Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 146 Reclaiming the territory, the ignorant intermediate lord

After returning to the territory.

Jiang Cheng recovered the warehouses of the top lords, senior lords and intermediate lords.

He harvested a large number of props.

Formations, elixirs, talismans, weapons and equipment, energy stones, lord coins, luck points...

A large number of items directly filled his lord warehouse.

Jiang Cheng sold all the useless items to the trading area.

These useless things to him are rare items that those low-level lords can't get.

In this battle, Jiang Cheng obtained nearly 700 million energy stones and more than 10 million lord coins.

A variety of materials.

These are just the lords.

There are also items in the storage rings of local geniuses and local saints.

And the storage rings of saints, saint kings and others in the mysterious spaceship, which Jiang Cheng has not yet counted.

Jiang Cheng did not stay too long.

He took the teleportation array and followed the recorded coordinates of the teleportation array to travel to multiple regions and recover all the territories in those regions.

This right only belongs to the lord.

Therefore, the goal of the blood clan warriors is to occupy it and wait for Jiang Cheng to arrive.

[Detected an unowned territory 30 meters ahead, do you want to recycle it? ]


[Recycled successfully, obtained 7 million ores and wood, 2 million energy stones]

Jiang Cheng shuttled through various unowned territories.

Recycled them all.

Finally got a place.

There was a rumbling sound from behind.

And several foul-mouthed shouts and curses.

The figures of several intermediate lords appeared in Jiang Cheng's eyes, followed by tens of thousands of soldiers, grinning and tearing each other apart.

Looking at the gradually disappearing territory.

The hearts of several intermediate lords suddenly hurt.

Which bastard got there first.

They ran so far and couldn't even get a sip of soup. If this is really the case, wouldn't they lose everything?

The blood clan warrior next to him leaned close to Jiang Cheng's ear and said, "Lord, this is the fifth batch. The previous four batches must all be driven away or killed by me."

"Jiang Cheng!"

Someone shouted.

The other lords looked over with horror, as if they were looking at the King of Hell, and their faces lost color.

But after seeing the situation on the opposite side clearly.

These intermediate lords showed joy.

"Is the man on the opposite side Jiang Cheng?"

"Nonsense, besides Jiang Cheng, which lord can let the blood clan warriors stand behind him respectfully?"

"There are only two of them, and we have tens of thousands of troops. Together, we can kill Jiang Cheng and seize the treasures on him!"

Under the temptation of huge benefits.

Several intermediate lords were ignorant of the depths of the world, their eyes were greedy, and they regarded Jiang Cheng as a fat sheep with no power to tie a chicken, allowing them to slaughter him.

In their opinion, they only needed to spend 10,000 troops to entangle the blood clan warrior, and the remaining troops to take down Jiang Cheng, and the battle situation would be settled.

Following an order.

Intermediate soldiers from all over the mountains and plains rushed over.

They were densely packed everywhere.

Nowadays, these intermediate lords can summon more than a thousand soldiers every day, which is quite terrifying.

Using the human wave tactics to deal with nearby wild monsters, they can basically win every battle.

This also makes them arrogant.

They think they can use the same tactics against Jiang Cheng.

It's a pity that they have never met a real strong man.

They don't know that the gap between the saint-level strong and them is like a natural moat, which cannot be crossed.

The blood clan warriors behind Jiang Cheng mobilized the holy power.

Countless attacks containing holy power roared in.

Suddenly, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, wailing everywhere, blood flowed for 30,000 miles, and the broken arms and limbs of intermediate soldiers were everywhere. The smell of blood in the air made the wild monsters in the surrounding dense forest roar excitedly, and they were already rushing here.

"Devil... Devil!"

"We are now members of the White Tiger Alliance, Jiang Cheng, you can't kill me, otherwise you will declare war on the White Tiger Alliance, and our leader will not let you go!"

"I will post your crimes on the world channel so that others can see your ugly face clearly."

"You have killed so many top lords and senior lords, and now you want to take back their territories, and you don't even give us a sip of soup. Do you want to face the local forces alone?"

"If you are successful, you should help the world. Jiang Cheng, you have taken all the benefits. If anything happens to you in the future, we will not lend you a hand!"

Several intermediate lords were scared.

They kept roaring.

But even if they roared with all their strength, they could not cover up the stench mixed with the blood.

Now Jiang Cheng's black fans have reached a new peak.

Those intermediate lords who wanted to take the opportunity to reclaim their territories were driven away by the blood clan warriors and did not get a share of the cake, so they were resentful and began to curse Jiang Cheng in the public screen area for how he monopolized and how cruelly he treated them.

The members of the big alliances came out to respond with a smile.

They raised the banner of opposing Jiang Cheng.

They took advantage of the situation and brought these people into the alliance.

These big alliances must have fresh blood to join in order to continuously harvest leeks.

After all, fresh leeks are more tender.

In this way, Jiang Cheng almost became the public enemy of all members.

He was at the forefront of the world channel.

Jiang Cheng glanced at the public screen area, then looked at the lord trading area, and sneered in his heart.

They said bad things about him.

But they honestly bought his products and handed over the energy stones in their hands.

"They are just a bunch of villains. There is no need to care. I just need to continue to develop the territory and improve my strength. They will shut up one day."

"And the more they make trouble, the more they are afraid of me. They won't admit it, but they must be so in their hearts."

Jiang Cheng no longer paid attention to these people.

As long as they don't prevent him from earning energy stones, they can say whatever they want.

As for the ants in front of him.

There is not much meat on them, so it is useless to kill them.

Just leave them to the wild monsters in this place.

Jiang Cheng sighed slightly in his heart, turned around with the blood warriors and disappeared on the spot, heading to the next area to reclaim the territory.

"Jiang Cheng actually left on his own initiative!"

"Is he afraid of the reputation of our White Tiger Alliance?"

"Hahaha, if that's the case, then I have to consider whether to join the White Tiger Alliance."

"This message should be posted to the public screen area to let those homeless brothers join the White Tiger Alliance!"

Several intermediate lords were proud.

Little did they know that a huge head appeared behind them and swallowed them whole.

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