Universal Lords: Create A Shinto Fairyland From Scratch

Chapter 58: Dao Source Fluid Or God-Level Succubus Body?

Then he looked at the information panels of many Valkyries, which were basically carved out of the same mold.

They all had very good attributes, with the blessing of the Tree of Origin and Daoyin Cave Heaven, and they already had good combat power even at the first level.

Luo Yi raised his head and glanced at these girls again, from Yanxia, ​​the West, and the next door. In short, there were many races.

But as the saying goes, there is no order without rules. He patted the Valkyrie closest to him, Ada Mesmer, who was the first to be opened by Luo Yi.

"In the future, you will be the boss of these Valkyries, which is equivalent to my vice-president. I hope you can manage your sisters well."

Two hundred people, and they are the kind of Valkyries who have their own ideas and have received higher education. It is really too troublesome for Luo Xi to manage them directly.

Even when he opened the Xihe Group in his previous life, Bronya assisted in the management.

It's not that Luo Yi is not good at this, but Luo Yi is afraid of trouble, thinking of hundreds of people surrounding him and asking questions.

Uh, Luo Yi felt a little scalp numb when he thought about this situation, so in order to prevent it, Luo Xi decisively adopted the method of "using barbarians to rule barbarians".

Let them manage their own people, and he only needs to be a hands-off boss.

Then, in Ada's somewhat surprised eyes, he patted her shoulder, indicating that his decision was not a problem.

"You also know that it is difficult for one person to manage two hundred people directly, and when you were recruited, you should have been instilled with some knowledge about the heavens and the world."

Hearing this, Ada nodded. It was indeed the case. When she was recruited, there were many memories in her mind that should not belong to her.

At first, Ada was a little panicked, but when she thought that she was already a "dead person" and had memories of her life, she had no worries.

"After several A-class Valkyrie teams, and even the strongest S-class Valkyrie in history, led by Captain Li Suxue, after several days and nights of hard fighting.

In the end, after sacrificing more than half of the Valkyries, including her, they were sent.

Captain Li Suxue recorded that Taixu Sword God directly hit the 'soul' of the Herrscher of Consciousness and successfully killed the Herrscher of Consciousness."

At this time, hearing these strange things after death would definitely be a bit panic, but now it's good, the panic has been eliminated by this school principal with a friendly aura.

I just didn't expect that after death, I was recruited to this world by the school principal I was going to be loyal to for life.

Things are unpredictable! However, Ada looked at the school principal in front of her, although she only called him the school principal because of the instilled memory.

Originally, there were still some grudges in her heart. After all, there was another school principal in the original world, but after seeing this school principal at first sight.

Ada felt that the change of the school principal was not a bad thing. At least she did not mind it very much. Moreover, looking at other familiar faces, those faint smiles.

Ada felt that they should not mind it very much. Moreover, this school principal seemed to have a certain quality that was faintly attractive.

In general, they all agreed with Luo Xi. Moreover, it was only the first time they met, but he trusted them so much.

(Because some information was missing, I was misled by myself.)

"Since it is the task assigned to me by the school principal, I, Ames Moran, will not let the school principal down!"

There was a firm light in his eyes, as if he wanted to take Luo Yi's words as "God's words".

Seeing such a burning gaze looking at him, Luo Yi felt a little embarrassed, especially after seeing "trust".

This is even more embarrassing, if people know that he asked her to be the deputy school principal because he was too lazy to manage.

How embarrassing it would be. After thinking about it, Luo Yi decided to continue what the little girl thought.

"Okay, I hope you don't let me down and play the role of a school principal!

Then, girls, follow me, it's time to prepare a set of equipment for you!"

(Equipment: divided into two parts, external and self-forged, this is the set forged in [Furnace·Heavenly Palace Creation].)

Then, he turned around and walked out with a group of Yingying and Yanyan, with some inexplicable sense of pleasure in his heart, which was very good.

"By the way, the ancients said: Without rules, how can there be a circle!"

On the way, Luo Yi suddenly thought of something. For these Valkyries of his, do we need to establish some rules?

The individuals recruited through the barracks are basically some beings in the heavens and the worlds who have encountered death.

So, each of them is a unique individual, with their own joys, sorrows, anger and happiness, and because they have experienced death, they may have more personality.

It is not like in "Uncrowned Disaster", where the people are just a series of numbers, a group of lifeless images, and a group of consumables that can be consumed at any time.

(Uncrowned Disaster: A war simulator that is popular in almost 90% of high schools in Xianqin. It truly reflects everything that will happen when a cross-border war is carried out. It is used by major schools to cultivate students' foreign war capabilities.)

If you are good to them, they will naturally be good to you. This is a mutual value embodiment, although most of the leaders want more.

In addition, Saint Freya College is not a war-oriented military profession. Of course, under the background of "Honkai Invasion", it may be managed militarized.

However, the barracks are all named Saint Freya College. According to Luo Yi's understanding, the teaching method of this college is more inclined to "freedom".

In order to prevent some of the Valkyries from retaining the habit of "doing their own thing", Luo Xi decided to set some rules, just in case.

