Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 213: First-level God descends on the continent

At this time, in the center of the continent.

Several senior lords who happened to pass by here stared at the distance in amazement.

The ground kept cracking, forming a bottomless abyss, which radiated red energy, and a bright and bright sphere like the sun rose into the air.

Several senior lords were surprised to find that the plates under their feet were moving outward, and they were moving away from the red sphere in the central area.

A vast vacuum zone soon formed under the sphere.

It seemed to be pulled by a mysterious force.

The sand and stones floating in the sky in the universe were gathering towards the vacuum zone below, quickly condensing together, and quickly condensing into an endless land.

The new land was full of vitality.

It formed a sharp contrast with the purple-black soil eroded by the breath of the abyss under the feet of several senior lords.

The former was like the most beautiful pure land in the world.

The latter was like land formed by silt at the bottom of a river.

One after another, transparent cosmic laws were imprinted on these new continents.

These continents have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Several lords could clearly feel the rotation of the four seasons, the changes of the cycle of life and death, and various mountains, rivers, plants, birds and flowers began to be born on this land.

The red sphere began to emit a power like the power of creation, emitting warm light, like the embrace of a mother, making people want to rush over.

Several senior lords looked at each other greedily.

They rang the prompt sound in their minds just now.

This must be the so-called star source.

This is what the super lords are eager to obtain.

Now this treasure has appeared in front of them.

How can they not be moved and greedy?

If they can take it for themselves, it will be a supreme opportunity. Although they don’t know what benefits this thing will bring to them, it must be extremely valuable!

It can make them soar into the sky.

Several senior lords were about to rush over.

They saw several black shadows flashing in front of them.

They were four abyss monsters hiding in the dark.

The four abyss monsters exuded a terrible holy power and a strong abyss breath, as if they wanted to use this overwhelming abyss breath to infect the entire star source.

But just after they advanced a few miles, they were wiped out by a mysterious force and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Several high-level lords swallowed their saliva.

They all saw fear in each other's eyes.

"This thing seems to be a bit powerful..."

"This is the origin of a planet, how can it not be powerful..."

"It feels like a god will fall here if he approaches..."

Several people were scared and retreated again and again.

They were afraid that the terrible power would spread and kill them here.


Compared to their fear.

Anna was so excited when she heard the news that she wanted to break through the void and go to the location of the star source immediately.

At the beginning of the birth of the star source.

Endless power of heaven and earth will be generated around it.

If she absorbs these powers of heaven and earth alone, her realm will soar up rapidly like a rocket, without stopping halfway.

Jiang Cheng rarely saw Anna so excited.

It was only in the first reincarnation of the thousand-year cycle that Anna was excited when she saw those high-tech gadgets.

Even then, she was not as excited as now.

Anna could not go alone.

She needed to move forward in the void while urging divine power to resist the surrounding void turbulence. What if something unexpected happened in the meantime?

Fortunately, all the blood clan warriors returned to the warship.

Jiang Cheng stored hundreds of billions of energy stones inside the warship, and let Youyou control the spacecraft to move forward to the center of the continent and increase the speed to the fastest.

As for the third-level god nailed to the crack, he had been executed by Anna. The wailing sound emitted before death scared the surrounding lords to retreat tens of thousands of miles away, fearing that they would be affected.

Jiang Cheng evacuated very quickly.

Other super lords and top lords also began to retreat. It was unwise for them to continue to stay in such a forward position.

Wait for the army of abyss monsters to rush out of the crack.

They will definitely be difficult to resist.

Even if they can hold on, what about the other super lords and demon lords?

If there is a place where the abyss monsters are not dealt with.

These abyss monsters that broke through the defense line are likely to outflank them and surround them. At that time, they will really be helpless.

They can't escape from this encirclement at all.

Other lords will not be stupid enough to come to support.

Not long after they left.

A series of changes occurred in the void crack.

A terrifying divine power attacked the invisible protective energy of the crack.

The two forces confronted each other, generating countless air waves, each of which could easily destroy a demigod.

Countless rocky peaks were affected.

Colliding with the air waves, they turned into dust all over the sky.

It is unknown how long the two fought against each other.

The invisible force in front of the void crack seemed to have weakened a lot, and an abyss monster who had reached the realm of a first-level god walked out from the other side of the crack.

Those ambitious eyes seemed to be able to penetrate everything, looking at the center of the continent.

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