"Here they come, someone else is recruiting again."

"Let's take a chance, epic, legendary, or legendary?"

"A true lord should bet big on mythical-level!"

"It's funny, you want to produce mythical-level troops without sacrifices, no one really thinks that you can produce mythical-level troops by luck, right? No way, no way?" A lord sneered.

Everyone looked over,

Oh, isn't this the only lord who produced green light just now?

In a sense, this is also a lucky lord! After all, the probability of producing a mid-level troop is about the same as that of a mythical-level troop!

This lord would like to call him a non-emperor!

The non-emperor lord, seeing these mocking eyes, turned green, as green as the green-skinned lizardman beside him.


a bright light burst out from the altar.

The non-emperor lord stared and clenched his fist, "It's not purple!"

It's not purple, which means that no mythical troops were drawn!


It doesn't seem to be blue either?

It doesn't seem to be green either?

Is it still white?

The non-royal lord stared blankly, this blooming brilliant light, it is bright and immortal with some white.

It seems to be... is...

It is noble gilded!

"Oh my god!"

It's just that it... is white with gold, exuding a sense of nobility, supremacy, and eternity

"Draw out the golden true god!!"

"Wife, come out and see the gods!!"

The brilliant golden light spread rapidly, filling the entire vast interior space of the Heroic Soul Tavern.

The lords were stunned, sluggish, and shocked!

This is an ordinary lord, with little experience and weak tolerance.

In the tavern,

In addition to the dwarf Hott, there are several great lords.

They watched coldly and didn't care.

Their purpose is to observe the lords who use sacrifices to see what level and what type of sacrifices can be recognized by the Heroic Soul Tavern. Then prepare yourself.

Prepare everything, and then use up the recruitment quota before the tavern moves.

The great lords are not in a hurry.

This is the pride, steadiness, and patience of a great lord.

However, at this moment,

the pride fell to the ground, and the steadiness was fed to the dog.

The elegant vampire count's eyes widened and almost fell out.

The proud dragon lord opened his mouth and his chin dropped to the ground.

The dwarf lord Hott was the same.

"This, this, this, this... this is not a tavern!"

Can the Heroic Soul Tavern really recruit true god-level soldiers?


This human lord just didn't use any sacrifices!

No sacrifices! ! !

In the dazzling golden light, the lords were stunned.

And in the golden light,

a strong figure finally walked out.

Holding a huge hammer.

With a long white beard.

From the appearance and style, he was probably a dwarf... but he was not short, "I am Lu Tie, and I greet the lord."

The voice of the dwarf Lu Tie was deep.

Rolling and spreading.

Awakening all the lords.

"It's really golden light!"

"Is this the existence of the potential of a true god? But it seems that it is also

(Giant King Sidon: ... He has become a unit of measurement?)

Still very strong.

Not very strong? I always feel that it is not as good as Giant King Sidon."

Compared with the giant king who appeared dozens of meters tall, mighty and domineering, and had fought against many mythical beings in the sky, the dwarf is very strong, but the visual impact is indeed poor.

Most lords think so.

The great lord understands that things cannot be judged by appearances.

The dwarf Hott looked at Lu Tie, his eyes gradually excited.

"You are..."

"It is the first forger of the Sig Dwarf Kingdom eight hundred years ago, the god craftsman Lu Tie?!!"

"The existence that once forged a true artifact and caused the entire sky to explode?!!"

Sig Dwarf Kingdom?

In the tavern, a great lord with extraordinary knowledge recalled that this country was once prosperous eight hundred years ago, and was a hundred times and a thousand times more powerful than the tribe led by the Giant King!

There are many dwarf demigods in the kingdom.

It is said that they have developed tools that can kill demigods with mortal power.

They even want to develop artifacts that can defeat true gods.

The first forger, the Godsmith Lu Tie, is the leader of this god-killing plan!

And the title of Godsmith...

Combined with the words of the great lord Hott.

Could it be that...

This dwarf Lu Tie really forged the artifact of the true god and was promoted to the first level of Godsmith? !

Lu Tie shook his head, "The artifact was forged, but it failed in the end. I couldn't resist the punishment of heaven. I'm not a god craftsman yet, but he clenched his fist.

Combined with some memory fragments.

I found that his body at this time was still weak, but it contained a trace of divinity.

It seemed that he could climb up step by step and reach the sky.

Lu Tie's eyes gradually became fanatical.

Jiang Yi opened his panel.

[Lu Tie]

[Professional rank: Forging Grandmaster (Half-step God Craftsman)]

[Level: Elementary Level 8]

[Upper limit: Lower True God]

[Skills: Thunder Punishment Hammer Method, Weapon Master, Supernatural Craftsmanship]

(Weapon Master: When making knives, swords, hammers, long handles, scrolls and other weapons, the material consumption is reduced by 10%~30%.)

(Supernatural Craftsmanship: When making weapons and equipment, there is a 0.1%~5% probability to increase the equipment grade by one level, up to a semi-artifact)

[Loyalty: 85 (recruited through neutral buildings, the initial loyalty of the troops is low, special recruitment +20.)]

Half-step to the Godly Craftsman!

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