Although there is the existence of [Time‧Hall of Valor], Luo Xi feels that a normal person would not want to experience the taste of death, let alone these Valkyries who have experienced it?

"My rules are very simple and direct, there is only one: that is, to protect yourself without affecting the territory."

Whether from a rational or emotional perspective, Luo Yi does not want his "personal belongings" to have any problems.

Rationality and sensibility are a set of opposite words, and Luo Yi is more inclined to rationality.

So Luo Yi added a premise of not affecting the territory before the rule of protecting himself.

However, in the end, he softened his heart [or maybe the memory from a long time ago began to attack the present self.

As a person in power, the most important thing is to put people first!

"Forget it, under certain extreme conditions, this rule can be abolished, just protect yourself."

When Luo Yi recruited Valkyries, Bronya and Kiana's "spiritual consciousness" were also placed here at the same time.

Because of Bronya's existence and Luo Xi himself is more accustomed to "hands-off shopkeeper", the information in the territory is basically transparent.

In this way, it is also known that the soldiers recruited by Luo Yi will only be "beauties", and it can only be.

Besides, in the impression of the two, St. Freya Academy itself is a "women's academy", or in other words, the world of collapse seems to have some malice towards men.

As a result, there are very few men who can become Valkyries and absorb the energy of collapse to strengthen themselves, even rarer than giant pandas.

So, it is understandable that Luo Yi recruited women.

But, what is a little incomprehensible is that Luo Xi seems to be a little gentle, with the kind of "gentle" feeling of "Japanese male protagonist".

It can only be said that another group of ignorant girls are about to step into the bottomless abyss called Luo Yi.

Although the two knew that Luo Yi was essentially an indifferent person.

At least in the past few days of inseparable interaction, Kiana could clearly feel a sense of distance and a sense of coldness.

Although these are basically decreasing, it is obvious that Luo Yi is accepting.

Speaking of coldness, it has been slowly disappearing recently, and it is basically not felt in the past few days.

Hiss, when Kiana thought of this coldness, she felt as if something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong, and she was very distressed!

"Bronya, let's make a bet!"

"Looking" at these young and lively girls from a distance, Kiana suddenly wanted to make a bet with Bronya.

"Bet? What bet?"

Bronya couldn't think of it for a moment. They were both peeping, why did Kiana think of "betting" so suddenly?

Sure enough, she is worthy of being the master of the moon and the sea, her brain circuit is different!

"Don't talk about this first, just say whether you want to bet or not! It's not a bad thing anyway!"

Kiana didn't rush to answer Bronya's question, but induced Bronya to agree to "bet" first.

After thinking about it, based on her confidence in Kiana, Bronya didn't think Kiana could set any trap for her, so she agreed decisively.



When Kiana heard this word, her eyes seemed to have divine light, and she said immediately:

"Then let's bet, how about when these girls will fall? I bet within ten days!"

Although it is a bit unreasonable, Kiana feels that the nature of betting is not good [So what if I am a little bit worse? What bad thoughts can a kitten have?

Hearing this, Bronya smiled dumbly and couldn't help but hold her forehead. She didn't expect that Kiana would start to be clever.

There is still some "empiricism", although she knows that the Kiana next to her at this time is the Kiana who was broken by Luo Xi's territory.

But, looking at Kiana who is almost the same as in the state of Fire Herrscher, Bronya will still involuntarily substitute her for the more "stupid and cute" Kiana.

What can I say? Needless to say, this bet is definitely won by Kiana. Is there any need to think about it?

Ten days is actually a conservative estimate. The physique of the Great Dao Source Flow... To be honest, isn't it really transformed from some succubus physique?

Let's not talk about the holy spirits, which are the essence of "Tao" and have no resistance to Luo Xi.

Let's not talk about Bronya for now. She is Luo Yi's old lover, and Kiana can only be said to be embarrassing. She fell before she could last a day.

The most outrageous thing is actually the maid robots made by Bronya. These can be said to be just beings with a little spiritual intelligence.

After staying by Luo Yi's side for some time, she actually began to consciously treat Luo Yi better.

This is something beyond the program setting. The possibility of self-evolution is not excluded, but she, a holy spirit of truth, is right next to her!

Is this unreasonable evolution really good? Bronya doesn't care about face?

However, this did

make Bronya think of many possibilities, and she also did some experiments for this.

The results of the experiment prove that any creature that stays with Luo Xi for a long time will inevitably be infected with the breath of "Tao".

This has nothing to do with whether Luo Yi hides his breath, it is more like a passive, an instinct.

And those beings that are infected with the breath of Tao will automatically transform into beings similar to "Tao slaves".

But it is more of a transformation of one's own essence. Only beings that are closer to Tao will crave Luo Xi more.

So, in Lonia, Qiahe was also inadvertently tricked.

"Tell me, what is the punishment?"

I don't care much about the punishment. They are already "good sisters who have fought together", and it is impossible to punish them too heavily.

Moreover, according to the current relationship with Kiana, Kiana, to be honest, is more like a child, although sometimes she may be a little smart.

But in essence, she is such a carefree person. Even if she has bad intentions, how bad can she be?

At most, it is to let her design a few more games, or create more food and other things. .

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