Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 91: A single move affects the entire body, Luo Qi's conjecture

Through the teleportation array.

Jiang Cheng returned to He Yuan's territory.

The same operation was used to take away valuable items in his territory, such as the teleportation array on the ground, and then recycle them.


"Did the Goblin Kingdom send people down?"

When they were about to reach the territory.

Jiang Cheng found a team of goblins riding wild boar beasts, heading towards the previously captured intermediate goblin tribe.

There were not many of them.

There were only a few of them.

But their strength was quite impressive, all of them were five-star.

You should know that five-star goblins can serve as the leader of an intermediate tribe.

Being able to send out such a team means that this group of goblins is likely to be sent by a high-level tribe or their kingdom, and Jiang Cheng couldn't help but become interested.

"Yale, Ale."

"You two go and take down the goblins below, and then torture them severely to force them to tell you the purpose of their trip."


Yale and Ale behind him turned into two afterimages.

Suddenly, the screams of goblins and the dying cries of wild boars were heard from below.

After a severe torture.

The two returned to Jiang Cheng's back.

"My Lord!"

"This team of goblins came from their kingdom, and their purpose is to receive gifts from the mid-level goblin leaders, because their king's birthday will be in ten days. Except for the low-level leaders, every leader must offer gifts."

"The more generous the gifts, the more you will be valued by the goblin king."


He must participate in such a good thing!

After all, he is an old rival with the goblins, and it would be unkind of him not to give some big gifts!

After getting rid of these goblins.

Jiang Cheng returned to the territory.

He happened to meet Lily who brought back the spoils.

"My Lord!"

"This is the spoils we got, please count them. In addition, can you give me more storage rings to transport the energy stones in the mine of the goblin tribe."

Jiang Cheng checked the storage ring in his hand.

There are a lot of miscellaneous things in it, and the only valuable ones are the energy stones.

There are about a million energy stones...

Obviously, they are all corrupt officials who have made a lot of money in that mine.

After piling up the storage rings and the items in the lord's warehouse in the temple, Jiang Cheng handed all the storage rings on hand to Lily.

"After the energy stones in that mine are mined, each group will distribute them by themselves, which will also reduce some of my work."

"In addition, let them return to the territory immediately after the mining is completed."

"There are new combat missions for you!"

Jiang Cheng is preparing to attack a high-level goblin tribe.

It is nearly two hundred miles away.

The geographical location of the high-level goblin tribe is special, because thirty miles away is the high-level dog-headed tribe and the high-level werewolf tribe.

It is considered a border fortress between several major kingdoms.

And behind the high-level goblin tribe is an open plain that can directly reach the capital of the goblin kingdom.

There are only a dozen low-level goblin tribes along the way.

There is not much defense at all.

It can be said that once the high-level goblin tribe falls, the entire Goblin Kingdom will be in crisis, and the rest of the forces can attack directly.

The birthday gift prepared by Jiang Cheng is to destroy the high-level goblin tribe and strip off the coat of the Goblin Kingdom.

At that time, Jiang Cheng does not need to do anything.

The four kingdoms will be affected by a single move and fall into a protracted war, pouring all their national strength on the battlefield.

In this way, Jiang Cheng has an opportunity.

He can defeat them one by one and easily take down the four kingdoms without having to fight tedious battles.

"From the previous map, the number of high-level tribes there is more than three times that of ordinary high-level tribes, and the level of the tribe leader has reached eight stars. It is not realistic to want to wipe them out completely..."

Jiang Cheng thought silently in his heart.

He planned to eliminate the top goblins at that time, and let the small fish and shrimps escape and let them spread the news.

After Lily left.

Jiang Cheng found an interesting scene.

Anna and Luo Qi sat in the secondary castle of the temple, seemingly talking about something, with smiles on their faces, and they looked very harmonious.

Meng Li sat opposite them.

Holding a broken seven-star warhammer in her hand, she had already gnawed away only the handle of the hammer.

She had eaten so much.

The little girl's level had reached five stars.

Her height had increased by two centimeters.

One step closer to adulthood!

"Sister Anna, I didn't expect you to be so easy to get along with."

"I originally thought you were an iceberg goddess, but I didn't expect you to be a caring big sister!"

Luo Qi took Anna's arm, and was very happy in her heart. It had been seven days since she became a lord, and no one was talking to her or chatting with her.

On weekdays, she only chatted with the female lords in her friend list, but they were all busy people. In order to survive, she could only say a few words to her at night.

In addition to chatting with them, she would quarrel with Jiang Cheng, but every time she was mad at her!

Now she finally met a caring big sister who was willing to chat with her and share some things with her.

Let Luo Qi feel that the future life is full of fun.

It won't be too boring.

"Sister Anna, why don't you come back to the territory with me."

"There are good things in my territory. We can chat, sleep and cook together in the lounge of the Saint-class battleship."

"You can get my voidworms back for anything you want. They are still very obedient to me."

"What do you think?"

After spending some time together.

Anna already knew Luo Qi's character, knew that she had no ill will towards the territory, and had no so-called ambitions. She was just an innocent girl, nothing more.

And talking about Jiang Cheng.

Luo Qi would dodge her eyes, her pretty face would blush, her hands and feet would be placed restlessly, and she would become extremely nervous when speaking.

Anna had guessed something.

I don't know what the future results will be like.

But she is still willing to make this friend.

She confessed at the moment: "I can't leave the territory, otherwise I will die."

I will die if I leave the territory, how is this possible!

Luo Qi widened her eyes, and then seemed to associate something with her, her eyes narrowed slightly, and the expression on her face became gnashing.

She understood Anna's words as: I will die if I leave Jiang Cheng.

"Jiang Cheng, this scumbag, must have used some unspeakable means to make Sister Anna love him so much that she can't leave his side."

"If this goes on for a long time, he will expose his unknown evil habits and make Sister Anna voluntarily pose in various shameful actions to satisfy her inner desires."

"It must be like this!"

"I will settle accounts with Jiang Cheng later and save Sister Anna from the dire straits!"

Luo Qi thought to herself, her stomach full of anger.

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