Chen Mo and Mu Yao negotiated, sent an invitation, and lay down on the bed.

He needs a good night's sleep.

But before that, he habitually added the shelves again.

What is bought by someone should be shipped, and what is less should be replenished.

At the same time, Chen Mo casually put the gains from the battle just now on the table.

A dozen magic weapons, strange magic devices that he couldn't talk about, and some strange magic books and the like.

Even, a few goblins were placed up.


This can also be sold.

Some planets may need some smarter minions, or slaves because of their special conditions.

Of course, the goblins have a low price because of their appearance.

But how much money can be earned.

Naturally, magic weapons are also needed by many low-energy planets.

These have buyers.

In short, plunder the rest of the planet, there are many things that can be sold, and the market is very broad.


"Cargo on the shelf, magic device. Method: Auction. "

"Starting price: 10,000 yuan"

"Large magic crystals on the shelves. Method: Auction. Remarks: High purity, close to no impurity level, girls' own use, 95 new. "

"Starting price: 120,000 yuan"

Chen Mo didn't know the specific value of these devices and magic weapons.

He also didn't have much in-depth knowledge of the magic crystal.

There is no need to study it carefully, either

After all, those who need it must be clear about the value.

Use auctions to get the market to bid fully.

Those who need it the most will naturally give the right price.


These magic items have just hit the shelves

The newcomer area is boiling.

The first newcomer to sell goods, appeared!

"Groove? Or Chen Mo big guy? "

"Gan..... Which of the previous brushes said that Chen Mo's boss is from the 'barren planet', get out! "

"There are always brushes who like to bring rhythm, and Boss Chen Mo is clearly the rhythm of 'high-level heavenly civilization'!"

"Shhhhh With so much equipment, according to the configuration ratio, Chen Mo big guy this is slaughtering an indigenous army i team? "

"There is no mistake, this channel has just opened..."

"Woooo I was called back by the natives. "

"Alas, who isn't, this indigenous is also too strong, does anyone know what the civilization level of Chen Mo's boss is?"

For a while, the newcomer area was full of discussions about Chen Mo.

After all, his speed is too fast.

Some people even wondered if Chen Mo had made these himself.

Deliberately taken out is a loot.

This kind of thing has not happened before.

In order to be famous and attract the attention of big forces, many newcomers like the "performance" of jumping up and down.

Someone voiced this skepticism.

But.... This does not affect Chen Mo's sale.

After all, whether you made it yourself or not, something will not be fake!

Especially that superb crystal, many people snatched it.

This thing is used as an ornament alone, and it is all top gem level.

What's more, it also possesses pure magic!

Bids are rising almost all the time.

"Gan.... It's fake, it's still for the girl's own use, whose sister wants such a big magic crystal, this is at least an intermediate mage. "

"Huh.... This Chen Mo is obviously deceiving people! "

"Don't be fooled, Chen Mo's things, dogs don't buy them!"

Everyone said so.

The "don't buy" brushed the screen.


The auction price, however, is swishing upward.

Even, it is directly proportional to "not buying".

The more you call for not buying, the more you secretly raise the price yourself!

"! You dogs! "

There was a slow response, looked at it for a long time, and then looked at the bidding price, and suddenly reacted.

And then broke the mouth and cursed.


"I can see that the previous news that Chen Mo is a 'barren planet' was also turned up by garbage with ulterior motives!"

"Yes, smear my eldest brother!"

"Roll the calf upstairs, when did my father become your brother?" Less climbing relatives! "

For a while, Chen Mo's wind evaluation actually improved.

Many people tap water Chen Mo.

After all, anyone can see that Chen Mo is afraid that he is very strong!

The strong, there are people to worship.

Many people also called out dad and the like.


"It can't be..... How is he so strong! "

Wang Yifeng finally plucked up his fighting spirit.

At this moment, taking a look at the newcomer area, he was in a trance.

In front of him, his army of several thousand is so difficult, and in the hands of the natives, he did not take too much advantage.

He couldn't help but be secretly anxious!

"Don't panic.... No rush..."

He took a deep breath and cheered himself up.

Think of tens of billions of assets in your home and a strong network.

Wang Yifeng gradually calmed down.

"I was born in Rome, full of confidence, some are capital, just stabilize it, I can't make a follow-up force, let Chen Mo show the limelight first!"


"How can it be so strong..... And such a superb crystal..."

Luo Bing muttered.

Some can't believe it.

She finally rushed through the portal, and then used the angel's talent to hide the location of the portal.

Really ready to command himself a dozen angels and kill all sides.

Who knows, everyone else has finished a battle, look at this booty..."If I come, I can't do it." "

Luo Bing looked solemn.

"But it's okay, my angel is very strong, can still fly, and has an absolute advantage on a low-energy planet!"

"And the planet I chose is the most valuable, using the special sensing energy of angels, I only need to find a few rich deposits and send it."

"Gotta hurry up and loot a group of cities along the way!"

"Chen Mo must also personally go out on the horse, working hard, I definitely can't lag behind!"

Luo Bing thought.

Originally, she didn't want to be so radical.

But..... Chen Mo's performance gave her a sense of urgency.

You know, a little behind every day, accumulate a month, that gap is too big.


At this time, Chen Mo, who was sleeping soundly, did not know that some of the "bargains" he casually hung up were sought after.

It also caused a lot of controversy.

Even many geniuses have changed their strategies.

Vowed to compete with Chen Mo!

After all, they are all young people, who claim to be geniuses, and no one wants the big stage of the newcomer area, which has always been Chen Mo's sole leader!


PS: Ask for flowers ~~


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