Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 182: Reincarnation of a Thousand Years, Opesi's Ambition

For example, using the Internet dividend to make a big fortune.

For example, treating Anna to delicious food every day when going to and from school.

Going on a trip together, going on an adventure together, punishing evil and promoting good together...

After that, the relationship between the two became better and better, and it had reached a peak, but because of the gap in their hearts, neither of them expressed their feelings.

And the illusion was too realistic.

In it, the two of them were ordinary mortals, and one day their life would be almost over.

As they got older, at the age of 35, Jiang Cheng finally plucked up the courage to propose to Anna.

And Anna accepted Jiang Cheng's proposal after hesitating for a few minutes.

At this time, the wealth in the hands of the two was so terrifying that it was unimaginable. With such a strong combination, they naturally climbed to the top and became internationally popular figures.

Various things followed one after another.

The time they spent together became less and less, and they were addicted to work and couldn't extricate themselves. Their health was getting worse and worse, and this life passed in a daze.

There was no child left between the two.

Because doing that kind of thing made the two people who knew they were in an illusion unable to let go of their hands and feet.

The second life began.

In this life, they appeared in a fantasy world.

Jiang Cheng holds the supreme system and has a distinguished family background. He is the most noble eldest son of a hidden family. He has super high realm and invincible skills at the beginning.

After that, he awakened the system with the purpose of finding the son and daughter of luck. The first one he found was Anna.

Everything went smoothly afterwards.

He slapped the faces of various sons of luck.

The only accident was that Anna's magic power broke out, and others were needed to transfer the overflowing magic power, and the method of transfer was to do things that were not suitable for children.

In order to save Anna's life, Jiang Cheng sacrificed himself and took off his clothes to do it.

And the system rewarded a dual cultivation method, which lasted for seven days and seven nights. In the end, the two of them made great progress in their cultivation and reached the peak of their lives.

A special space was opened up, isolated from the world.

Nearly a hundred children were born at once.

Then the third, fourth, and fifth lives...

At this time, the two of them had completely let go of their bodies and minds, without any scruples. The initial barriers had been broken, and they began to be somewhat unscrupulous, creating a lot of villains in almost every life.

Life after life, reincarnation for thousands of years.

The two who were immersed in joy had forgotten how many lives they had passed. Anyway, happiness was all, and they could be as happy as they wanted.

Until the two of them completely exhausted their mental power, their real bodies lost the support of strength, and they hugged each other, with a soft green light blooming on their bodies, replenishing their mental power continuously.

At the same time, the mental power continued to increase and expand at a speed visible to the naked eye on the original basis.

When the two woke up, I believe their mental power would surge to an extremely terrifying level.


Forest of Elves.

Opesi opened her eyes from the bed.

She also took a magical fruit.

The promise made with the goddess before.

The other party did not break his promise.

Soon after she returned, she received a Fantasy Sound Fruit, but her situation in the fantasy world was not very good. She could meet young men who coveted her body in almost every life.

The scary thing was not this, but that she had entered middle age and had turned from a delicate rose into an old yellow flower. Although she was well maintained, there was no need to treat her like this.

The young man in the fantasy world would exhaust all means to get her, and then control her with extremely despicable means.

"Damn, is this broken Fantasy Sound Fruit of poor quality? Why is my fantasy world so bad!"

Opesi shook her body.

Now, if she saw any young man, she would be scared and dare not approach.

The effect of Opesi taking the Fantasy Sound Fruit was obviously not as good as Anna Jiang Cheng. She only stayed in the fantasy world for nine reincarnations, and she fell into pain in every life. It was a stroke of luck that she did not go crazy. In reality, only half an hour had passed.

Jiang Cheng was different from Anna. Except for the first life, the reincarnations after that were almost extremely happy, and he exhausted all his mental power.

This seemed a bit beyond ordinary people.

After all, being trapped in reincarnation for generations. Ordinary people will feel more and more painful, more and more confused, and begin to doubt life and reality.

With such negative emotions, it is impossible to maintain reincarnation for several generations.

The effect obtained is also pitiful.

But Anna and Jiang Cheng have almost developed the effect of the Fantasy Sound Fruit to the extreme. If the mental power is sufficient, they can continue to reincarnate.

"Although the process is a bit painful, my mental power has finally broken through to the semi-god!"

Opesi opened her arms, and the vast mental power enveloped the entire earth. Countless mud and sand fell from the top of the hall, as if she could destroy it with a thought.

"Hmph, when my plan is completed, I will move to the patriarch's hall and never stay in this dark ghost place again. Let those stinky elves live in it!"

Opesi took out a weird porcelain doll from under the bed.

There was a hole at the bottom of the doll, and a leaf with divine light was forced into the hole, and purple-black fine lines crawled on the leaf like tentacles.

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