There is a chance to get back your Nether core.

With the help of the hand of the God of Wisdom, you can unlock the secrets of the entire Nether core.

Reap the benefits of the fisherman!

But.... Phimilis was not happy.

Because her plan doesn't necessarily work.

On Chen Mo's side, the pressure on her was too great.

Now she sits high on the throne of the palace, but looking at the various servants and people crawling below, how she looks, how she feels that there is a treacherousness.

"What means did Chen Mo use?"

"How can you determine where the infected person is?"

"Which one.... Should it be purified? "

The servants who were swept by her trembled one by one.

I don't know the great gods, I don't know what's going on, and suddenly I play a game at the stake!

After several rounds of trying, repeatedly checking the entire planet, Phimilis couldn't find fault at all.

"If only I could be 100% sure..."

Phimilis thought silently in her heart.

At this moment, suddenly a servant's face changed, and the only one who was confirmed to be infected appeared!

However, Chen Mo took the initiative to expose it.

"Well, don't try, this is the basis of our cooperation."

Listening to the constantly mutating servant 733, vomiting in her mouth was in a mushroom, by the way, she couldn't help but change her face.

Is this the basis for cooperation?

You tell me clearly, what is cooperation?

What the fuck is called collaboration??

This is clearly a naked threat!

But to her annoyance, the threat really worked.

This means that if she were to escape, she would not be able to take any living beings with her.

Each of them may have been infected.

Even when she looked at the food served by the servants, she suddenly felt that the food was suddenly rotting or that mushrooms had grown on it.

Just thinking about it, she has a cleanliness fetish, and she is a snort on the spot, sweaty and upside down.


Lady Luck snorted coldly, and flames rose, burning the servant to ashes along with the mushrooms.

When everything subsided, the look of worry gradually disappeared from the face of Lady Luck.

Instead, the corners of the mouth are outlined with a hint of arc.

This terrible infection is really powerful.

But.... Do you really think she can't help it (agbe)?

She can't find out who is infected, but any possible contact, with a touch of fate, she can easily find them all, and then isolate them all and study them well.

"Chen Mo.... This is your initiative to expose and send you research materials~"

Lady Luck smiled triumphantly.

"Great Goddess, you summoned me?"

I didn't see any movement from Lady Luck, and above the main hall, there was suddenly a fluttering figure, gradually solidified, and crawled on the ground.

"Go, call the Elf Goddess and the Goblin Goddess, etc., and prepare to hold a faction meeting."

"I have good things to show them!"

Divine Terra.

Chen Mo looked at the solemn Femilis through the perspective of the fairy, and couldn't help but smile.

Since the other party dares to agree to this cooperation, he must be thinking of being able to get benefits from it.

The two are now working together and competing to get a relationship. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Frightening Femilith and showing his strength appropriately, Chen Mo turned his gaze and looked at the Fortress.

At this point,

Requiem has long washed over the planet.

Luckily, that evolutionary condition appeared!

This is also the reason why Chen Mo dared to block with Femilis and play this cooperative game!

His infection control ability is about to advance by leaps and bounds again!

It can even have an influence on the gods.

Chen Mo believed that it was impossible for Femilis to endure it, and she would definitely find someone to study.

【Ding! 】

[Your race uses the power of the Star Soul World, combined with core genes such as growth and devouring, and obtains the opportunity to evolve under the special conditions of using Requiem to destroy the will of the planet! ]

The parasitic ability has been greatly improved! Your population is able to change the genes of the rest of the species through energy radiation to generate mushroom genes and complete the infection in the air!

Your infection control skills have been greatly enhanced! 】

At the same time, Chen Mo's watch also vibrated slightly, and a large number of federal announcements were swiped out.

[Congratulations to Chen Mo, Lord of the Star Soul! ] You once again defeated a Celestial Temple race in the form of an extinction order, and your outstanding performance gained federal attention! 】

[You occupy a new planet, you can choose to occupy it, or sell it directly! ] 】

[Warning: Because of your attack, the Celestial Temple seems to have a new move, you will become the key to affecting the battle situation, please act cautiously to prevent traps! ] 】

"Infected by energy!"

Behind the announcement of the Federation, Chen Mo glanced at it and directly skipped it.

With such a strong parasitic ability, are you still afraid of the Heavenly God Temple?

Warning or something, but Chen Mo was even more excited.

Now, he needed a lot of hatred from the Heavenly God Temple.

"So this is the ultimate parasitism? Far beyond what I think of embedded genes, but further, has detached from the form of matter, but through energy, interfere with matter! "

"Directly twisting the gene strand? From the microscopic level, mushroom genes are directly generated...."

"Isn't this a crucial step on the road to consciousness infection?"

Chen Mo endured the excitement, and between the flashes of his thoughts, he chose a suitable target.

Inside a huge Heavenly God Temple battleship, a crew member suddenly exploded his head, and mushrooms grew wildly.

But no one around panicked.

Because on this battleship, there are gods!

The next moment, the infection was directly removed, and the spores spreading in the surrounding air were directly destroyed by the purified light.

"Hmph! It's that Chen Mo, it seems that we have to check again, all those who have contact with the personnel just now, are isolated! "

A beautiful long-eared deity with a faint opening.

"Yes.... Her Royal Highness! "

A researcher wearing rune protection spoke respectfully.

However, when the researcher turned around, a trace of color flashed in his eyes.

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