[Abyss Battlefield - Preemptive Strike]

[After the last attack of the Abyss Mist, the Abyss monsters gathered again. And the scale of this gathering is extremely powerful, and the number is hundreds of times larger than the previous one, including many god-level Abyss monsters]

[Assuming that the Abyss monsters descend on the continent, it may cause the local god-level forces to take notice, and they will not ignore it as before]

[When the local forces investigate, the lords will inevitably be threatened, so we should take the initiative to attack and go to the Abyss Battlefield to completely defeat these gathered Abyss monsters and make them lose the ability to invade the continent]

[The Abyss Battlefield is extremely vast, its area is no less than a continent, and the strength of the monsters gathered there is uneven, some are strong and some are weak]

[When the lords teleport there, the teleportation area will be divided according to the realm of power, and the teleported target must be one that you can solve]

[This event is extremely dangerous, I hope that the lords will not hide their strength, and need to send their main forces to deal with it with all their strength. Similarly, the rewards that can be exchanged for points in this event are extremely comprehensive, including artifacts. You can check the specific situation on the event page later.

[Tip: The Abyss Battlefield is a special space, and the rules of heaven and earth are extremely chaotic. The energy and holy power consumed by the lords to kill the enemy need to be restored by absorbing energy stones, so energy stones are also one of the must-have items.

[The number of items carried this time is extremely large, so the lord space is temporarily expanded to unlimited, and any number of items can be placed in it.

[The duration of this event is uncertain. When it ends depends on when the lords have cleared the abyss monsters. During this period, the lords are not allowed to attack other lords. Violators will be sent back to the territory and lose the qualification to continue to participate in the war.

[If the lord fails to eliminate all the abyss monsters in the end, those who fail this event will still descend on the continent and attack the lord forces, and will also attract the attention of local forces.

At night, the world announcement appeared on the channel.

The content of the event was roughly introduced.

"This activity is too special. The place we go to can't restore the energy consumed by itself. All energy stones are needed to replenish. Isn't this a competition between the foundations of the lords..."

Lords who don't have enough energy stones may not be able to survive in it for long. I'm afraid they will run out of ammunition and food without using them for a day.

Fortunately, the last announcement gave them hope.

You can attack other lords at the last moment to leave this special area of ​​the Abyss Battlefield.

But in this way, the pressure will fall on the heads of other lords.

They left here, leaving a large number of abyss monsters entrenched here.

The announcement mentioned that they could not leave until they were cleaned up.

In this way, other lords must help them clean up this mess.

Jiang Cheng sighed slightly when he saw this.

"Those low-level lords definitely don't have the strength to stay. They will definitely find ways to attack other lords and then be sent back to their territories."

"Even if they can deal with the abyss monsters in front of them, but people in other places didn't defend, so they still can't escape the fate of escaping."

There will definitely be people who will flee without fighting in the Abyss Battlefield.

There will not be a few such people, but a large number of people will do this. They would rather die than their friends die. In order to survive, they will sacrifice those lords they have never met without any psychological pressure. They will not hesitate for too long and will attack the lords beside them and leave the abyss battlefield.

As more and more such operations are carried out.

The pressure on the lord forces will become greater and greater.

In the end, it will fall on the top lords and super lords.

Jiang Cheng felt that he would definitely be the last one to stay, and he might even be the last lord to stay there.

After all, the abyss battlefield is an opportunity and a challenge for him.

It is an excellent opportunity to improve the overall combat power of the territory.

So he will not retreat, nor does he want to retreat.

The strength he has accumulated can fully support him to fight this rich battle. As long as there is no too powerful enemy, he should be able to deal with it.

Moreover, he thinks that there will be no enemies stronger than Anna in the abyss battlefield. If there is, the lord forces will not be able to win at all.

This event has become meaningless.

Then Jiang Cheng clicked on the points redemption page.

His breathing became rapid.

There are a wide variety of artifacts inside, including ordinary artifacts and artifacts of other levels.

There are also god-level warships, god-level artillery, and special space magic balls that can make green radish evolve.

The most expensive reward is the dimensional interstellar artillery at the top. One shot can destroy half of the continent and make an unhealable hole in the universe. The power is extremely terrifying.

This artillery can only be exchanged for one.

Only one of all the lords can own it. It is extremely rare and extremely deterrent.

It may cost a lot to activate this artillery.

But it is enough to deter some villains.

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