"Mr. Chen Mo, what do you think?"

Mu Yao saw that Chen Mo did not speak, and tried to ask again.

At this time, she was very apprehensive in her heart.

This business is very important to her!

If not, she will have to go bankrupt.

"How about 130,000, this is already the highest price I can afford."

Seeing that Chen Mo still did not speak.

Mu Yao bit her lip and said again

"It's not a secret, in fact, I have encountered a great dilemma in the operation of the planet, I signed a batch of agreements with people to supply high-purity crystals, and it is about to expire.

But the mine planet under my name was invaded by aliens, and now I am still fighting for the planet with all my strength, and I can't mine it at all, but the agreement does not wait for anyone. "

"When the time comes, I can't get a sufficient number of crystals, I will definitely go bankrupt, will.... It will be very embarrassing. "

"Because of the foreign war of the mother planet, I couldn't collect high-purity crystals for a while, and at present, I have basically spent all my savings, and I have only collected half of the amount."

"If you ask for a price further, I won't be able to pay."

Mu Yao simply confessed and gave great sincerity.

This is a self-detonating disadvantage.

However, it is also equivalent to revealing the bottom line.

Tell Chen Mo clearly, don't think about taking advantage of more, she can't afford it at all!


So that's what happened.

No wonder the other party is so proactive.

At this time, Chen Mo had already dealt with the matter over there.

After a moment of silence, he said


"But..... 110,000 will do. "


Proactive price reduction?

Lower than the 12 said at the beginning!

Mu Yao looked stunned

"But Mr. Chen, I really can't prescribe the rest of the conditions."

She is well aware that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

"No, you can afford it."

Chen Mo smiled slightly.

"I have only one provitic: you must eat all the high-purity magic crystals I produce in the next 1 year, and the price must be 110,000."

Chen Mokai's conditions are very harsh.

The average person, unless the brain is in the water, will never accept it.

Because, this means:

Unconditionally accept the crystal sold by the other party, without any initiative at all.

It's equivalent to becoming an ATM!

You know, the average price of magic crystals is 100,000.

At the beginning of this year, the unit price of magic crystals was even only 80,000.

Because of the special period in September, the price rose to 100,000.

So, 110,000 is a very high price.

It is almost impossible to appear in normal times.

But if it succeeds, let people eat for a full year.

Far more than the 130,000 unit price bought and sold with a hammer, it is much more.

Chen Mo quite has a stable income channel.

With the same number of crystals, earn at least 10% more than others!

The lead can be further expanded, and in this regard, the advantage will be maintained for at least a year!

"Actually.... You can still play like this.... Business ghosts..."

While Mu Yao was surprised in his heart, he couldn't help but glance at Chen Mo.

Unexpectedly, this person is not only handsome, but also has strong racial strength.

Business acumen is actually first-class.

Think fast.

This additional condition, there is no doubt that she must be losing money.

However, the loss is not necessarily more than a hammer of 130,000!

Carefully analyze a wave:

How much she loses depends on how many crystals Chen Mo can obtain in the next year.

The more she has, the more she loses.

Even far more than 13 a hammer sale.

"But Chen Mo is a new person... Without his own mineral planet, if he plunders other planets, not every one of them may have magic crystal output, even if he has so many crystals every day this week, for me, he can eat. "

"To be on the safe side, even if I double it, I can sell it for 130,000."

"This wave is not a loss."

After weighing the pros and cons,


Mu Yao made a choice.

"I promise."

She didn't really have a choice.

After all, although the price of 110,000 yuan is expensive, it can help her get through the current difficulties.

Even she had to thank Chen Mo for giving her this chance to catch her breath.

Or she'll have to go bankrupt.

Wait until you have this batch of crystals to cope with the contract.

She can breathe a sigh of relief and reclaim the planet.

At that time, there will be a lot of surplus funds.

Even if she doesn't recycle the planet, she can barely save her capital if she tries hard.

It will not be overwhelmed and bankrupt directly.

At most, it is just a white job for Chen Mo.


Chen Mo said.

Both were clean and neat people who signed the agreement on the spot.

"That.... I'll take this batch away first, and I'll pay you later. "

Mu Yao said.

"Wait a minute, there are some more."

Chen Mo snapped his fingers.

"Okay, that's just right."

Mu Yao was overjoyed in her heart.

There are more words, best!

Pay off the crystals owed over there in one go!

She looked happily in the direction of the planetary passage


A light began to shine.

A little,

Two points,

Ten o'clock,



The light is connected.

Shining into a sea of crystals.

This is, the luster of wealth.

Mu Yao looked at it and was dumbfounded.

"You.... You call this some? "

Oh, my God..... How could there be so many!

Is this ransacking the entire planet?!

Her eyes widened and she turned her head to look at Chen Mo.


Whining..... This is not bullying!

Whitely prostituted!

So many crystals, don't say 110,000, it's 80,000, she can't afford to pay!

Mu Yao's heart collapsed, and she wanted to cry.


PS: Roll around all over the ground for flowers


Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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