Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 221 The Mastermind - Demon Lord

"Brothers, my defense line has been breached. I am hiding in a valley now. Be careful, brothers behind me. There are three great saint-level monsters among these guys!"

A top lord evacuated the defense line with dozens of injured soldiers.

"Damn it, what happened in front? Why are there so many abyss monsters? Those big guys won't have any conflicts and are not going to resist!"

"No, our leader said that there are at least tens of billions of abyss monsters this time. The number of their troops can't fill this gap at all. They can only try their best to block them!"

A lord who knew the situation sent a message.

Seeing this message, all the lords changed their faces.

Tens of billions of abyss monsters!

The combat power of these abyss monsters is much stronger than that of their lords. Among them, there are at least several hundred million abyss monsters in the saint realm.

But what about them?

At present, the lords who have saints are only high-level lords and above, and some intermediate lords have the strength to fight against saints.

But this level is far from enough...

"Damn it, why did the defense line collapse so quickly? This group of abyss monsters are less than 200,000 miles away from the center of the continent. The defense line behind is all intermediate lords and low-level lords. These abyss monsters can be completely ignored!"

The lords near the star source are all weak lords. They don't have much combat power. They can only hide at the back and kill some fish that slip through the net.

But if they are faced with hundreds or thousands of abyss monsters.

It's like asking a group of ants to stop a speeding fighter. It's impossible to do it.

So, don't look at the long distance.

With the crazy advancement speed of these abyss monsters.

It may soon reach the center of the continent.

A top lord suddenly found that something was wrong.

"What's going on? I retreated to a defense line in the back. I originally planned to cooperate with the senior lords here to defend and rebuild the defense line, but where are the people here!"

"Why can't I see even a shadow? The most outrageous thing is that there is no trace of battle, not a single corpse!"

Looking at such obvious signs of escape.

This top lord was almost furious!

He didn't expect that at such a critical moment, when he was ready to sacrifice at any time, someone would flee without fighting and directly escape from the battlefield!

There were more than a dozen high-level lords on this line of defense.

They all ran away without even saying hello!

Thinking of this, the top lord's back teeth were bleeding.

A lord who knew the situation stood up.

"These guys have already run to the other side of the continent, which is the farthest from the cosmic crack, and there is no need to consider the attack of the abyss monsters."

"I didn't want to say it at first, after all, one of them is my friend, and he originally planned to take me with him, but I refused..."

"If I hadn't seen so many lords still resisting, I wouldn't have planned to say it."


Seeing this news.

Countless lords who were still defending were so angry that smoke came out of their heads.

They fought hard on the front line and were ready to sacrifice at any time.

But these guys sneaked to the back!

"I know a little bit of inside information. At the beginning, many people did not intend to go. It was the demon lord who took the lead. He contacted his old subordinates and asked them to contact those lords who were indecisive and retreat to the rear to avoid the attacks of the abyss monsters."

It's the demon lord again!

The eyes of countless lords were red.

I wish I could tear this guy to pieces.

It would be fine if he didn't defend before, but now he led others to retreat to the rear!

What does this guy want to do!

After seeing this news, Jiang Cheng also felt a rage in his heart.

But then he thought that the real demon lord had died in Anna's hands, and now the demon lord was controlled by the six demon gods. Their purpose was to create negative emotions that matched them and increase their own strength.

"These six guys!"

"After solving all the abyss monsters, I will settle accounts with you!"

Jiang Cheng's eyes were cold, and he planned to solve this scourge.

Just when everyone was worried about the next situation, the dragon lord stood up.

"Everyone, rest assured. Three of my soldiers have already touched the threshold of the God Realm. They will soon be able to break through and become gods. Then they can turn the situation around in an instant!"

"My two white tigers have also touched the door of the God Realm. They have condensed a calamity cloud in the sky, which has dispelled most of the abyss aura. I don't know how many abyss monsters will die under the calamity cloud next, hahaha!"

After the two of them.

The other three lords of the five major alliances also said that their soldiers had touched the threshold of breaking through the God Realm.

This move undoubtedly gave the other lords a shot in the arm and made them regain their confidence.

Especially the members of the five major alliances.

They began to flatter crazily.

Of course, these guys still can't change their eating habits. It would be fine if they just flattered, but they had to choose to belittle others to highlight the power of their leader.

And the object of this belittlement is naturally Jiang Cheng himself...

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