Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 176 Take off your clothes too

In the camp.

The sons and daughters of God talked about their own deeds.

They seemed to have forgotten that they were in danger.

"Who told you to chat!"

Yale and the eagle walked in aggressively, with evil spirits flowing on their bodies and deliberately making fierce expressions on their faces, like two evil villains.

Since the blood clan warriors had all gone to the temple, there was no one in the camp for the time being.

So the sons and daughters of God were so engrossed in chatting that they forgot the current situation.

They panicked.

Could it be that the other party wanted to kill them and was ready to do it?

Thinking of this, the sons and daughters of God twisted their bound bodies and began to imitate the movements of reptiles, retreating all the time.

Ye Qing and the Peacock Goddess, who were in the center of the crowd, were squeezed and squeezed, and for a while they were separated from the crowd.

After all, they were the initiators of the topic just now, and the sons and daughters of God were all sitting around them, which made it difficult for them to move for a while.


Yale curled his lips and snorted with contempt.

Then he grabbed Ye Qing's hand and took off the storage ring on her hand, and the Peacock Goddess beside him naturally did not let it go.

Seeing this scene, the sons of gods and goddesses breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that they did not want to attack them.

But they wanted to take away their storage rings...

The sons of gods and goddesses did not resist too much.

Although there were many good things in their storage rings, which made them feel very distressed, compared with their own lives, these good things seemed insignificant.

Money is something outside of the body.

Saving life is the best policy!

It's nothing more than some treasures.

After they go back, the Father God and the Mother God will give them more. It's nothing more than the next order to plunder the people's fat and blood.

Thinking of this, these sons of gods and goddesses cooperated and handed over the storage rings in their hands.

Yale nodded with satisfaction.

However, his eyes still stayed on a son of gods, and his eyes were full of ill intentions.

The son of gods felt cold on his back when he was looked at, and forced a smile on his stiff face.

"Hehe, brother."

"Why are you staring at me? I'm weak and will die after a little torture. It won't be good for you if I die, right?"

The scene of the big eagle whipping people with a special whip was still vivid in his mind. The son of God hurriedly explained, thinking that the other party would wave his hand in dissatisfaction.

But he didn't expect that his eyes still didn't move away.

The ill intention in his eyes was even worse.

The son of God kept wailing in his heart.

He began to suspect that this guy wanted to skin him alive and cook him to eat because he saw that he was tender, or that the other party had a preference for him and was ready to do something improper to him...

He couldn't accept either situation.

Driven by fear.

The son of God said: "Brother, I'm weak and don't have much meat. If you want to eat, kill the sons of the gods in Wan Yao Mountain. They can be enough for you to eat for several years when they transform into their original bodies."

"Or if you have a special fetish, I think it would be better for you to choose these goddesses. I really can't do it..."

He spoke.

All the sons and daughters of God immediately cast hateful eyes at him.

If eyes could kill, he would have died countless times at this moment.

"Humph, who wants to eat you?"

Yale came over, ignoring the struggle of the son of God, and forcibly took off his coat, pants, shoes, and accessories.

None of these clothes are ordinary.

They can block the prying of spiritual power and prevent spiritual attacks.

Some of these accessories are space treasures, and there may be a lot of good things hidden in them.

The rest of the accessories are also extremely rare and special metals.

They can be taken to Mengli as snacks.

As for the inner clothes, there is nothing to take off, they are all ordinary clothes, and they are stained with sweat.

The other sons of God swallowed their saliva when they saw this scene.

The goddesses were so scared that their faces turned pale.

Especially those goddesses wearing gauze skirts.

The most unlucky among them were the goddesses of the Huanyin Temple. They were dressed the best, revealing their breasts, very charming, but only a thin layer.

If the protective clothes were taken off, it would probably reveal a large area of ​​snow-white spring light.

After stripping the son of God, the next two people in the front row were Ye Qing and Peacock Goddess.

Ye Qing didn't have anything valuable on him.

Ya Lie looked around and muttered in disgust.

As soon as he looked at the Peacock Goddess.

Ye Qing struggled and hit him with his head, "No, strip your clothes. If you want to do it, then step over my body!"

Such a scene touched the Peacock Goddess.

Ya Lie threw Ye Qing to the ground far away.

The Peacock Goddess was startled: "Xiao Qing!"

"Hmph, you women, hurry up and change your clothes in the room over there. If you are slow, I will kill that woman. Do you hear me?"

Yale's holy energy flowed, cut off the ropes on the goddess' body, and threw out dozens of dresses woven from dry grass and hemp ropes, and threw them on the ground.

This scene was naturally coordinated in advance.

Yale threw it not too far away.

And when throwing it out, he urged a trace of holy power to hold Ye Qing.

Even if he didn't hold it, Ye Qing's demon beast physique would not be in trouble.

The sons of gods and goddesses whose realms were blocked did not feel the fluctuation of holy power.

In order to save Ye Qing's life, the goddesses acted quickly. They had a great affection for Ye Qing and were already sisters, so they did not drag their feet.

The sons of God were not so lucky. They were forced to the ground and stripped of their clothes.

They were stripped down to their underwear, but it was not over yet.

After searching through the clothes for a while, Yale and Da Diao gave up and left the camp with a full load.

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