"Brother Chen Mo, this is purely a misunderstanding! I'll order some more fresh meat from you. "

Wang Yifeng gritted his teeth and said.

Seeing that Chen Mo didn't speak, he hesitated, but still directly beat the money.

He's really anxious right now.

One head bag!

His old son called just now in a fit of rage, and that tone almost ate him.

Limit him to one day to put things in order!

He didn't do anything!

What are you asking me to solve?!

Wang Yifeng wanted to cry.

But no way, now people all over the world think he is a fool!

But in fact, only he knows that he has been wronged!

Whoever started the trouble should end it... After thinking about it, he had to bite the bullet and ask Chen Mo for it.

Before he opened his mouth to ask for someone, he directly called Wang Yifeng with the money first.

The other party is still very sensible.

Directly say that this is the money to buy meat, and absolutely do not leave Chen Mo with the handle of blackmailing others.

It is an attitude of asking people to do things.

However, Chen Mo is for the sake of money, a full 5 drops of evolution potion!

Nodded and agreed.

And then,

He posted a long article in the newcomer area, explaining the cause and effect.

There is no mention of Wang Yifeng in it, but everyone who has read it can understand.

"Alas..... I didn't expect it to be like this. "

"That Wang Yifeng was indeed wronged."

"Haha, it turned out that everyone suspected that Wang Yifeng was a fool, but now it's okay, don't doubt it, he is a pure fool, and he is actually the biggest wrongdoer in this accident."

"Yes, this fool also caused me to lose so much money!"

"Without his-stirring stick, this is a normal transaction!"


Wang Yifeng, who originally thought that he had been cleared of the crime, suddenly dizzy when he saw this last comment.

Even more desperate, he found:

What the other party said makes sense.

If you think about it, he inexplicably carried a black pot and contributed 100 million to Chen Mo for nothing.

What is this not stupid?

The more he looked at the comments in the newcomer area, the darker his face became.

All kinds of jokes are coming.

Trembling with anger

Finally, it was dark in front of me and fainted.


"Wait! Could it be that only I noticed that Boss Chen Mo had already opened the portal? "

There are still many masters in the newcomer area.

The point is not at all whether it is good to sell meat or not!

"Gan.... The hidden information of this article is amazing! "

"Open the portal, this is... One man fights the will of the planet alone and turns the world upside down? "

"Hiss... It turns out that this is the real big guy! Silent efforts, finally surprised everyone! "

"Maa How many days has it only been to harden the will of the planet? Is the big guy leg still missing a pendant? "

"Chen Mo is awesome!"

"Whew..... Chen Mo has already made hundreds of millions of dollars, and in order to resist the beast tide, I didn't earn a penny, and I also posted millions of dollars. "

"Hee-hee..... I'm a sister~There is a project of hundreds of millions, and I want to talk to Chen Mo about it~~"

"Is Big Guy Chen Mo here? I am the son of the Xiahai City Gray Steel Foundation, and I want to make friends with you! "

Nai Feitian: "I'm not as good as Chen Mo at present." "

The Great Wilderness: "Admire below." "

"Kneel and beg Chen Mo for advice, how to open the portal in advance!"

"Kneel together!"


After Chen Mo finished posting, he muted his watch.

Take the little fox and go out to tour your planet!

At this time, the planet has returned to calm.

The forest torn apart by the Tyrannosaurus hurricane has also been restored by growing tall mushrooms.

Everywhere, animals and plants live peacefully.

Get along with the mushroom forest.

Of course, they all parasitize "mushrooms" in their bodies.

Chen Mo calls this "parasitic spores."

With a single thought, he could already control almost any large animal.

It can even make the animal open its mouth, and countless terrifying mycelium will be protruded inside, bursting like tentacles, and spreading around.

This evil and weird scene can scare people stupidly.

Everyone couldn't even tell what Chen Mo's race was.

Because of its form, there are many changes!

With the enhancement of 'parasitizing' and 'growing' abilities.

This weird ability will continue to get stronger!

Even falling on the surface of the living creature, immediately grow mycelium, mycelium spreads, pierces into the animal's body, first uses 'hallucinogenic' ability, then 'grows' 'phagocytosis', after analyzing genes, obtains bonuses, and then launches 'parasitism'!

Nourish flesh and blood and infect everything!

Imagine a planet contaminated with a parasitic spore.

The next moment, all objects began to grow mycelium, and the entire planet was occupied by mushrooms, draining all nutrients.

The whole world seems to be cancerous, full of rotten, spreading hyphae.

"It smells like an evil god."

Chen Mo's eyelids jumped just when he thought about that picture.

All this, not impossible!

At this time, he almost controlled the entire planet.

Next, as long as you build a neural network, you can try to replace the will of the planet and condense the star soul!

Star soul, the condensation of the consciousness of all beings.

This is the ability to use the power of 'will'.


"This... How so. "

Luo Bing looked at Chen Mofa's explanation.

A sluggish look.

It's completely different from what she speculated!

"Wait.... If this was the case, wouldn't it mean that Chen Mo knew from the beginning that he could open the portal. "

"That is to say..... He defeated the will of the planet? "

It's not only Luo Bing who thinks like this, but many geniuses have thought of this problem.

This is the most important information!

"Chen Mo..... Is it so strong..."

Luo Bing muttered.

At the same time, she thought of another thing, that is, why Chen Moken came out to refute the rumors.

"Wang Yifeng must have given money."

She still knows the way the consortium behaves.

And this matter, no matter how you look at it, also needs to spend money to settle it.

"That is to say..... I used Chen Mo again? "

"Abominable.... So cunning..."

Thinking of this, Luo Bing gritted his teeth.

This is the second time she has been prostituted by Chen Mobai!

The first time, the other party bought her goods at a low price.

The second time was to use her rhythm with Wang Yifeng.

"Hmph! Temporarily rely on special conditions to lead, it's nothing, the channel is open in 4 days, I must find the field! "

"Chen Mo, you wait for me... No matter what exclusive race you are, I must surpass you. "

"I want to become the female emperor, the strongest star god in the world!"

Luo Bing is full of fighting spirit.


PS: Roll around all over the ground for flowers


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