Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 186 The True God Hidden in the Void

"Opesi, you are indeed problematic!"

An elf girl floated in the air, her feet were bare, her long yellow hair fluttered behind her, her chest kept rising and falling, and her eyes were full of anger.

Opsesi laughed wildly on the opposite side of the girl, her hair, eyes and lips were dyed with seductive purple-black, which was a symbol of fallen elves.

"Tilis, you should find it hard to imagine that I, who was looked down upon by you and excluded from the scope of power, could achieve such achievements today, right?"

"All this is thanks to you. If you had given me power earlier and let me take charge of some of the affairs of the tribe, I would not have come to this point today and would not have thought of taking action against the mother tree of elven trees!"

"You forced me to do all this!"

Opesi's expression gradually twisted, her eyes were full of morbid madness, and her sharp voice resounded through the forest of elven trees, shaking the ears of countless elves.

The aura on her body reached its peak.

The spiritual power was continuously injected into the strange doll in her hand.

The mother tree of elven trees withered further.

Dilisi said: "Opesi, you have always wanted to ascend the throne of the patriarch, so do you dare to fight me? If you can beat me, I will give you the throne of the patriarch!"

"I couldn't ask for more!"

A trace of excitement flashed in Opesi's eyes.

The two came to the outskirts of the Elf Forest.

They didn't want the Elf Forest to be affected by the battle and the divine calamity, so they came to an open area thousands of miles away, ready to fight here.

But at this time.

The divine calamity above their heads has already condensed.

Thick thunders cut through the sky, exuding a breath of destruction, and struck them.

For this day, Opesi made countless preparations.

Surviving the divine calamity is naturally within her plan.

She waved her hands, mobilized the spiritual power that was infinitely close to the true god, and built a defensive formation in an instant. Countless thunders fell on it and all fell into the sea.

And some of the thunders splashed around and shot towards Dilisi.

Seeing this scene.

Dilisi's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

However, as the leader of the elves, she was able to deal with the early thunder tribulation quite easily. She took out a semi-artifact, and the bright holy light illuminated the world, blocking all the endless thunder.

Neither of them had time to deal with each other.

They focused on dealing with the thunder tribulation above their heads.

This process was extremely dangerous. If something went wrong, they would not be able to survive the divine tribulation and would only become pseudo-gods. This was unacceptable to both of them.

The leader of the elves could not be a pseudo-god whose cultivation could not be further refined.

One after another, terrifying thunder tribulations fell.

The momentum of the thunderclouds in the sky had reached a terrifying peak, causing the air below to slow down. These were the last few thunder tribulations.

As long as they survived these few thunders, the sky would bless them, allowing their aura to return to the peak and achieve the supreme realm!

At this time, Opesi and Dilis looked a little embarrassed. They had lost the elegant image of the leader of the elves and the high priest of the elves. They looked like a down-and-out woman who was in a hurry to escape because her family had fallen into poverty.

The aura of the two was also weakened a lot compared to before, and their bodies were shaky in the air, as if they would fall at any time.

"Dilis, you'd better give up!"

"It's impossible for you to survive these last few divine tribulations in your current state. If you become a false god, I will laugh at you for the rest of my life, hahaha!"

If Dilis became a false god, she would not be able to stay in the position of patriarch anymore, and could only return to the empire and sacrifice for the great cause of the empire.

And Opesi, who became a true god, could naturally ascend to the throne of true god.

Of course, whether her problem would be investigated or not was still unknown.

After saying that, Opesi increased the strength of her hands and extracted more realms and lifespans from the elf mother tree.

At the same time, she also took out several soul pills prepared in advance from the storage ring to make up for the consumed mental power and strive to restore the state to the best.

"Don't be happy too early!"

Dilis snorted coldly and took out a pill emitting divine light from the storage ring.

This is a gift distributed by the Elf Empire to the patriarchs.

Each clan leader can get one when he takes office.

Tens of thousands of holy medicines plus hundreds of divine medicines and a drop of the divine blood of the Elf Queen can refine thousands of such pills. Even with the foundation of the Elf Empire, such pills can only be refined once a year. They are extremely precious and rare.

Taking this pill can instantly restore the physical state and mental strength to the peak state, and obtain a continuous supply of energy.

This kind of divine medicine has a great function for true gods.

For a demigod like Dilis, it is almost like placing an energy supply box on her body. In a short period of time, she can squander the energy in her body until the effect of the medicine is completely evaporated.

Seeing such a divine pill appear in Dilis's hand.

There was only jealousy in Opesi's eyes, which then turned into a strong hatred. She looked at the void in the distance, where a true god was hidden. The other party was ready to go and could take action at any time to give Dilis a fatal blow...

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