely!

Looking at Jiang Cheng, who was leisurely sitting on the throne and sipping the fragrant tea with his eyes closed, the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord's eyes flickered, and he took out a special talisman from the Lord's space.

As long as the energy is injected into the talisman, it can quickly travel a distance of 100 miles, provided that it cannot be interrupted.

He had 20 in his hand, enough for him to leave Jiang Cheng's territory and get away with it!

What the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon did not expect was that he had just taken out a talisman when a sense of crisis came from behind.

His hand disappeared.

Only a very smooth cut was left.

"Ah, my hand!!!"

A severe pain came.

The Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord lay on the ground and cried loudly.

Yale slapped him on the head.

"Why are you crying? It's not like it won't grow back. Why are you making a fuss!"

After hearing this,

The Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord was stunned for a moment.

He felt a tingling sensation in his hand.

He lowered his head in horror, watching the cut regrow flesh and blood at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He had only seen this abnormal recovery speed in blood clan warriors.

Wait, blood clan warriors...

The Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord's mind went blank, thinking of the external force control that Jiang Cheng just mentioned, and the series of operations that Yalie just did.

"I... became a blood clan?"

"Hahaha, how about it, this feeling is pretty good, right?"

"If you accidentally get pierced in the heart in the future, it will automatically repair and you won't die."

"It's just that you are a defective guy, and your blood is not pure enough. Otherwise, when you reach the god level, you can be reborn with blood drops and reborn with residual souls!"

Ale patted his shoulder and laughed.

Looking at his hands that have taken shape, the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord suddenly felt relieved. With this ability, he might be able to save his life in a critical moment.

But in this way, Jiang Cheng will have a way to control him.

He can only do things for Jiang Cheng obediently.

Be his lackey...

The idea of ​​the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord flashed in his mind, and Ale glared at him.

He began to urge the infected blood to jump up and down in the other party's body.

Unable to bear the torture, the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord immediately begged for mercy.

He surrendered obediently and became Jiang Cheng's lackey.

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