Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 205 Bullying an honest person

The blood clan warriors in front were not afraid of this situation.

They were scattered in various places.

The blood wings that covered the sky and the sun spread out and floated in the air. The blood-red field spread from under their feet, filled with the incomparably powerful power of the Holy Way.


The terrifying holy power burst out.

The blood clan warriors roared and rushed over, and sub-fire flames appeared around their bodies.

Flame balls with a diameter of thousands of meters fell from the sky, like a star falling from the outer space, and smashed into the abyss monster group fiercely.

So many fireballs appeared at the same time, and the air within a radius of hundreds of kilometers suddenly collapsed.

The first to bear the brunt were the suspended octopus monsters with big eyes in the air. Before they could react, they were squeezed to the ground by the terrifying airflow, generating extremely terrible shock waves.

With these big-eyed octopus monsters that fell to the ground as the center, countless abyss monsters were shaken to pieces, and just turned into countless particles and dissipated in this abyss battlefield.

At the same time, the flame spheres exploded.

Endless holy power covered the star-level abyss monsters in the back, causing them to dissipate between heaven and earth without even a scream.

The netherworld blood flames stained the rest of the monsters.

A power that could burn the soul made these monsters lie on the ground and roll continuously, emitting painful and sharp wails and screams.

No matter how they rolled on the ground, they could not extinguish the flames, and even intensified the burning of the flames.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you.

The blood clan warriors understood this truth.

They quickly stood up and attacked the abyss monsters covered by flames beside them.

The super-grade holy weapon stabbed into the monster's body, and the violent holy power poured into the body. The bodies of the monsters exploded one after another and turned into powder on the ground.

Most of the blood clan warriors have now reached the great saint realm.

Only a small number of blood clan warriors who lacked talent have not yet broken through the bottleneck, but after a killing, they all successfully broke through and reached the great saint.

"Not good, these guys are a bit weird!"

"They were at the peak of Saint King before, but now they have broken through after killing a few of us in the early Saint King stage. What kind of monster is this? Doesn't this guy need to settle down and accumulate?"

"If they continue like this, they will become stronger and stronger, and our people will become fewer and fewer. I suggest sending a message immediately to let the demigods, or even gods, take action!"

"That's right, the guy over there was still in the early stage of Great Saint. After killing more than 20 of our Saint Realm companions, he is about to break through to the middle stage, and they have a method to improve their strength, which seems to not require any energy!"

"It's okay to improve their strength, but the most important thing is that every time they kill one of our companions, they can gain invisibility and a short-term acceleration. We can't catch their figures at all!"

"I didn't expect that we would have a bad start. We encountered such a hard nail not long after we came out. I don't know what the other troops are like. If this is true, we must send gods to clean them up, otherwise we will pay a heavy price!"

The abyss monster encountered such a fierce blood clan warrior.

They began to communicate constantly.

But they did not retreat.

The creatures in their universe are all brave and fearless. Even if they know that there is an almighty strongman here, they are still fearless and willing to sacrifice their lives for the invasion!

"He is so mean!"

"He dared to call the demigods and true gods over. Isn't this obviously bullying the honest people? It's simply unethical, bah!"

The eagle heard the discussion and slapped two roaring saint-level abyss monsters to death with a slap.

Killing two saints with his demigod strength is so easy, just like pinching to death two small beasts that just learned to walk.

The surrounding abyss monsters couldn't help cursing in their hearts when they heard his complaints.

You are the most outrageous person present.

A dignified demigod strongman actually rushed into the star-level team in the back and killed them.

He also ran over to listen to them from time to time!

Slap two of their kind to death at any time!

This is intolerable!

This group of abyss monsters were extremely angry, and an invisible sound wave came out of their throats, which was transmitted to the tentacles of the remaining big-eyed octopus monsters in the air.

This is their special way of communication.

It is basically difficult to detect.

Invisible sound waves passed through the abyss monster army behind and entered the cosmic cracks...

At present, the blood clan warriors have fully opened their skills, domain, blood burning method, rage...

With the blessing of many skills.

They are extremely brave and wander among the monsters.

Basically, no attack can threaten them, but the abyss monsters are restrained, fearing that they will accidentally attack their teammates.

Under the crazy killing.

The strength of the blood clan warriors has risen rapidly, but because of the excessive waste of holy power, the holy power left in their bodies has dropped to half.

As a result, some blood clan warriors have to absorb energy stones while fighting bravely to prevent their physical condition from falling below the red line.

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