Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 190: Combining two trees into one

The body of the Elf Mother Tree has been exhausted to the extreme.

Taking half of the magic pill would not help.

Buy her a few more days at most.

So Tiris, regardless of her status as a true god, knelt down to Anna and begged for a way to save the mother tree.

Anna turned to look at the Elf Mother Tree.

Divine light flowed in her eyes, and she could see through the true nature of the mother tree, and even the laws of wood on her body could be seen clearly.

She couldn't help but think of the unknown tree in front of the temple.

The structure of that tree is similar to that of the Elf Mother Tree. Maybe the two can be combined into one, giving off a new vitality and achieving further effects.

And when they leave.

The tree in front of the temple had a strange phenomenon, as if a male who had been single for a long time saw a lonely female and kept making courtship noises.

Especially at the moment when the Elf Mother Tree comes out.

The vision became more intense.

"If you hold this mother tree in front of the tree in the temple, something interesting might happen between the two, and maybe the heart of the tree inside will mature under this opportunity."

Anna thought so in her heart.

The law of wood is contained in the heart of the tree.

This is extremely important to Jiang Cheng.

So it doesn’t matter whether this is possible or not.

You must take the mother tree over and try it.

At this moment Jiang Cheng also came over.

Anna had just told him the general situation through voice transmission.

The two looked at each other.

Everyone thinks this method is feasible.

When the two become one, the mother tree will not die, but will become a part of it.

The deep roots remain on the island of God.

In this way, they not only harvested a sacred tree, but also matured the heart of the tree inside.

As for what these elves think, it is not within their scope of consideration. Anyway, they have saved you, and the healthy mother tree is placed in front of them.

Not only that, they can also lie that they paid a huge price to force them to hand over the Elf Forest and a lot of resources as reward.

The other party can't find any excuse to refuse.

As for using strong methods to force these elves to hand over the Elf Forest, Jiang Cheng didn't want to use this method.

Because he vaguely felt dozens of divine thoughts intertwining in the void, secretly spying on what was happening in this area.

If we take action forcefully, these divine minds will definitely see it clearly, and when word spreads about it, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

Soon after, it was a grand event on the mainland.

The time when the ancient secret realm opens.

He didn't want to be noticed by too many forces during this period.

Anna helped Tilis up.

He opened his mouth and said: "We have ways to save your mother tree, but it will also pay a high price. After all, her aura is so weak that she is already dying. Saving her is like fighting against the Lord of Hell. The degree of difficulty is self-evident, and maybe even I will suffer a huge backlash..."

Anna boasted seriously.

Make things extremely serious.

Tiris nodded slightly and heard the implication. The other party has a way to save the mother tree, but letting her act like a cow or a horse is not enough to make the other party's heart flutter, and something more expensive needs to be paid.

Something more expensive than a true God…

Tiris couldn't help but recall the time when she was an ignorant girl who was sent to the Vaslo Forest at a young age.

If it hadn't been for the mother tree's careful care, she wouldn't have been able to achieve what she has achieved today. She might have been sent back to the empire long ago to devote herself to the empire's great cause.

There is no way to repay the kindness of knowing someone.

Then Tiris looked at the large group of elves behind her. They were not from the empire.

It should be said that except for a few high-level members of their elven clan, the rest of the members were personally conceived by the mother tree, and the mother tree was their mother.

Now my mother is dying in order to protect the ethnic group.

These elves cast hopeful glances at her, wanting to see if the patriarch could save the mother tree.

Huge pressure fell on Tilis.

She sighed slightly, "You two can just say whatever you want. As long as you can save the mother tree, I can give it to you. I will bear the responsibility alone, and the empire will not come after you."

This is what Jiang is concerned about.

There is an extremely powerful Elf Empire behind the elves. He doesn't know how strong their power is.

But to be able to equip each ethnic group with a god-level strongman, a divine weapon, and open up a special space, the foundation can be said to be quite profound, and there must be a super strong person in charge.

"Although Tilis has taken all the responsibility, the elves will still hold a grudge against me, but they have no suitable reason to attack me for a while, so I will have some breathing time!"

"When the power in my hands develops, the elves will have to think twice if they want to attack me!"

With this in mind, Jiang Cheng said, "I don't want much, as long as you give me the Elf Forest and pay three billion energy stones."

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