Jiang Cheng closed his eyes and sat on the soft chair in the cab.

After dealing with the affairs of those lords, he came here and began to check the points obtained in this event.

A total of 110 billion points!

This number of points can be exchanged for the dimensional interstellar cannon he has been thinking about. One shot can annihilate the creatures of half a continent, and the power is extremely terrifying.

This cannon requires 1 trillion points.

Jiang Cheng can exchange it.

[Do you want to spend 1 trillion points to exchange for the dimensional interstellar cannon? ]

Because the number is too large, there is even a prompt sound in my mind, and I have to confirm it again and again to avoid exchanging the wrong item.


As Jiang Cheng's voice fell.

The roar of heavy objects falling sounded outside the battleship.

Through the screen, Jiang Cheng saw a huge cannon full of technology, novel structure, and standing next to the battleship.

Its length and size are no less than this battleship.

Especially the gun barrel, I am afraid that it will be no problem to put the body of the True God of Wan Yao Mountain in it.

Through the prompt sound in his mind, Jiang Cheng knew the power of this artillery and the energy he needed.

This artillery did not require a lot of resources to start up as Jiang Cheng imagined.

On the contrary, it did not require any resources.

Instead, it needed to absorb a large amount of cosmic power as the energy for launching.

"This is a bit troublesome. The power of the universe is extremely mysterious. Only the star source can absorb and transform it. Where can I get this for you..."

Jiang Cheng looked at the star source outside.

Now the strange phenomenon has not passed, and there are mountains rising from the ground. It is estimated that it will take some time, and it may cover the entire continent before it will be declared over.

By then, this star source will be officially mature.

Jiang Cheng knew that this star source could attract the power of the universe, but he could not intercept these cosmic powers from it. The relationship between the two is extremely complicated.

If even the power of the universe can be comprehended.

Then his strength is more than that.

So far, he can only pin his hopes on Luluo.

Jiang Cheng exchanged the remaining 10 million points for space orbs, each of which is worth 10 billion points and covers an area of ​​300 square kilometers.

Just like the Elf Forest of the Elves.

It is a special space.

It can allow the green radish to merge and expand the area of ​​the Sky God Island.

As his home, Jiang Cheng must spend more time on it.

Only when the Sky God Island is built into an unparalleled fortress can he go out with confidence.

In the next period of time, he needs to go to the depths of the Vaslo Great Forest, and then to the ancient secret realm of the local forces.

He can't stay in the Sky God Island to participate in these matters, and going out is inevitable.

Jiang Cheng exchanged all the remaining fractions for Lord Coins.

According to Ye Qing's recent feedback, the ancient secret realm has experienced countless wars, and countless true gods have fallen, and the power of laws is floating everywhere.

There are many rare and powerful laws among them.

This kind of law often requires expensive Lord Coins.

For example, Luo Qi's Void Law, she spent 5 million Lord Coins to obtain it.

I wonder how many Lord Coins it will take to evolve the Void Law to the Void Way.

Even though Jiang Cheng currently has a large amount of Lord Coins, the aura of luck on his body makes him feel that these are not enough, and there is a supreme opportunity waiting for him.

It is naturally good to be prepared.

As for other items, he has them for the time being.

At present, only Jiang Cheng and the special Lords on the warships have not left the Abyss Battlefield, and the rest of the Lords have all returned to the territory of the mainland.

After fighting for four consecutive days, they are naturally exhausted and ready to sleep for three days and three nights.

Before that, they naturally exchanged all the points of the event.

After all, there is only one day. If they don’t oversleep and the event ends, who can they cry to?

During this period, these Lords glanced at the extremely expensive and technological artillery from time to time.

Although they are not eligible to exchange, it won’t lose a piece of meat to look at it.

But soon, a Lord found something wrong.

The number behind the limited exchange below changed from one to zero, which means that this artillery has been exchanged for a full one trillion points!

Who is so cruel?

Fortunately, personal points can still be checked now.

The first person that countless lords thought of must be Jiang Cheng.

After all, he was so fierce at the beginning.

It is reasonable to break through the one trillion mark.

Sure enough, this artillery was exchanged by Jiang Cheng.

Ordinary lords think it is nothing, after all, Jiang Cheng has no grudges against them, and maybe he can get close to him in the future and touch this artillery.

But the members of the five major alliances dare not even sleep.

Especially their leaders.

Jiang Cheng has this artillery. As long as he finds the general direction of their territory on the map, he can fire a shot at random, and they will only end up in ashes.

Even aiming is not needed.

The power is comparable to tens of thousands of nuclear bombs falling.

Half of the creatures on the continent will encounter it.

No matter what realm or identity you are.

Under the coverage of this artillery, there is only death.

They don't know what the price is to activate this artillery, but they are afraid that Jiang Cheng can activate this thing, and it is hard to say.

Even if he can't activate it now, what about the future?

With such a powerful weapon in Jiang Cheng's hands, the leaders of the five major alliances sat upright, feeling a sense of fear in their hearts, as if their fate had been firmly controlled by Jiang Cheng.

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