After that, Jiang Cheng gave him some things that he couldn't use.

This guy will be very useful in the future.

If he dies so easily, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

When the time comes, those lords who want to attack him will have to find another way. I don't know when that will happen.

He can't wait to crush those lords who come to attack him into pieces!

After receiving the ranking rewards.

Jiang Cheng handed all the blood enhancement pills in his hand to the silver-level blood clan warriors in the territory.

We must seize the time to improve their strength.

In preparation for the upcoming war!

Jiang Cheng came to the city wall.

The city wall building card used for this city wall is the most common, not even low-level.

It cannot be upgraded, and the range cannot be expanded.

It has become a shackle that binds the territory.

After upgrading the temple, Jiang Cheng once again obtained residential houses and people, but because there was not much remaining space, he did not use it.

"This city wall must be demolished and replaced with a more advanced one."

"And the scale of tomorrow's battle will not be small. If the abyss monsters accidentally break through the city wall, the people behind will suffer!"

This is what Jiang Cheng least wants to see.

After accumulating so many resources, it's time to use them now...

Inviting the blood clan warriors to dismantle the city defense cannons above, Jiang Cheng spent 10,000 lord coins from the mall to buy advanced city wall building cards.

After using the advanced city wall, it can be expanded at will.

The defense is still strong and can withstand the attack of the seventh-level strongman.

Of course, it also has durability.

When its durability is exhausted, the city wall will collapse and turn into a pile of ruins.

【Whether to use advanced wall building card】

【If an existing city wall is detected, if an advanced building card is used, the original city wall will be replaced and will no longer exist.】


The dust was swept away.

A brand new tall city wall appeared in front of Jiang Cheng.

With a thought, the coverage of the city wall doubled, covering some mountains and forests that were originally on the periphery.

This area was enough, Jiang Cheng found a piece of open space and settled the houses and people.

As the city defense cannons were placed around the city wall.

Jiang Cheng purchased some more powerful city defense cannons.

There are a total of eight city defense cannons, each costing 10,000 lord coins.

Energy stones are required to fire cannons.

Basically, one energy stone can only sustain the appearance of one cannonball. Although the price is a bit expensive, the damage is very considerable. Five-star wild monsters can't last more than one round in its hands. After finishing the city wall,

Jiang Cheng turned his attention to the defense towers.

The four intermediate defense towers can be demolished, and then turned into building cards, and then built in a suitable location.

In this way, Jiang Cheng naturally chose to demolish them.

Then built at the four corners of the expanded city wall

【Should I spend 200,000 wood, 200,000 ore, and 10 level 4 beast cores to upgrade the intermediate defense tower to an advanced defense tower?

Jiang Cheng wanted to make do with it before.

See if he could get it for free.

But for the sake of the territory's safety, he finally chose to upgrade.

The defense tower upgrade was completed.

He built the four advanced defense towers rewarded by the upgraded temple at the center of the four city walls.

In this way, eight defense towers, eight super-powerful city defense cannons and the previous city defense cannons.

The firepower added together is enough to ensure the safety of the city wall.

After all, there is another circle of defense outside.

That is the blood clan warriors.

They will fight on the front line and keep most of the abyss monsters outside the city wall!

"The announcement showed the points that could be obtained by killing a nine-star abyss monster, indicating that nine-star monsters were possible.……"

"Since nine-star monsters will appear, seven-star and eight-star monsters will also appear, and their number will definitely not be small!"

Anna mainly deals with eight-star and nine-star abyss monsters.

As for seven-star and below, the blood clan warriors need to grit their teeth to deal with them, no matter how difficult it is. It is impossible to have no casualties in an eight-hour battle.

If you want to minimize casualties, you must improve your strength.

Then Jiang Cheng came to the camp and allocated them 200,000 energy stones in one breath.

Forty thousand pieces per group, distributed to each member, enough for them to improve their strength a lot.

Jiang Cheng did not fall behind in the training of the militia team and the expansion of its members.

The militia team that originally had only two hundred people has now expanded to five hundred people, and the extra three hundred people have also undergone some simple training.

Their main task is not to fight, but to be responsible for the city defense cannons on the city wall.

If a blood clan warrior is seriously injured, they need to carry him down from the battlefield.

The message prompt sound rang in his mind.

Jiang Cheng clicked on the friend interface

"Do you want equipment? This time it is guaranteed to be brand new, and there are both level 5 and level 6."

""Great price, no cheating!"

It was sent by Luo Qi.

Jiang Cheng asked,"You sold me a bunch of second-hand goods last time, how about giving me a 30% discount this time?"

"Do you think my equipment was blown by the wind?"

"Look, where can you find such cheap and high-quality weapons and equipment now? If I wasn’t afraid that you couldn’t get through this hard time, I wouldn’t sell them to you, humph!"

Luo Qi said so.

But she still couldn’t resist Jiang Cheng’s bargaining.

In the end, she gave him a 25% discount.

Jiang Cheng happily paid the money and got the equipment.

Then he asked with concern:"How is it over there? If you can’t hold on, you can buy a teleportation array and take your bugs to escape to my side."

"It's nothing more than losing the qualification to be a lord, it's nothing serious. If you miss the days of being a lord, I can set aside a remote area from my territory for you to use as a territory."

"If you are not used to it, you can live with me in a big house with hundreds of rooms for you to choose from."

"There are thousands of young women in my territory. You can make friends with them, wash clothes and cook with them, and learn how to live."

"Thousands of young women!"

Luo Qi was dumbfounded. Could it be that Jiang Cheng had already opened a harem in the territory?

How could he find so many women?

Could it be that there was a human city nearby and he robbed all the young women in that city?

Jiang Cheng quickly gave an explanation.

"Yes, the rewards for upgrading buildings are all young and strong men and women, and the ratio is about one to one."

Seeing this, Luo Qi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then she explained her situation

"I'm still optimistic."

"Although my bugs have no fighting power, their treasure hunting ability is still first-rate. This morning they brought back a battleship, which seems to be a Saint-level battleship, the kind that can kill a lot of nine-stars with one shot."

"However, each time a cannonball is fired, it requires a thousand energy stones, which is a bit unaffordable."

"That's why I came to you to trade in the middle of the night……"

"Where are the people?"

"Damn it, he disappears every time we're chatting, can we still be friends?"

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