The two of them didn't stay in the protective cover for long before they hurried back.

They didn't stay in the air, but flew straight towards Jiang Cheng, with a serious expression on their faces.

"My Lord!"

"We just found a strange creature outside. It was gray and black in color, covered with tentacles. It was very aggressive towards us and pounced on us as soon as it saw us."

"Moreover, this creature can use the black fog to hide its body, and its speed is extremely fast. It is like a fish in water in the black fog, and can shuttle back and forth repeatedly!"

After Yalie finished speaking, Jack next to him continued:

"These creatures seem to have a special skill. As long as they suck their tentacles onto other creatures, they can affect their minds and make them extremely brutal."

"I think the docile monsters suddenly became brutal because of their work!"

The two were talking about the abyss monsters.

Not long after they went out, the abyss monsters found them.

Using the surrounding black fog, they almost succeeded in a sneak attack.

Fortunately, their levels have been upgraded to seven stars, so they can react to this level of sneak attack in an instant and fight back.

"Share this information with others"

"Let them be more prepared when fighting."

"In addition, these pills are already labeled when you distribute them."

"Tell the soldiers not to be reluctant to use it. If it is not enough, I still have it here."

Jiang Cheng took out a storage ring and handed it over.

Now Jack has been promoted to seven stars.

Therefore, his team has become the most powerful one. Jiang Cheng also adjusted the defense task accordingly.

Jack's team will defend the air.

Yatuo's team will take over the position that Jack previously defended.

The two sides exchanged.

It was less than two hours before twelve o'clock in the morning.

The blood clan warriors stopped slaughtering wild monsters in the air.

Prepare to take a breath and face more powerful enemies later.

Jiang Cheng looked up at the black fog that covered the sky and murmured:

"After the protective shield disappears, the black fog will surely spread in. The abyss monsters will hide in the black fog and become as flexible as loaches, which will cause considerable confusion to the vampire warriors."

"Fortunately, the defense tower can provide real vision, and these abyss monsters have nowhere to hide, but their speed is slightly faster.……"

Jiang Cheng did not intend to tell other lords about this information.

Their lives and deaths had nothing to do with him.

This was originally a test.

Those who failed would be eliminated, and those who passed would continue to stay on this stage and compete for hegemony.

They were all competitors.

Time passed little by little.

There were only ten minutes left before the protective shield disappeared.

The announcement on the world channel had begun the countdown.

【There are only 9 minutes and 56 seconds left before the shield disappears.】

"The protective shield is gone soon!"

"This countdown is so annoying, it makes me feel panicky"

"It feels like this countdown is recording the last moments of our lives."

"Damn it! The abyss monsters outside are far more powerful than my soldiers. It looks like I will have no choice but to abandon my territory and flee!"

"Hahaha, a bunch of trash. I have packed my territory into an iron wall. Even if thousands of abyss monsters come, I can deal with them calmly!"

"Only those who survive are qualified to continue to fight for supremacy in the territory continent!"

"That’s right, the weak will eventually be eliminated!"

"I am now very curious about the situation of those top lords and super lords. There are probably tens of thousands of abyss monsters lurking outside their territories. Once the countdown is over, those monsters will swarm in!"

"Come on, abyss monsters, crush all these top lords and super lords!"

"I've been annoyed with them for a long time. They just relied on their good luck to expand the territory to such a large size in the early days. Now the retribution has come!"

"It would be best if all the Abyss monsters above seven stars go to their side, crush all the lords on the leaderboard, and reshuffle the cards!"

Countless small lords shouted in the comment area.

This made the top lords angry.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Cheng was even more glad for his decision. Seeing these small lords gloating, he decided to have a taste of the Abyss monsters.

【At twelve o'clock, the protective shield is closed】

【Dear Lords, the Abyss Mist is coming. I wish you all can get through this difficult time smoothly.】

【The Abyss Mist has ended, and there will be rich rewards waiting for you.

The protective shield covering the territory gradually dimmed.

Then it disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, the Abyss monsters roared excitedly.

The harsh sound made people dizzy.

The blood clan warriors and the militia team were already guarding on the city wall. The Abyss monsters that were everywhere twisted their bodies and approached the city wall.

"All team members obey orders, use the city wall as the defense baseline, and eliminate all monsters approaching the city wall!"

"The militia squad listened to the order, aimed at the most densely populated enemy and fired, and cooperated with the blood clan warriors when necessary!"

Boom boom ~

The abyss monsters, together with the remaining wild monsters, rushed from a distance under the cover of black fog.

The noise caused the ground to tremble.

Countless women in the territory hurriedly hid in the house.

The young and strong blood clan men stood outside with simple weapons, ready to fight the monsters that rushed into the city at any time. Even if they were weak, they all had an expression of seeing death as home, and no one was afraid.

Meng Li, who was eating, stopped chewing in her mouth.

Looking at the abyss monsters falling vertically from the sky, the timidity on the little girl's face was gone, but a resolute look.

She may be the worst king of slime.

But she will die gloriously!

At this moment.

A bright and dazzling red light broke out above the temple.

Anna floated above the temple, and the blood-red field spread from her feet to a radius of ten miles.

The sky, the ground, and all the abyss monsters covered by the field were invincible. All of them were crushed into powder and dissipated between heaven and earth.

The Abyss Mist could not enter the domain. They were blocked outside the territory.

The wild monsters hovering in the air fell to the ground one after another. Blood-red thin tubes were inserted into their bodies, sucking their blood to provide nutrients for the maintenance of the domain.

The ground turned into a sea of blood and corpses, with countless floating corpses floating on it. They screamed shrilly, and their bone-like hands pierced into the bodies of the wild monsters, greedily dividing the flesh and blood on them. The murderous aura around Anna seemed to condense into substance. I don’t know how many people she had to kill to form such a murderous aura.

Countless abyss monsters launched attacks one after another.

But they could not escape the same fate as before.

Only a few higher-level abyss monsters survived, but before they approached the city wall, the three defense towers locked on the target in the first time and launched a fatal attack on him.

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